The Plot Cove [M/F -- Fandoms included]

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Jan 30, 2017
Hello there! I'm Adrianna and I'm looking to doing some roleplaying! I'm in my second year of university and as a result I would prefer if, for all the plots below, my partners be 18+. I tend to dabble in matue themes and it's uncomfortable to do with anyone younger than 18.

Before we get to the plots/ideas, here are some rules. I know what you're thinking but there's gotta be rules. There aren't that many though! Most are just expectations and preferences.


• AGE -- As I stated, I will only roleplay with those that are above 18+. I include mature themes and if this isn't okay with you, then we aren't really a good fit.

• CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS -- I am a female therefore I primarily play female roles. I also only do MxF pairings. No offense to anyone, it's just a personal preference. I can also be convinced to double.

• POST LENGTH -- I'm not picky. I tend to match my partner's length, but I can't go below two paragraphs. That's a minimum and that won't change.

• ACTIVENESS -- I understand people have lives so I won't bother you for replies, but I would prefer if my partner could give me a reply a day, if not more. More is definitely better but not required.

• LITERACY -- I prefer a partner with a good grasp of the English language and someone who is addquate with grammar. English isn't my first language but it's the only language I know. I like well structure sentences. If they're choppy or it looks like you haven't put any effort into writing, I will lose interest easily.

• OOC -- I love OOC chat and getting to know my partner so don't hesitate to talk to me!

• IDEAS -- I want a partner who is going to be equally invested in the roleplay, rather than just reply 'okay' or 'sure' to every suggestion I give. I want you to plot with me, make changes, tell me your ideas. If not, I lose interest very quickly.

• SMUT -- Certain plots of mine are smut heavy but unless specified, I don't like smut to take over the roleplay. I like a good plot along with all the sex. And also, I don't like to finish it off in one or two posts. I like the tension and the build up and I want a partner who structures the scenes well rather than just getting everything over in one go.

• ROMANCE -- All my plots are romance heavy because I'm a hopeless romantic. Unless specified, I don't like it to start with ronance or dive into it. I like the chase, the slow build, the heated moments.

• LIMITS -- No bathroom play or bestiality. I don't indulge in anything anime related or anything like furries or slave/master type relationships. If we do a harem I like it to be a reverse harem. PM me for more on kinks and stuff.

That's it for rules! Below are the plots :3


• Bold = Preferred role
• ** = Craving
• !! = Smut heavy

1) Bon Appetite **!!

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Muse A is in a committed relationship. Muse A loves their significant other dearly, but in the last couple of months, their spark has definitely fizzled out. Uncertain that they will find what they’re looking for if they break things off with their partner, Muse A tries their best to subtly improve the intimacy in their relationship; unfortunately, their partner sees nothing wrong with the conventional way they do things, so nothing changes. One night, Muse A’s significant other makes plans with an old friend from school–a double date for dinner. Muse B knew Muse A’s lover in high school; they were close friends until one of them moved across the country for college. The couples meet at a fancy restaurant and the old friends catch up over drinks and appetizers. The whole while, Muse A can’t help but notice that their lover’s old friend is making eyes at them across the table. Thrilled by the idea that another person finds them desirable, when their own partner hardly seems to anymore, Muse A makes a bold move–sliding their foot against Muse B’s leg beneath the table. The seductive act is received by Muse B with a subtle smirk and a light nod of approval. By the time entrees are served, Muse A and Muse B manage to slip out of the restaurant for a quick encounter. They make their way back to the table and act as normally as possible, adrenaline pumping through their veins over the bad thing they’ve done and can’t wait to do again. Plans are eagerly made for another dinner date while Muse A and Muse B are already thinking of how they can raise the stakes.

2) Strictly Business

Muse A is a wealthy CEO who runs their own fortune 500 company in a bustling city. Muse A is in their 30s-40s and has been married to their college sweetheart for 12 years, though the passion between them has long since fizzled out. Muse B is a 20-something, fresh out of college, possessing a business degree and needing to get their foot in the door of the business world. Muse B is lucky enough to be hired by Muse A’s firm and becomes Muse A’spersonal assistant/secretary. Muse A and Muse B exchange pleasantries from day to day, but don’t socialize much beyond the details of their business together. One evening, Muse B gets a call from Muse Aasking a favor. Muse A must go to a charity gala and their spouse is not able to attend; they want Muse B to attend the event with them. Muse B is flattered and agrees to go for the sake of not letting their boss down.

Muse A sends a private car for Muse Balong with an expensive outfit for them to wear. When Muse B arrives at the gala, they are blown away by the elegant venue. Champagne is flowing freely and Muse Alooks attractive as ever in formal wear. Throughout the evening, Muse A reveals a playful, charming side to Muse B that they don’t get to see in the office. Muse A is flirtatious even, lightly touching the small of Muse B’s back, sliding their arm around Muse B’s shoulder, complimenting Muse B in front of business associates. Muse Bknows that they shouldn’t read to heavily into Muse A’s flirtation, because Muse A is married and they work together, but it’s difficult not to get swept up.

