Something a little different....

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Aug 27, 2011
Well for me at least. I was thinking of playing something set in a medieval or fantasy setting. I only have a rough plot idea at this time, but I'll explain it as best I can and we can discuss it if someone is interested. It is very loosely based on an idea I read in another thread. It would also require my partner to play multiple characters.

YC 1. An exiled prince, thought to have been murdered when he was only a boy. He is now a young man 18-20. He's living a simple life on a farm in the outskirts of the kingdom with the 'parents' that have raised him from around the age of 10. The legitimate son of the now deceased king, he is the rightful heir to the throne.

YC 2. The current king. The bastard son of the former king. With no legitimate heir to the crown, he was able to seize power upon the death of his father. He's fairly evil and rules with an iron fist. He also has an unhealthy obsession with his sister MC.

YC 3. An important nobleman the king would end up marrying MC off to. Partly because of her unwillingness to give in to his taboo desires. And, partly because of pressure from the clergy who have caught wind of his incestuous feelings for his sister. His personality would be up to you. However, he would be quite possessive of MC and certainly wouldn't want to let her out of their arranged marriage.

MC The half sister of YC 1 and full sister to YC 2. She is close to YC 1's age, maybe only a year or two older. She hates YC 2, and is suspicious that he had something to do with the death of their father. YC 2 is obviously not the benevolent ruler that their father was. She finds out from YC 1's mother that you're still alive. She would seek you out in hopes that you'd return to court and take your rightful place as ruler.

However, they must be careful. YC 1 can't simply come back to court and announce who he is. Likely if he did so YC 2 would have him executed as an imposter. He must take on the persona of a visiting nobleman and alliances must be made with the noblemen in the court that would possibly side with him and help him take the thrown.

Also, upon returning the court with YC 1, MC would find out that YC 2 plans to force her to marry YC 3.

What I'm looking for in this,

Plot, Drama, some Romance, and there's always room for smut.

I'm thinking shortly after being reunited MC and YC 1 begin to develop feelings for one another. MC would also have to deal with the secret advances of YC 2, which would likely include some unwanted fondling, but not right out non-con sex. She would also have little choice but to consummate her marriage with YC 3 once the ceremony is over. YC 2 has threatened to either torture her or exile her if she doesn't marry YC 3 as he wants the powerful nobleman as an ally.

So, I hope that is not too confusing, and someone will find the idea interesting enough to want to play it with me.

One last thing, I'll probably only accept two or so partners for this role play. Thanks for reading!
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