A few cravings

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Jan 11, 2009
Resident Evil

I've played all the games, spin offs included and seen all the movies, live action and cg. So, can base a RP around any entry. Very open to discussing what we do. Be it smut with sexy ladies and various zombies and such, or something plot heavy and romance centered.

Fire Emblem Fates

I'm up for using characters from either kingdom. Due to all the possibilities, up for discussing specifics of what a RP would involve.


With this, I'm looking primarily for smut. Primarily oc female trainer Pokemon but I'd be open to having her bang other trainers of either gender or getting captured by Team Rocket or some such and used as a sex slave.

Game of Thrones

I've read all the books and seen all but the latest season, so I know all about the series. I'm primarily wanting to do something with either Sansa or Daenerys. I have a plot idea for each, but I'm open to discussing what we'd do. I'm also open to using other characters if the above two aren't something my partner would want to use.


With this, I'm wanting to play a girl in her late teens. From there, it's all up for discussion which member of her family we pair her with. Brother, father, uncle, sister,etc.....

Final Fantasy

I have played just about all of them up to13. Thus, alot out possibilities. Just pick the girl you want to used and I'll give you my ideas for her.
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