Azeroth Dungeon League (Viktoff and Supertinycanadian)

Viktoff Samson

May 16, 2016
High Elves, once a powerful and prideful race. Now they are a rare sight. The scourge ravaged and sacked their sacred city. Defiling their font of power, Arthas returned Kel-thuzad to their world in the midst of their permanently shattered society. Relics, so few of their kind remain and their culture has been devoured. A faction of Dalaran is the largest gathering of the remaining elves with glowing blue eyes and silver hair. This faction remains gated from the world and serves as a representation for the Alliance on the floating city of mages.

With all of these facts noted, a rarity known as a High Elf had made his way into the somewhat empty nightly Goldshire inn. He wasn't alone, a human man in plate armor had followed him and sat opposite of him at their table. Besides for long black hair and dark skin over bulging muscles, the human was completely hidden by his plate armor. Long silver hair tied into a twisting tail, a handsome face with immaculate skin and deep blue glowing eyes were just a few traits that signified what this elf was. Compared to his armored guard, the elf was lithe and arguably insanely beautiful. The pair could be personified by stallions, their colors resembling such. They were used to gathering attention, so the meeting for their potential 'party' was held at night on an uneventful Sunday.

The high elf wore numerous black and white robes with gold chains and numerous symbols crafted in ivory and silver and gold hanging from those chains. A shield and sword combo, the sword sheathed into the shield, lay on the table. A big purple tome rest against that shield as the elf flipped through pages with a small smile. "Don't worry, friend. I will cure you properly." The elf whispered to the human male who didn't remove his plate helm. Their body language did spell a friendship or partnership in some fashion as they were clearly familiar with each other. They awaited some form of attendee for their table, and the duo was roughly an hour early for the meeting.
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