Dark themes & Erotic horror

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Hello bluemoon,

Thank you for taking the time to reading my request thread, hopefully my ideas will entice you enough to contact me.

Basic information:

- Regarding kinks, i do not have any limits go as wild as you want, from cuddling to snuff and toilet stuff, it is all okay in my book. I will say that this does not mean i am fine with every idea, if your particular kink is "out of bounds" i may not be interrested unless other things are included that really entice me.
- I will allways play female characters, and i am fine with playing multiple characters. But i do not enjoy harem settings unless very very specific and you will have to offer something i crave before i will agree.
- I consider my self pretty polite and out spoken, my attention can waddle a litle though so maintaining an OOC chat with me helps me out a lot :)
- I prefer roleplaying over PM
- I am very interrested in group play aswell as "GM" style plays, but i am insecure and in experienced in both.
- I do not care what gender you are behind the screen :). I will say my interrest in FxF is not particularly strong but im up for trying most things if the setting seems interresting.

Cravings & ideas:

As the title suggestions i am currently craving some erotic horror & darker themes.
A few things that interrest me right now are 2 particular fandoms.

- Resident evil
- Darkest dungeon

I will gladly admit i am no expert in either. And i prefer to use the premise and general idea rather than playing in true depiction of either.

Sneaking around:
So one of the things i am thinking the most about is something similar to the earlier resident evils and sneaking around the mansion.
Now i would like to have a human partner to roleplay with but i am also seeking monsters. For this one i am very open to suggestions and discussion, i would like a fair bit of plot for this one and some of the main kinks i would like to include for this:
- forced nudity
- Horror
- Non consensual
- Monsters
- Betrayal (between characters)

Epic adventure:

This one is a bit more based around Darkest dungeon, but it does not have to based in that universe, but i am loving the idea that "heroes" are expendable and actually weak in the play.
I am very open for discussing a setting something like this and it can be based around numerous settings aslong as it sticks to the idea that no character is a "powerhouse"
And i would like to keep it grim and gritty, but if you would like to kidnap my character in a fantasy style setting, i think that could be enticing aswell. Aslong as we stick to dark themes and you dont expect instantious stockholm syndrom.

Specific plots:

Coming later

Thank you for reading my thread :). I am open to suggestions and ideas, or even friendly discussion! Please do not post below send me a PM instead :)
This will probably be updated once in a while
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