Captain's Coming {FireWitch and MysticSparxman}


Jan 21, 2017
Captain's Coming
What happens when a good trainer and a bad ex-grunt fall in lust.

Mizushima Kaiyo wasn't quite used to being called by her name again yet, and that fact bothered her.

She was leaning over the edge of a pier at Lilycove Harbor, feeling the sea breeze whip through her hair. Closing her eyes and smelling the salt, she could almost bring herself back to being in Izumi's office, ordered off on new and exciting missions for the good of Aqua's Glorious Mission. She could hear the voices of her crew, the sobbing of insolent Magmas, the notes of distant work shanties ghosting over the ocean. The sweet laugh of a tanned shipmate, the adrenaline rush of battling at her side, the touch of gentle calloused hands after all the cabin lights had gone out...

No, Kaiyo, keep yourself together, girl. None of that.

Really, she couldn't regret "jumping ship" when she did, though. It was only three weeks later the whole thing went crumbling to dust at the hands of a ten year old riding the green dragon. Ridiculous, really. She knew a few of her former cell were talking about bringing Aogiri's vision back to life, but she knew that would be a sad failure. Still, hanging out in a coastal town without any true drive or purpose was starting to get to her. She needed adventure, excitement, full sails.

She was startled from her reminiscing by the tap-tap-tap of footsteps coming up at her on the pier. She quickly regained her poker face, wrinkling her nose slightly and squaring her shoulders. There was every possibility she was going to turn to see some asshole in red, and like hell was she going to let them see that they caught her daydreaming. She cleared her throat to lower her voice and spun on her heel.

"Oi oi, who do you think you are, sneaking up on--" she started, but her voice was cut off in her throat when she saw the girl in front of her.
For the past six months now, Kacey had been the Hoenn region ever since she became a fully-fledged Pokemon trainer. It was something she had always wanted to do ever since she had been allowed to help care for her parent’s pokemon back on their ranch. She had even been counting down the days until she was able to set out on her adventure. It had always been a dream of hers, and she still often found it hard to believe she was now living her dream.

Since she had started her adventure, she had managed to build up a team of Pokemon that she was extremely proud of. The starter pokemon she received at the beginning of her adventure was a Treecko which had now evolved into Grovyle. The first pokemon she had captured was a Taillow which had recently evolved into Swellow. Next, she was able to capture a Poochyena that had only recently evolved into Mightyena a few short days ago. Also on her team was an Electrike and a Heracoss she had captured a few weeks ago. Finally, completing her current team was Staryu.

There was a smile on the girl’s face as she had finally made it to Lilycove City. Having recently turned 17, she was glad to have made it to Lilycove at last. It would mean she could rest up with her team before moving on again. Kacey’s long red hair was tied up in a high ponytail and blew gently in the wind as she made her way to the Lilycove Harbor. Her icy blue eyes couldn’t help but notice the girl already at the harbour. Kacey was dressed in a pink and white top that showed off a tiny bit of her C-cup cleavage and also some of her toned and tanned midriff. She also had on a pair of white short shorts that showed off her long, tanned legs and she had on a pair of white and pink sneakers.

Kacey made her way up to the edge of the pier and she stopped just as the other girl turned around to face her. ”Uhh….sorry! I wasn’t sneaking up on you! I was just coming here to relax for a bit! I only want to see the ocean from here!” She held her hands up in front of her in something of a defensive manner. ”I’ve only just got into Lilycove anyway!” She walked around Kaiyo and stood beside her at the edge of the pier.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Kaiyo started, her face flushing slightly. Her voice was still a tad too gruff. She softened her stance and cleared her throat, trying to return as close to normal as possible. Hm, normal. Would she ever really, truly function as a typical member of society again? Eh, probably not.

The sea breeze whipped at her short blue skirt, and she shuffled in place a bit while she looked at the younger girl in front of her. She had an adventurer’s feel to her, but still seemed to have an air of innocence that Kaiyo hadn’t noticed in a long time. She wondered what Archie would have said if he saw her staring at a girl like this. Probably made fun of her for hours, to be sure.

“The...the ocean’s beautiful from here, isn’t it?” she said, running a hand through her bleached red hair, flashing a glimpse of the short-cropped side underneath. “Lilycove is one of the best places to look out into the ocean. The sailing from here is excellent too, if you get the chance.”

There we go, Kaiyo. Play tour guide, you sound normal now. Relax.

“So been on the road long?” she leaned her elbow against the pier, barely managing to not slip off.
A soft smile soon started to form on Kacey’s face as she looked out at the ocean from the pier. It was actually the first time she had been to Lilycove and the first time she had been able to stand and admire the ocean like this. It truly was beautiful! More than she ever could have imagined. As she looked out over the ocean, she leaned forward slightly, resting both of her elbows on the pier.

Kacey glanced in the other girl’s direction for a moment, and with a smile, she nodded her head. ”It is! It’s so pretty from here! It’s actually the first time I’ve seen the ocean like this! It’s my first time in Lilycove too!” She turned to face Kaiyo slightly, propping herself on one elbow as she brushed strands of her red hair out of her eyes. ”Uhh, I’ve not been on the road for too long! I only became a pokemon trainer six months ago!” She focused her attention on the ocean again a few seconds later. ”It’s been so much fun so far though!”

”Uhh…my name is Kacey! So….are you from around here?” Even though she had just met the girl, Kacey always did find it difficult to contain her excitement. It was the way she had always been. The young redhead found herself looking at Kaiyo for longer than she should have done before something dawned on her.

”Oh! Jazz would love this!” Kacey reached to the belt around her waist and pulled off a single pokeball. She pressed the button in the middle of the pokeball, causing it to enlarge in her hand. Kacey pointed the pokeball down towards the ground and then pressed the button once more. As she did, the pokeball opened up and in a flash of red light, a Grovyle emerged. Kacey placed the pokeball back on her belt a second later. ”Jazz, take a look at this!” She smiled brightly as she motioned to the ocean.
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