Melissa's Request Thread (FxM, Seeking Literate Partners)

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Jan 20, 2017
// Introduction //

I'm looking for literate partners first and foremost. I can't give an estimation as to how much I write per post, but if you want to write with me you should at least be capable of writing 3–5 solid paragraphs at a time. When plotting out stories I like to have a decent idea of where the story is headed, but without setting anything in stone. I like developing the story and characters organically, and laying things out in too much detail is often restrictive, and can't really be based on anything concrete as it usually takes a few posts to flesh out the characters and their world in relation to one another.

I enjoy well-written erotic roleplays with an interesting plot and believable characters. Any details you come up with about your character(s) should make sense in relation to their world; they should not simply be a vehicle to drive the story towards sexy times. Sex will happen anyway, so why not strive to write the best story and best characters that we can?

I prefer to write via the forums; I don't really use IM, and prefer to keep my PMs restricted to inquiries, OOC chat, and other communications. My schedule is pretty busy, but I should be able to respond around three days a week, and possibly multiple times on those days.

I have written up an f-list, but it should be used as a guide more than as a set of hard and fast rules:

// A Guide to Inquiries //

I will entertain any PMs you send me regarding possible collaborations. If you decide to contact me with a story suggestion, please let the focus be on something other than sexual interactions. Sex is always fun, so focusing on certain sexual acts will do nothing to separate you from anyone else; give me an interesting plot hook or inter-character dynamic and you'll be more likely to pique my interest.

// A Guide to Responses //

If one of my story suggestions piques your interest, please give me as much information as you can when you PM me about it. I'd like to know what you like about the idea, what other ideas were sparked in your mind when you read it, and why you'd enjoy writing a character (or multiple characters) in that story. Please feel free to craft your own character and insert him into the story in whatever way strikes you as appropriate, and give me a little bit of a background on him so that I can see how you think about your characters! Multiple characters are very welcome, and ideally I'd like for us to have at least one main character each, and a handful of background characters to flesh out the world/story.

// Story Ideas //

~ Applewood Fields ~ TAKEN
Themes: infidelity, outdoor sex, secrecy
Just outside the rural town of Silverton lies Applewood Fields, a privately owned orchard run by the Smith family. It's been a decade since founder Ann-Marie Smith passed away, and profits have been steadily declining ever since ownership passed into the hands of her son Thomas. Worried in equal measures by the orchard's declining profits and her husband's growing disinterest, Ann-Marie's daughter-in-law has taken it upon herself to increase the number of staff employed in the most affordable way she can think of: hiring transient staff in exchange for food and board.

In this story, I imagine that your main character would be a woofer who comes to work on the orchard for a few months. Whether he is travelling alone, with friends, or with a girlfriend is up to you. I'd like the story to focus on themes of infidelity and secret love affairs involving Mrs. Smith and your character, and perhaps the Smith's daughter too, who is also working at the orchard.

Note: I am not interested in threesome scenes involving Mrs. Smith and her daughter.

~ Before the Night Takes Us ~
Themes: apocalyptic, horror, survival
The rain began in March, and it only took a couple of days before widespread panic began to set in. Bible-bashers screamed about judgement day, politicians called for calm, and anyone who had any inkling of what was to come made for the mountains. Most people stayed at home, stockpiled as much food as they could, and locked their doors as the looting began. Everything changed: television went out, internet became a thing of the past, and money became nothing more than printed paper and circular bits of metal. Worst of all, there were things in the darkness. Horrible things.

In this story I'd like to focus on a group of people living in a high-rise block of apartments, counting down the days until the rain stops. At the beginning they don't know of anything lurking in the darkness, but the sense of their—and the world's—impending demise should serve as fodder for plenty of sexual exploits. I am suuuuper open to input on this one.

