Seeking story driven fantasy rp with character development

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Jan 19, 2017
Hi there,

I'm always seeking interesting plots, my favorite being lycan or shapeshifter pairings but i don't limit myself to those exclusively. I do however prefer more fantasy based worlds and stories. I only rp over threads and rarely email. I've given the PM rps a shot on a number of occasions and they never work.

MC's tend to be confident women who can take care of themselves. I don't enjoy being a full submissive, i enjoy the challenge of a dom male asserting himself. I love a good power play element to character relationships. I have a K list below, its not complete because there are many things i haven't explored yet. For sure i don't do scat/toilet play.

I enjoy story driven rp with well developed characters that grow over time. I tend to write between 2-8 paragraphs depending on what i'm given and I ask that my partners be willing to at least give a solid 2-3. Take a look at my recent posts if you desire to see examples of my rp.

If you're still reading then great! I also don't mind my partners taking liberties with what happens in the story. You don't have to attempt actions and wait to see if it was successful. As long as you don't over do it then i dont mind if you say that an attack or something was successful and proceed with where you wanted to go with your post. I will do the same as well just to allow the story to develop more in less time.

Currently debating over a few plots, feel free to send me any of yours. Some of these are ones i’ve done in the past and would like to try again.

Lycan Plots:

When the Pack Calls
( exact meeting/back story for our characters can be hashed out) But in their past they fell for one another ( yc is a lycan and mine was a human) YC brought MC to the family estate which is against the rules and YC was ordered to kill MC as punishment but instead he shifts into a wolf and bites her. Its a risk because only men can become werewolves, either genetically born or bitten but no women has ever been bitten and lived. Yet MC does (can come up with a special reason later if needed)
She never knew the truth as to why the man she loved would turn her. She was raised with the pack for several years, always hating yc afterwards for what he did. Then she leaves to live a normal life among humans.

Then one day she gets a text from the alpha calling her home. (Can determine the story thereafter as to what has brought everyone back * rivalries and such, many options and i have ideas but would like to work with my partner on it)

Those that walk among us
Modern day setting where supernatural creatures exist and so do hunters.
MC is the pack enforcer. She takes care of the dirty work in eliminating rogue wolves or strays. An exiled pack member has resurfaced in the city and has been leaving bodies that are drawing to much attention from the humans. She is sent to eliminate him. YC is a supernatural hunter, known across the country as he keeps various creatures in check so that human existence isn’t threatened. They meet while trying to eliminate the same target.

Would like to build the rest of the story with my partner.

Intruder *Femdom*
MC is the alpha of a brutal pack. YC is a lone wolf who is captured while trespassing on her territory. She decides to turn YC into her new play toy.

I want to slowly break down YC here. Meaning i want there to be some spirit and fight in YC, not for them to just accept it. Even when they are obedient they have some air of defiance until they learn to love it.

Fantasy Plots:

Naruto Fandom OCxOC
Its several generations after Naruto Uzamaki. The shinobi world has change. Over the past few decades new kekkei genkai have been surfacing within various families all over the world. Some are more known than others but not members of these new families have begun disapearing and our characters are sent to investigate.

Full details will be flushed out with partner. From their relationship to what the true evil is that they face. I imagine they will still operate in a squad of 4, meaning we would each have a primary and secondary character to play.

The friendly thief
YC is a prince and MC is a lowly thief. They met when they were young as MC snuck into the palace grounds and for a time they spent many nights sneaking into the gardens together to play. Then one day she just stopped coming. I want them to run into each other again. Perhaps in another land while YC’s visiting for whatever reason. It could be fun if she is the bride to be for a rival countries prince.

Soul Bound
Our characters wake to find they are in a cage next to one another. They have no memory of how they got here but as they come to they realize the trolls are the ones responsible for taking them. They have to work together to get free.

I haven’t really flushed this one out very much. Initially i was thinking that our characters could both be elves but that doesn’t have to be the case if you have another race you would like to play.

As the title implies, i want our characters to be bound to one another somehow. They won't know this for some time but something keeps pairing them back up, even if they go off on their own at some point.

Would love to hear your ideas

Generic Pairings w/o plot(YC x MC)

Pirate Captain x stow away
Pirate Captain x Rival Pirate
Supernatural Hunter x Demoness
Lycan x lycan
Lycan x human
Lycan x supernatural being(any other kind you can think of just about)
Vampire x Human
Shifter x Human
Shifter x Shifter

Also Fandomes that i enjoy <3 Though i prefer OC in all of these.

The Shannara Chronicles ******
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Final Fantasy
Spirited Away
Attack on Titan
Alice *Syfy version*
Game of Thrones
*A new take on any fairytale (alice in wonderland, red riding hood, etc)* **really loving this right now**
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