Come with us now on a journey through time and space

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Miss Lith

Dec 14, 2015

Kudos to you if you know where the title of this request thread is from!

As always, please don't judge my writing ability by the quality of this, I'm awful at these things.

I'm specifically looking for someone to play a Doctor Who based game with me, with yourself playing The Doctor. My character will be an OC, and I'd prefer for you be an OC Doctor, but I don't mind you playing ten or eleven, if you so wish.

I'd say my plot to smut ratio is 60/40, respectively, but this can change depending on who my partner is and what they like.

I have over a decade of sexual roleplay experience. I'm currently only playing through Skype as it's the easiest way from the platform that I use, and it holds my interest better.

I look forward to hearing from fellow Whovians!

Please PM me rather than replying directly to this thread, as I may not see it.

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