These are my higher priority rp cravings, all of the things listed are there for a reason, because I want to play them, some are higher in priority than others, as noted in the key. Information here is organized in Genres(ALL CAPS, BOLDED) Topics(+), Subtopics(-) and ideas for potential stories (--). Topics and subtopics that are compatible may be mixed to make more interesting plots, for example, Mix Mecha and Intergrated universe and you could get a war between aliens and humans, using Mechs to fight. As one can guess, I have ideas for ALL of these topics, just ask and I will relate them to you. As another note, if I mention a Mythos it means I have a LOT of ideas for that setting.
Table of contents.
These ratings will fluctuate often depending on what I am doing and what I am in the mood for.
If they all go zero, something is wrong…
★★★★★(★) = Post apocalyptic. >.>
★★★★★ = Absolutely Craving… Five whole stars means I *Really* want to do a roleplay in this setting, I probably have a bunch of ideas backed up and this setting will have higher posting priority than any others.
★★★★☆ = I would gladly roleplay this topic. High priority.
★★★☆☆ = I can be easily convinced. Medium priority.
★★☆☆☆ = Try really hard and you can convince me. Lowest priority you will ever see on the list.
★☆☆☆☆= I am probably removing it while you are reading it.
☆☆☆☆☆ = Unavaliable.
(M) | Mythos: I have a Mythos for this setting, a Mythos means I have a large-scale plot and a lot of characters for the setting, I have essentially gathered enough information to create a world.
+High Fantasy- ★★★☆☆
High fantasy is a genre that is defined by stories having high fantasy content, take place in a fictional setting (on a world completely different from our world) with elves, monsters, wizards, ect. The Lord of the Rings is a great instance of High Fantasy, though the narrative on some occasion ventures into low . I have SEVERAL mythos in this setting, so feel free to ask for ideas and plots.
-Royal/Castle Based
--Exiled Knight/Survivor of Coup
--Disgraced Noble/Knight
--Exiled Prince/Bodyguard *♥
--Prince/Bodyguard *
--Royal Magus/Ruler ♥
--Court Mage/Tyrant ♥
--Knight/Princess or Queen (Possibly scandalous)
--(Preferably loyal)Assassin/Ruler
+Low Fantasy- ★★★★☆
Low Fantasy is like High fantasy… but with fewer fantastic elements.. The world generally isn’t as shiny and pretty, the heroes tend to be less noble, and the setting is far less fantastic. Humans take precedence over magical creatures; magic is strange and terrifying versus being an everyday thing. Contemporary fantasy or fantasy that takes place in a modern-day-primary earth setting is included in this setting, Fantasy that occurs in an earthly medieval time also counts.
+Urban Fantasy- ★★★★☆
Urban fantasy is fantasy that takes place in cities… The cities can be modern, ancient, or futuristic. When I think of Urban Fantasy, I typically imagine supernatural thrillers with vampires, werewolves, and the like in city streets. I like my urban Fantasy dark, so it often mixes with the below. All Vampire roleplays I do are urban Fantasy, since I like Urban settings with fantasy themes… I have a Mythos set in this setting, so I have many plots for it… a supernatural invasion, a government agency with the purpose of keeping the balance between magical and nonmagical worlds.
-Hidden World
-Paranormal Detectives
+Dark Fantasy - ★★★★★ (Always)
Fantasy and Horror had a baby, and that baby is Dark Fantasy. Dark fantasy, as one can guess, is much like fantasy, but much darker, with more serious and severe tones to the worlds and more of a pessimistic and negative world that the characters live in. Nothing is pretty or bright in this world, Monsters roam the world freely, and villagers live in constant fear, not knowing if they will live through the night. Cities are large and decaying, with the ruling figures corrupt, disease runs rife in the slums, bandits and raiders seem to hide behind every tree, and there isn’t a hero in sight to save the day. The characters of course aren’t going to be goodie-goodies, or they will get picked apart.
--Mercenaries: The idea of playing a member of a band of mercenaries in a dark world intrigues me, I have several ideas for this and a character, a leader of a mercenary band. The Mercs can be caught up in world events, perhaps sucked into a war or tricked into starting a massive invasion and forced to fight back.
--Monster hunters
--Partners in crime.
--Mage on the run.
--World Ruled by Evil* (Or Monsters)
+Superhero Fantasy ★★★☆☆
Good old Superheroes, men and women with righteous souls putting on bright spandex and masks and going out and fighting crime, earning the adoration of the public and collecting adversaries like trading cards. So long as the idea isn’t too cliché I am game for this.
-Superhuman: ★★★★☆
Technically belonging to the Superhero Genre, this setting has an entirely different outlook than the Superhero topic. In Superhuman, Heros do not wear masks, or soctumes, they fight evil in their street clothes or hide entirely, afraid to use their gifts. Metahumans are hated universally, the government has been making multiple attempts to study or eradicate them, and they are forced to band together and survive in the harsh conditions, kids are kicked from their houses as soon as their powers develop, heroics are as equally vilified as villainy. Superhuman gangs exist in the streets, fighting each other for territory and causing massive collateral damage. This is essentially a Dark version of Superhero.
