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Offline [9:17 AM 1/25/2017]
Online [8:23 AM 1/25/2017]
Offline [10:54 AM 1/23/2017]
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Recent updates
3:48 PM 3/22/2018
-Submitted apology for absence
-Clearing and archiving old threads and characters
9:04 AM 1/25/2017
-Added new thread in 1x1 section
-Added reference to thread for The Witch
-Edited colors somewhat for Index post
9:34 AM 1/23/2017
-Added Male and Uncategorized request threads
-Added offsite writing links
-Added a second picture for Cai Liadon
6:56 PM 1/22/2017
-Added Mizushima Kaiyo (Former Team Aqua grunt; Female, Pokemon setting)
-Added Kaiyo's (and my!) first 1x1 thread
12:16 PM 1/22/2017
-Added profile for The Witch, as well as placeholders for Brother Cael, Brother Vivian, and Cai Liadon
-Added an incomplete list of fandoms