Land of Procreation

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Lenore SheildMaiden

Dec 13, 2011
This is plot idea is inspired around the android game, "Kingdom of Procreation". With a few changes, additions, and can be further changed with your input!​

A ruler has just witnessed a mass massacre to his entire land and is left with only a small village on what used to be a beautiful nation. Those left within the village are loyal to him, with several guards still there for protection. While he begins to slowly piece together the village and figuring out what to do in the future, a witch approaches him. She will marry him and swear her loyalty to his kingdom if he takes many wives and tries to produce many heirs. With her magic she can help shorten pregnancy time, create multiples, and even help age the children a little bit after birth.

King starts out about 20 y.o., wives will range from 17-25 y.o.. This will be set in medieval time period, although doesn't have to relate to anything in history. I do not mind playing the King, wives, children, guards, or what names you. I just want to roleplay this thought out.

If you're interested, shoot me a PM please!​
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