Updatted Requests

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Nov 27, 2016
Hello my name Is Lucy and I have been role playing for over five years and in that time I have seen the very best and the very worst so don't come to in less your willing to give it your all and provide me with a great story and I will do the same, I will list 3 plots below but just know this I'm willing to hear out your ideas as you are mine so don't be afraid to hit me with your ideas I don't mind and if there good I can add them in or we could change the whole role play to fit them so I'm not very harsh with my rules but I do prefer you follow them and so yeah here are my terms and user agreement for being my partner.

1. More then one reply a day , just know that real life and work can get in the way of that and that's understandable but if you can i would prefer more then one reply because my brain is always thinking of ways to further the plot and i hate not having anything to work with so please understand where I'm coming from.

2. I do not play males (no just no just no lol)

3. i do like smut but i do like plot more

4. length of your posts don't really matter just something more then a one liner will work

plot ideas


1. Avatar The Dark War

Set years after the events of the first series this story follows new characters one of these is named Susan a young girl from the North Pole water tribe , the world has been at peace for along time but that soon changes as a group rises up calling themselves the Eqaulists and at the start of the roleplay they rule most of the world

2. Steel Bade Saga

Erika a young girl who has lived in the slums of a very rich kingdom for years , her dreams are to become a master at sword fighting so she can finally move herself and her family to the capital city and leave behind her past , however deeper and stronger she gets she becomes more and more targeted by the king himself and this brings her face to face with bigger problems then she could ever dream.

3. WE Are Gone

A small town where not much happens but one day people come in to study the town because of ghost reports and what they find will shock them and bring them closer to death then they ever have been before.
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