Need A Partner Wanting To Create A Superheroine Universe

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Mar 7, 2015
Hey everyone, Zoe here! I just want to take some time and introduce myself to anyone taking time out of their day to read this. I hope you find what I have listed below as fun and interesting, if not than I hope and wish you the very best in finding what you are looking for. I understand people's taste are not always going to match but my taste center around superheroines! I love them, from DC to Marvel and all other heroic medias. That is why I have set out to create this fun little world. Myself, I am a fun and out going person. I hope as you get to know me, you will think I am a sweet and down to earth southern girl who is here to make friends and help tell some fun and interesting stories. So, even if our ideas for a roleplay do not match you are still more than welcome to message me and say hi! I love getting to know strangers and making new friends.

I guess before we go any further, I should give you an idea of what I am looking for when I roleplay. My biggest kink, I guess that would be the most appropriate word, is telling a story. I love to write and tell a story; so someone who is willing to share in this with me is a major turn on for me. I tend to over think ideas, and map out where I want stories to go with my partner. If we talk and this is too much for you, I totally understand. I put way to much planning into my little fantasies. If you are into that though, be willing to pull the reigns on me if I get to wild and crazy with ideas. Everybody needs a reality check sometimes. So, with that said I want a plot that is fun and can keep me on the edge of my seat, with characters that are exciting and always developing and growing throughout our time together. This might sound crazy, but I love the idea of our roleplays being individual roleplays within a series of roleplays we are writing. Our very own Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, just superheroine based and a lot more adult nature. Yeah, I tend to make some pretty long posts but I am not someone who writes ten thousand words with each post. I try to stick to around three to five paragraphs. That should be enough to react to whatever you write while also expressing thoughts and emotions; while also keeping the story rolling.

Guys, and girls, I want you to know I have a very slutty side. I want these plays to have a sexual side and element to them. I like all types of sexuality too; so do not be shy or scared to ask for something specific. I might try to find a way to make it fit into the story we are creating, which can be a buzz kill I know. When we play, I want romantic sex between two lovers whose relationship develops throughout the story. Of course there has to be rape and peril, we are talking about powerful women who get captured. Duh, what man (or woman) does not want to put a self righteous do good shank in her place??? By the way guys, I love web sites suck as kink where they use the device torture porn! Bonus if you can find a way to use those type of scenes in our plays. Moving on... I love seduction, a young innocent girl being swept off her feet by someone with bad intentions. This can be done so well when speaking of a heroine! Etc... etc... etc... you get the idea, I'm up for anything if it makes sense within the story. Gang bangs, being knocked up, drugged, blackmailed and so on.

Lets make it real, if these characters were real they would be up against violent crooks with very bad intentions. I do not want them to be Rob Zombie freaky and dark, but I do love the Chris Nolan Batman movies. They have a great dark and gritty tone, but can we mix it up with some Marvel movie humor? Why can't our stories be a bit of both? But in the end, let the heroine win... so we can play with her again! Yes, the villain can get away or be defeated and such, but there heroine needs to live to see another day. Along the way, she can be as close to defeated as possible but in the end she needs to win! Like a comic book documentary once said, the hero has to win every time but the villain only once.

Also, these characters have alter egos that can be fun to play against too! Where would Batman and Superman be if we did not get to know them better as Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent? Lets play them too, and how much fun is it when these two worlds slam head on into each other. It makes story telling so much more fun and expansive. I could go on and on about this part, it allows the world we create to open up. A villain's intentions could be focused at a heroine out of costume or those they love, or simply developing a plot line that evolves the life she is trying to live by day compared to the life she lives at night?

Alright, I believe I have rambled long enough and you are probably wanting to see the heroines I have created so far. Given, I am roleplay with a few great partners at the time but I always look to meet and enjoy new partners so feel free to ask any questions about any of these characters. I have included ideas for what I believe would make fun stories, you can run with them and create your own ideas from them if you want or we can come up with something totally new and fun. The choice is ours after all!


Athena is the Greek goddess of war and wisdom, making her perfect arch rival the god of war himself, Ares. In my world, Athena would be portrayed by the beautiful porn star Alexis Texas. I try not to cast the villain or villainess, to give you some creative freedom on your character. As for her story...

