A Ghastly New Interest thread, new stuff all the time! NSFW (Comments welcome)

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Oct 24, 2016
Six feet under the dirt
So I've played out many of my original thread ideas from my former interest thread, some worked out, while others seemed to fizzled. I am still receiving requests from people to do threads that I've marked as 'not available'. So instead of continually bumping the old thread I've decided to create a brand new one with my newest cravings entailed.

First I will state that I write exclusively in threads and only in the third person with around 3-10 paragraphs per post. I have similar expectations for any writing partner who decides to create a story with me. I write more frequent posts depending on how interesting my partner's writing is, and if you''re droll or horrible at story craft then I will most likely stop replying all together.

I love smut, and I love depraved smut, but I want story too. I love a good narrative with twists and turns and unexpected character reactions, so if you lack the ability to actually create realistic, fleshed out characters then don't bother sending me a message. I dislike floating heads for writing partners, you should be able to create a character that consists of more than a few lines of cheesy dialog and an erection. On that note, Meta-playing is a big NO for me, I hate when I take the time to craft an interesting plot twist and my partner's character seems to know exactly what I'm up to, even though their character should have no idea.

Well enough of all these preachy rules, lets get into the story seeds. If you are interested in one of these ideas, please PM me and we'll start discussing how the story should play out. As for my Kinks, well all I will say is that it is pretty hard to repulse me, I am usually down for almost anything other than scat, vore and characters under the age of 16.

Dark Desires

We all heard the stories of woman falling in love with some convict even though the man is sitting in prison for do truly heinous things. Many people believe this is a woman's desire to fix the damaged man, but what if she had other motives? In this story I'd like for my young female character to have an obsession with serial killers. Not content to find one to play pen pal with in prison, she wants one that is still active and on the prowl. Stalking the your male killer character she manages to seduce the recluse into a relationship with her.
The tension and drama could be really great in this story, with the killer trying to keep his dark secret from what he believes is a young impressionable girl, meanwhile she has her own skeletons in her closet and they might just be scarier than his. We could take this story in a couple of different directions, either they both come clean and start acting out their evil fantasies together, or we could go in a switch style of play, where the girl eventually turns the tables on her Serial Killer boyfriend.

Daughter for Sale

In this story we'd start with your average American atomic family, Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son. Dad's got a great job and afforded his family with a wonderful lifestyle, until he loses his job. He can't bare to tell his family that they are broke and that the bank is going to take everything and so after a night of drinking with his buddies and listening to them tell him how hot his wife and teenaged daughter are, he decides to start pimping them out for extra cash. Of course this plan is going to take a little convincing, and training and as our story progressed he would have to change the way they dress and act until they were his perfect little whores. Of course the teenaged son would also start to notice his sister and mother acting differently and would end up helping his father in their endeavor.

On a side note, this story could also be altered from the bank wanting to take everything to something more nefarious. Maybe dad got too deep in gambling debt and now the mafia wants payment, but not in cash.


For this story I would need a partner that is familiar with (non anime) comic books but isn't stuck in the preexisting universes (No DC or Marvel). I love creating our own characters and world in which they exist and I want a partner that does the same. I would play either a powerful elder super woman (Wonder Woman archetype) or a young impressionable teen super heroine (Supergirl style) who would start off a pure as the driven snow, That is until the devious supervillain, sick and tired of being bested physically decides to destroy her in a different way, by dragging her reputation through the mud. Either a mind control, super serum, or some other way of manipulating her to his twisted whims, until she is ruined.

I've tried this with a few different people, but it never ends up turning out right. I don't mind if you want to fuck her, but that isn't the point of the story, and I quickly grow board with it. The Super villain should be far more focused on making her do horrible things and destroying her reputation.

Long Live the King

This is a pretty straight forward Medieval thread with a King and Queen a their three or four darling princess daughters, but no prince. As the King realizes that he is without a heir and his wife only able to bare him daughters he is becoming desperate. Fortunately for him, his wife has provided a stable of new young woman with royal bloodlines that could possibly bare him a son, in the form of his many daughters.