When the gala is over, Muse A insists that they retire to the hotel room they’ve reserved upstairs until they’ve sobered up some. Muse B agrees to stay and the pair takes the elevator up to a penthouse suite, the likes of which Muse B has only seen on luxury blogs and in travel magazines. Fueled by a mutual attraction and champagne, Muse A makes a bold move on Muse B, crossing professional and marital lines. Muse B feels guilty the next morning, knowing that Muse A is married, but the attraction between boss and employee can no longer be ignored. Over the course of the following weeks, Muse Aand Muse B embark on a secret affair; sharing intimate moments between business meetings, going away on overnight “business trips” together, indulging in private shopping sprees with Muse B’s platinum card.

3) Sharing is Caring? **!!

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[Note that I will require someone to play both males on and off for this but primarily Muse C]

Muse A has been dating Muse B for a few weeks. They have a lot of things in common and the physical attraction that drew them to one another initially is obvious. It isn’t long before an infatuated Muse B takes Muse A home to meet their family, which apparently only consists of their older sibling, Muse C. Muse B and Muse C are super close, on account of their parents passing away when just after Muse C’s 18th birthday. Rather than letting their sibling become ward of the state, Muse C took over guardianship of their younger sibling and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Muse B knows that Muse A must meet Muse C’s approval before they get any more serious with their relationship. When Muse A and Muse C meet, it’s a bit tense. Muse Cwants to make sure Muse A is going to treat their younger sibling right. Despite a few uneasy minutes of grilling, Muse Cseems to approve. Everyone breathes easier. Over time, Muse C and Muse Aform a bond, even hanging out when Muse B isn’t around. Eventually, Muse C lets it slip that they are attracted to Muse A and though surprised, Muse A can’t help but give in to temptation. Despite the clear potential of hurting Muse B, who’s dear to both Muse A and Muse C, the pair fool around behind Muse B’s back unable to deny their own chemistry.

4) Runaway Love

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Muse A meets Muse B on the evening of Muse B’s wedding to a brutish, foreign diplomat. Muse A is working the catering hall for the event and encounters Muse B crying in her dressing room before the wedding ceremony begins. It’s obvious to Muse A that Muse B wants nothing to do with this marriage, and that she is only doing it because she is forced to. As the processional hymn begins and the wedding party begins to walk down the aisle, Muse A makes the split decision to take Muse B’s hand and sneak her out of the venue. Muse B knows that her husband-to-be is a dangerous man and despite her fear that they’ll be pursued, Muse B goes on the run with Muse A.

5) Summer House

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A group of friends decide to rent a beach house together for one month of summer. Due to a terrible thunderstorm on the day that everyone is supposed to arrive, only Muse A and Muse B show up on the first afternoon. Weather conditions become so poor that the roads are closed and the rest of their friends aren’t able to make it until the storm clears up (2 days later). On their own for the first weekend, Muse A and Muse B bond, exploring the house, cooking together, talking until morning, eventually giving in to a strong physical attraction between them the night before everyone else arrives. The only problem is, Muse A is dating one of the friends who hasn’t arrived yet, but hasn’t mentioned this to Muse B. The truth comes out when the rest of the group arrives.

6) The Mile High Club **!!

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Muse A and Muse B are on a flight to a far away island, for a destination wedding. Muse A is about to be married to Muse B’s best friend. The bride and groom-to-be are on separate flights, due to Muse A wanting to adhere to the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony. Muse A is seated in first class with Muse B and her maid of honor; the maid of honor is fast asleep. The rest of the wedding party is flying coach. Muse A and Muse B stay awake for the majority of the flight’s duration, reflecting on shared memories, and flirting with an attraction that’s been buried for the sake of both of their relationships with the groom-to-be. Spurred on by liquid courage, Muse B propositions Muse A for a one time , get-it-out-of-our-systems fling several thousand feet in the air. It’s their last chance to see what it’d be like to be lovers. Will Muse A take it? Will there be a wedding?

7) Room for One More !!

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[Note that I will require someone to play both males on and off for this but primarily Muse A]

Muse A has been looking for a place to live for awhile now, having recently moved out of their parents’ place, bunking with a friend here and there. After searching a few ads online, Muse A finds a nice place just within their budget. Even if Muse A has to share with two others, it’s a steal that they would regret passing up. When they meet up with the other residents, Muse B and Muse C, Muse A realizes fairly quickly that they are a couple, one that doesn’t mind flaunting their passion for each other. Muse A draws the conclusion that the reason for rent being so reasonable is most likely that others would not want to be subjected to the couples’ open displays of affection, but Muse A still decides to take the room; Muse B and Muse C’s intimacy doesn’t really bother them. Muse C is usually at home the most, while Muse B tends to work long, spontaneous shifts. Though Muse A attempts to keep to their own business, Muse C seems extremely interested in whatever they’re doing, tending to find ways to be around them. Muse A’s growing infatuation with Muse C becomes quite obvious, especially when Muse C does small things like brushing their hands against Muse A’s, or casually playing with Muse A’s hair. They begin to realise their attraction for one another but Muse A doesn’t want to risk getting evicted, or having bad blood with Muse B. Despite the potential drama of an affair, Muse A finds themselves becoming more and more attracted to Muse C till one day they can't hold it in any longer.

[I only do CANON/OC :: Brackets are the canons I want you to play :: Request for me to play a canon for you]

Harry Potter [Draco | Fred | Ron]
Marvel Cinematic Universe [Captain America]
The Hunger Games [Gale | Finnick]
The Mortal Instruments [Jace | Simon]
Percy Jackson [Percy Jackson]
The Maze Runner [Thomas | Newt]
Twilight [Edward]

That's it! Please PM me if something catches your eye!
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