Game of Thrones Search

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Posts will take two or three days, vacation over
Sep 20, 2014
First off, for those looking for some more information on me, feel free to check out my search thread in the long-term section as I'm going to keep this one fairly short and simple.

Basically, Game of Thrones/ASoIaF is a fandom I'm particularly craving right now, and I'm looking for any partners willing to play one or two episodes based in that universe. Though I'm potentially open to something long-term, the nature of this search is more short-term. Although I'd like to add that, as far as posting size is concerned, I'd still prefer at least 2 or 3 paragraphs instead of one-liners.

As far as characters go I'd be willing to play either canon or originals, and same can apply to you. If I were to play a canon however, my personal preference would be towards playing Meera, Myranda, Arya, Yara/Asha, Brienne, Sansa, Lyanna, Margaery, Cersei, Dany or potentially one of the Sandsnakes. (So basically most everyone could be on the table.)

For originals the sky is the limit really. And same goes for plots, I have plenty concepts I'd love to try and always enjoy brainstorming too.

To get an idea of my kinks feel free to check out my f-list, though beware, I do love darker content. And if interested, I'm looking forward to a pm. ^^
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