I like this idea because I am very good a playing many characters and feel that I would excel at playing each of the daughters with separate personalities. I also think that we could evolve the plot into something to do with an assassination plot, with the king trying to figure out who is out for his crown.

The Farmer's Daughters

This is an old story, but I still think it could be a lot of fun. Your male character would be traveling across the country when a break down strands him in the middle of nowhere. After walking for hours and eventually passing out from exhaustion, he awakes to find himself in an old farm house, surrounded by countless hot young woman. He finds out that they are the old Dairy farmer's daughters. The grumpy old man tells him it will be several days before his car can be fixed and that the traveler can stay on the soul promise that he will keep his hands off of the farmer's daughters. But as we know this is an impossible task as all the girls are sex starved and in desperate need of love. Our story would revolve around the young man trying not to get caught as he makes his way through the ranks of beautiful young girls.

Training Sister

Your older brother character has been watching his little sister (MC) since she developed into a knock out during puberty and simply can't help himself anymore. She's an innocent, spoiled rotten little brat and your parents usually smother her with attention while ignoring you, but things are about to change. I am sure you can figure the rest out.

Wrong Side of Town

MC is a white girl from the privileged side of town, her and her friends hear about a party on the wrong side of the tracks. Sure it's dangerous, but the party sounds like too much fun. Besides the media lies and black men aren't all criminals and rapists, so she agrees to go. Unfortunately when their car breaks down they are stranded in a really bad gang owned neighborhood. These stuck up white girls get a lesson in the real world from a group of big black gang members.

Summer Camp Massacre

In the vein of 80's horror movie tropes, it would be a story about a group of horny teenagers and a few young adult camp counselors trying to get a long abandoned summer camp back on its feet after years of neglect. A new corporation has bought the defunct camp and hired the counselors to get it back up and running before the profitable summer season arises. Of course there was a reason the camp was left to rot in the first place, an urban rumor that warns the grounds it was built on has an ancient native american curse of the Wendigo(werewolf) that stalks the land surrounding the small lake the camp was built around.

Our story would involve the interplay between the counselors as they rehab the camp, as well as the few unlucky delinquent teenagers sentenced to community service for their various infractions of the law.

Talk Dirty to ME!

Some days you don't feel like writing a story...and that's OK, maybe you just wanna troll and write nasty things to people, well...I'm your girl! If you scroll down below you'll see the comment section for this thread. I love degradation and when I get a comment full of nasty filthy mouthed derogatory statements, it admittedly gets my ghostly motor running. Don't be nice... be lewd, rude, crude and violent, that's what I like. If you're skills are impressive you may just get a reply. Don't be afraid to post gifs or pics to really push the envelope.
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread

Love the Dark Desires idea. I've always found it more interesting and challenging in text rp to play a character confused by his own particular, let's call it hunger, and the need to suppress or hide it. The inner turmoil is fertile ground for developing a character that can surprise the author.
The idea would also give you a chance to play single scene characters. A serial killer needs victims after all.
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread

Well, It's been a week since my last good Bumping, so it's time to get bumped right in the bumper again. Also, feel free to post in this thread so it stays near the top of the list!
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread (Comments welcome)

I like the royal plot, mostly because I've always been interested in the midevil time period. It's also because it's rare I actually find someone who is willing and able to play multiple characters such as I. I'm not actually currently interested in playing this one out (currently doing a midevil rp already) but I am curious about it. Assassination subplots are always interesting ^,^

As a sub note, are you aware that IRL the male side of the reproductive process is actually the one that decides the gender? If so I apologize for binging that up, but it does add a reason for the story to continue. Your king can't bare a male child with anyone! Sex till death XD
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread (Comments welcome)

Well thanks for the bump anyway Assassin, and just in case you were wondering it's actually 'medieval', not midevil.
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread (Comments welcome)

Kassyghost said:
Well thanks for the bump anyway Assassin, and just in case you were wondering it's actually 'medieval', not midevil.

Damn I always do that, old habits die hard
RE: A Ghastly New Interest thread (Comments welcome)

You certainly have an interesting thread. If you're ever interested in writing something together, feel free to shoot me a message. If not - enjoy the free bump.
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