+Mecha based ★★★★☆
You heard me, Mecha, Giant robots, whether the Mecha are ‘Mechs, Gundams, Armored Cores, Megadeuces, or whatever, this topic has one big theme that stands out above all others - - Giant robots. I love Mech roleplays, whether the ‘Mechs are ten stories tall or just powered armor that encases a human body; they are still fun to play with. Mecha stories can mix with many other science fiction topics, from Post Apocalyptic (Armored Core) to Space faring (Gundam) I am personally more interested in high mobility and smaller ‘mechs compared to Armored core or Battletech. My mechs will be smaller and faster as a result.
--Mech pilot Academy
--Mech pilot/Captured enemy pilot
--Crashed on a foreign world.
+Post apocalyptic ★★★★★★ (My absolute freaking favorite topic)
The world is done for, civilization as we know it has ended, whether as the result of Humanity’s actions, a cosmic event, even the results of something greater… Either way, the world as we know it is over and the surviving remnants of humanity is forced to start from scratch. Post Apocalyptia is one of my favorite playgrounds, it can be structured in any way, from a irradiated wasteland with mutated creatures ALA Fallout, to an overgrown forest, to a worldwide ocean with very few landmasses. In a P-A world, every day is a struggle to survive, outer forces, rouge governments, bandits and raiders, and in these worlds people ,must band together to survive. People may band together, forming civilization, even if it is incredibly flawed (see Dystopia) or wander the devastated world alone. I have many characters, from badass rangers to simple men trying to survive.
There are several types of Post Apocalypse RP that I can play.
Frozen world- A world where what is left of humanity struggles to survive in a worldwide winter wasteland.
Wasteland- The Classic "Burnt to a crisp by nuclear fire" world.
Overgrown- Instead of a world bare of life, this one has a little too much, nature has utterly reclaimed human civilization, and humans are no longer at the top of the food chain.
--P-A Survival
--Scavengers in a ruined world
--Journey to Paradise*
--Thousand years later
--Urban Post-apocalyptia (AKA in a city that survived.)
-Integrated universe: ★★★☆☆
There is other life in the universe, intelligent and sophisticated life, mankind has intergrated with all the other species of the galactic community, becoming more of a mix. In this topic, aliens are just people. Humans and different species of aliens have casual conversations due to translator technology, though almost always aren’t universally accepted. Mass Effect and star wars are excellent examples of Integrated Universe settings. Playing as aliens is the fun part here, though my species are often at least close to human in nature.
--Humans and aliens
--Intergalactic invasion
--Mixed species space police
--Space Pirates
--Mixed species space exploration
+Dystopia ★★★★★
Imagine the perfect city, gleaming ivory towers as far as the eye can see, a clean and honest law enforcement force that keeps crime off the streets, a benign government to which corruption is a laughable concept, no poverty, no starvation, no war, no hatred between citizens… now imagine that city turned completely upside down in every way. Dystopia is a place where no one would want to live, the rich oppress the poor, the cops and government are corrupt and cruel, gangs wage open warfare on the streets, poverty and hunger are rife and people struggle on a day to day basis… Many things can make a Dystopia, from a corrupt government in a crumbling, ancient city, complete lack of freedoms, constant warfare, many things that can make life a constant hell. I love playing in Dystopias, playing Rebels, Hackers, Mercenaries, even just average joes trying to get by. V for Vandetta is a good example of dystopian London.
-Rebellion: I like the concept of rebellion in a dystopian world, people rising up from the filth attempting to take down their oppressors, they are outmanned, outgunned, but at the same time have the advantage of spirit and knowledge of their home zone. Perhaps people are forced to work in some sort of mine or perform some other sort of slave labor, just like Red Faction., perhaps they are forced underground in sewers?
--Super Soldier/Rebel Leader*
--Empowered Slave/ Rebel Officer
--Empire Defector/ Rebel
--Underground living. Ever see Zion in the Matrix? The idea of a group of people living underground, in the sewers, in the catacombs, ect, is REALLY exciting for me.
+Cyberpunk: ★★★★☆
Cyberpunk is best described with the phrase “Hi tech, Lo Life” The technology is very advanced, modern medicine marvels keep people alive longer, advanced communications technology makes the world easily accessible at any point… from a person’s brain. However even with all the modern technological marvels, life still sucks… That medical technology is only available to the rich, Hackers are a terrifying and all too real threat to public safety, people live on the dirty streets or in rundown apartments at the base of the magnificent skyscrapers that the Rich hole themselves up in. Cyberpunk is often dystopian in nature, as darker imagery fits the ‘punk’ theme.
-Rebellion theme
+ Magipunk: ★★★★★
Magipunk is Cyberpunk, but instead of cybernetics being the main influence of civilization, it is magic. Perhaps magic suddenly appears in a world that never had it, leading to a mixture of technology and magic in warfare, politics, economics, and everyday life. Humans enhance their minds and bodies with both magic and technology, Fantasy races begin to appear amongst humans, rising to prominence with their supernatural abilities. Magitech is a Science Fiction topic because it places the punk atmosphere over the magic used by the world’s inhabitants; imagine cybernetically augmented trolls in the sewer system of a giant city, Magi who use technological implants to boost their spellcasting prowess, working as enforcers for megacorps. Swords are as likely to be used as guns. In this universe Magic is not an unknown, it is instead treated almost as a form of energy like electricity; it could even replace electricity in machines. Shadowrun is a good example of a Cyber/Magipunk fiction, Final Fantasy 6, with it’s Magitech can also be seen as one.