~ Creature of the Night ~ TAKEN
Themes: horror, prostitution, vampirism
Despite the best efforts of the polizia di stato to keep things under wraps, a series of murders have begun to make headline news in Florence, Italy. The victims are all male, and it is suspected that their killer is someone posing as a prostitute, as all victims were found in some state of undress, and all had had sex shortly before being slain. The kicker? Oh, how the journalists love this: the murders all occurred on or near the Via Cappella Bianca, which just so happens to translate into English as Whitechapel Street.

In this story, I guess you would play a policeman investigating the crimes, or another vampire who disapproves of the manner in which my character is behaving. I will be playing a vampire, but I can also play other characters, e.g. your partner, should you play the part of a policeman. Due warning on this: shit's going to get graphic!

~ Daddy's Shame ~
Themes: dub-con, incest, shame
It's difficult enough to lose your mother at any age, let alone during your turbulent teenage years. (SFW) Stephanie's mother was murdered, and she and her father placed in a police witness protection program until the end of the trial. This all amounts to no mother, a new school, and a dingy one bed motel forming the principal aspects of her life. Of course, it's difficult to lose your wife too, especially when you have to live with the memory of her being murdered before your eyes. If only you could have saved her. If only you hadn't been so helpless...

In this story, I envisage a guilt-ridden husband turning to alcohol to soothe his tortured soul. This isn't a necessity, but here's how I see it going down: he drinks before bed to help him to cope, and that—coupled with the pain of losing his beloved—leads him to developing unnatural feelings towards his blossoming teenage daughter. She looks so much like his wife, and hey... maybe she wouldn't notice if he took her sleeping hand and used it to achieve a shameful release.

Note: This is one of the few instances in which I'll entertain incest. It's not usually my thing, but I like this story and have lots of ideas for it!

~ Escape to the Country ~
Themes: age difference, ménage-à-trois, road trip
While abroad on vacation with her husband, Luisa meets two young men in the midst of a coming-of-age road trip. They try to cajole her into joining them as they continue their travels, and she politely declines their offer. When her husband later confesses his infidelity to her, however, she bumps into them once more and asks if the offer still stands. It does, and together the trio hit the road that eventually leads to sexual exploration and discovery.

In this story I want you to play the parts of two young men no older than twenty-one. Luisa is in her thirties, and bearing everything in mind she isn't simply going to jump into bed with them. I envisage this as being a fairly dialogue-heavy roleplay, though it may not be. There may be (light) drug use, and there should be plenty of build up until she sleeps with one or both of the boys. By this I mean that we shouldn't commit ourselves only to a threesome; it may be that she sleeps with them individually first, and only later sleeps with both of them at the same time.

~ Fantasy ~
Themes: voyeurism
When the quaint two-storey house at 316 Pikeland Avenue was sold to a family from out of town, inquisitive eyes up and down the street turned the way of the new owners. Small town gossipers judged them on appearance, certain weekly churchgoers stopped by to see if they would be joining them at mass or lining up for a shorefront spot on the lake of fire, and others still simply kept to themselves. While all this was going on, one next-door neighbour kept quietly to himself, the open curtains of the bedroom across from his leaving him safe in the knowledge that he had the best seat in town.

In this story I'd like for you to play a voyeur who becomes obsessed with his new neighbour, about whom he has frequent fantasies. I'd like to write out the fantasies (we could write collaborative dream sequences), and maybe juxtapose them against real-life scenes where the characters interact. Your character could be a teenage boy, a married and/or middle-aged man, or anything in between, and mine could be a teenage girl, a married woman, or anything in between. I'm open to something happening between the characters in real life too, but I think it would be interesting if it were kept to fantasies only.

// Characters //

This is where I will post characters for whom I currently don't have a story.

~ Nathalie Niel ~
Born in Maisons-Alfort in Paris, Nathalie is a former escort who now resides in Buffalo, New York, where she fronts the critically acclaimed metal band Concussion (name subject to change). I'm open to any ideas you may have for her, but some potential themes might include drug use, groupies, or coercion/manipulation. Stories can take point at any point during her life.

// Current Roleplays //

Applewood Fields (w/ kaigen)
Creature of the Night (w/ PatientOne)
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