Looking for a few partners

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Jan 28, 2017
Hey everyone, it's been a long while since I last role played, but I'd like to start up again. I may be rusty, but I'd love to work on my writing skills again. It would have to be through threads because I am a full time college student, and it'll be easier for me to keep up with. I won't be able to logged in to messengers constantly. If you want to discuss a plot or pairing with me, please feel free to respond in this thread or pm me.

ALSO: My course load is pretty heavy this semester so I can't guarantee a response every day. I'm in class from 11 am-7:45 pm with only a few breaks on Tuesdays and thursdays. Mondays, Wednesdays, and weekends will probably be the days I have more time to respond, depending on homework. I will try to get at least 5 responses a week done, but I ask that you be patient. Some weeks I'll be able to do more than others, some less.

About me:
~I'm 27
~I'm a sub
~I've been roleplaying for close to 14 years.
~I'm a very reasonable person
~I love, love, love romantic RPs. I like to feel my heartstrings being tugged at. (That's not to say I don't do straight smut)
~I prefer a plot. That way we have a story line to follow and we can actually progress in our rp.
~I roleplay in third person. If you use first person don't message me. I don't like using I because it's more cybering than roleplaying.
~In ageplay roleplays I will always play the younger character. I am no good at playing older characters.

Uhmm... that's about it for now. 

And here's a little about what I like to role play/ have in a roleplay.

My Favorites:
- Long term roleplays
- Pregnancy
- Risk of pregnancy
- Ageplay
- Guys with piercings (preferably non-sexual, but it's your call)
- Scratching
- Being Submissive
- Love Based Roleplays

My Likes:
- Short Term Roleplays
- Light bondage
- Biting
- Exhibitionism/ Voyeurism
- Dripping candle wax on someone
- Hair pulling
- Gang Bang
- Historical Fiction Roleplays
- Lust based roleplays
- Drug use (Not just marijuana, can also be harder drugs)

I am currently in the mood for well written rp's with a plot and the ability to post multiple paragraphs. I want to do something historic, whether it be a war ((WWII, Revolutionary, Civil)) or roaring 20's, Great Depression, and any other historical roleplays you might be interested in. 
My ideas so far (feel free to add or subtract anything. I'm very open):

It's a Love Story ((Romance based, forbidden love, pregnancy, risk of preganancy, feuding, Romeo and Juliet-esque)): The children of two prominent lawyers (doesn't have to be, just an idea) who loathe each other, meet at a masquerade for a charity event with their families. Not knowing who is behind the masks they talk, dance, and get to know each other over the course of the ball. When the party is almost over they remove the masks and realize it's the child of the rival family. Is there animosity? Do they try and work through the issues? Or is it love at first sight? 

The Loner (Love/Lust Based, Risk of Pregnancy, Pregnancy, drug use, guy with piercings(Hopefully, I'll love you if you do) ):
Short term: A freshman goes to a prestigious college, where she finds herself lost amongst the many nameless faces. She soon becomes a loner, hanging out at the campus library, studying the people around her. She notices a guy from across the room, and is attracted to him. She tries to work up the courage to talk to him, but can't, until she finds herself at a frat party. 
Long term: After the frat party, they still talk, becoming closer friends and finally she falls for him. The two go on to start a relationship, where anything can happen.

The General's Daughter (Love based, Long Term, Pregnancy, Historical Fiction, Revolutionary War)
Long Term: A Continental Army General's youngest daughter lives at home in Philadelphia with her mother and older sister. While doing the shopping in the city, she passes by some young British soldiers, being no more that 23 years of age. She locks eyes with one of them, and before she knows it, she is sneaking around the city, trying to rendezvous with her British sweetheart. What happens if and when her father finds out? What will the other people in the city think? What will happen to the young girl when she finds herself in the middle of a war that could tear the life away from two of the men she love?

Love's Captive: I would like to do a roleplay where my character is a "prisoner" or held captive. It can be a vampire x human, human x human, take place in the past, or present, be kidnapped, whatever. Basically all I am looking for is a "Stockholm Syndrome" roleplay. I want to fall madly and deeply in love with my "captor". Now to make this clear, as of RIGHT NOW, I don't want it to be rape. If I could liken it to anything it would be something along the lines of "Beauty and the Beast" kind of prisoner. Maybe someone to cook, and clean, and do things like that. Or I could be kept locked in a room with no interaction with anyone besides your character.. This is extremely open ended. We can discuss details via pm or messenger, but I hope I can find someone to do this with me.

And those are what I have so far. If you have any ideas be sure to message me. The worst I could say is it's not my cup of tea.

As for what I roleplay in general here's the list:

~Vampire x Human
~Angel x Human
~High society member x lower class member
~Demon x Human
~Angel x Demon
~Coach x team member
~Step siblings (bro x sis or sis x sis)
~Teacher x student
~Sister x Sister
~Sister x brother's girlfriend
~Sister x brother's best friend
~Brother x sister
~Uncle x niece
~ Father x daughter 
~ Father x son x Daughter
~ Brother x Brother x Sister
~ Girlfriend x boyfriend's best friend(s)
~ Victim x Bully's sister 
~ Victim x bully's brother 
~A Phantom of the Opera-esque RP.
~Boss x employee 
~Employee x Bosses daughter 
~Principal x student 
~Princess x Prince
~Princess x Young King
~Princess x subject 
~Princess x guard
~Prince x subject 
~Romeo and Juliet-esque RP
~President's daughter x citizen
~President's son x citizen
Possible pairings for jailbait:
*Father x son's girlfriend or daughter's best friend
*Babysitter x baby sat's father
*Psychiatrist x patient ((psych ward or outside therapy))
*Doctor x Patient
~Harry Potter ((I play an OC. I suck at playing canons Also, if you play Snape in a teacher x student role I will love you forever!))
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