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Nov 27, 2016
The Aura World

Plot and Request information
My name is Judi and for years me and my people have live in fear of being caught by what we have called the other side , you see we aren't regular people and we don't live in the regular world we live outside that world inside our own space called Aura and inside Aura lives many people and creatures that live in peace but we all fear people because while we are powerful we don't have the weapons or the items they have , for many years we have watched them and while we don't want war we still chose to be ready in case they find us and Aura we wont have them take what is ours , Aura itself contains many lands and many creatures and we live pretty much the same way the humans do but we are different from them in many ways as well , I myself have a tail and fur around my arms and chest , I can climb and attack people with my claws but I'm one of the weaker creatures here , the strongest are a clan of werewolf type creatures who use there power to bully people , sometimes people stand up to them but not often.

( I was thinking maybe your character could be a human who some how finds Aura and Judi is the first to meet you and she hides you from the others and even fall in love with you) message me if you wanna go over ideas and stuff please also feedback would also help.
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