Out cast by her fellow Olympians for her failure, the goddess of wisdom lives amongst the Amazons while protecting the tomb of her evil brother Ares but when the Queen of The Amazons betrays the gods; Ares is released upon the world with the Amazons as his army. Athena must travel the world to find five Greek gods and goddesses who have taken life in modern times to keep their powers healthy. Ares goal is simple, claim the five parts of his great grandmother Gaea’s armor...

Hera – Peacock's feather which grants all seeing knowledge and wisdom.
Hephaestus (Engineer)– Armor of Achilles, making Ares nearly impenetrable.
Aphrodite (porn star) – Magic Girdle, giving one the ability to control others emotions.
Hermes (athlete) – Talaria sandals, magic sandals gifting the ability to fly at high speeds and making him impossible to track.
Poseidon (king of atlantis) – Trident, a weapon powerful enough to create weather phenomenons and destroy the world one disaster at a time.

He would use this to over throw his father while burning the world to the ground in the process.


The daughter of a powerful business man and a detective, her mother was killed in the line of duty and her father sent her off to boarding school. Wanting revenge for her mother's death, Summer Springs portrayed by Tori Black would return to her home town after traveling the world and learning from the greatest masters to become a weapon against crime.

She comes home to find her city is under the control of a Cartel driven mob, which she sets out to destroy. Along the way, she meets a young Latino man who she does not realize is the leader of this Cartel. Along the way, there romance grows while their hatred for each others alter egos leads them down a path where love and hate will collide with a city caught in the cross fire. Will he turn his back on his family to protect the woman he loves or will he want blood, and believe everything she felt for him was a lie? But the biggest burning question she must find out, how exactly did he become so powerful?


Sent to our world by her parents when she was only a baby due to their planet being under siege by a ruthless enemy; Allison Davis, portrayed by Carter Cruise grew up a gifted girl with no knowledge she was from another planet. Hiding who she was from the world, her best attempt to fit in became to stand out.

After being tracked to earth by a prince of her home world, she is at first seduced by the promise of love and ability to bring life back to her race. However, after revealing who she is to her boyfriend, she becomes a target of the government who wish to track her down and make her a science experiment. When the prince is attacked, he takes it as an act of war and tries to conquer the world but Virtue stands in his way considering this is the only home she has ever known. This leads to a show down, where he plans to show her a woman’s place in his society while she hopes to defend the people who fear her and want to use her.

Liberty Star

Zoe Michaels, portrayed by Kennedy Leigh, was given up for dead after a car wreck when she was a little girl. Desperate to save her life, her father injected her with a serum created from countless experiments on the evolving 24th chromosome. Now an Olympic champion, she does not realize she is the absolute definition of physical perfection.

When the sins of her father come back to haunt her, Zoe is pushed into a cat and mouse game she cannot hide from. A former soldier out for revenge against her father, by using her, will make her face her deepest fears... living in this world alone. Zoe must realize who she really is, and become something she never imagine in order to save her family and stop this renegade soldier on a quest for revenge.


Sarah Patton, portrayed by Riley Reid was a simple minded girl only trying to make it through college, though may would believe she was lacking the brain cells to actually pass without help, when she stumbled upon the son of a multi-billion dollar company. Soon Sarah would find herself on the wrong end of a mother's desire to protect her son.

When her boyfriend’s mother did not approve of their relationship, she tried to kill the young college student with a genetically gifted spider but this lead to giving the young woman great powers. Now the object of what her boyfriend’s mother created, she tries to do good in this world but with the ability to do good, comes the hatred of others. Wanting to finish what she started while also making herself something more than just a pretty face, Webstress is forced to grow up in ways she never thought she would have too.


Having no clue her mother was from an alien world and a high ranking member of the Galactic Core, Cara Halloway portrayed by Janice Griffith, was an every day girl just living a 9 to 5 until the Core came for her to take her mother's spot within the Core. Not having the slightest hint of courage or desire to be a heroine, the choice was made for her against her will.

When she is selected to the Core, she is unknowingly being used by the Core as bait to lure out there most wanted enemy. Faced with betrayal from her mother's family and a limited resource villain, she must figure out how to become a heroine as the galaxy hunts for her while protecting the things she has grown to love the most.
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