The Flames of War Never Changes (Shyone and Victoria St.Clair)


Sep 2, 2009
On The Throne Ruling The World
Coughing up blood into his hand Charles stumbled forward down the road as he held his shot gun loosely at his side. The arm was useless because of the shot he had taken to the shoulder, but he had managed to tie his shotgun to his hand. He still had enough feeling in his fingers that he could pull trigger if need be, but as every step felt harder… he wondered if he could actually survive until the next settlement. The whole meeting he had set up with some men that claimed to have key cards needed to get inside an Old World US Army weapons cache, but instead it had turned out to be an ambush. Somehow they had figured out what he was really after, and wanted his information instead. Frankly they had underestimated Charles and now where all lying out in the dirt with their brains blown out… their leader with his head cut off. Still they had given him a few broken bones, a shot to the shoulder, and some mild internal injury that the man considered the least of his worries as long as the bullet could be removed before he got an infection in that area.

Noticing a building ahead with a satellite dish on top, Charles mouthed to himself through thirst crusted lips, “It can’t be…” Before he could even get a better look though a wave of dizziness overtook him, and he yelled out in pain as it was his injured shoulder that caught his fall. Gritting his teeth he pushed himself up and crawled the last few feet to the wall of the compound and rested against it breathing hard as he inspected his surroundings. Only breathing a sigh of relief when he realized that he had not attracted any attention, but cursed his foolishness for not bring a stim pack or two… or at least some medical supplies. At least he had not forgotten to bring food and water, reaching behind him he pulled some pure water out and took a sip of the irradiated drink, and sighed with a smile, staring out towards the sun in the distance as he began to figure that this might not be such a place to die if it came down to it. Still there was no reason to go down that easy… so trying his best Charles used the wall behind himself to prop his body up as he stood…

It was to no avail as he ended up slipping back down again, chuckling at the ironic nature of the situation. Here he was on the edge of finding the treasure he had been seeking and well… it seemed that death might just have his life before then. His only luck was that the entrance to this place seemed to be along the road ways which people traveled. So maybe he would encounter a good Samaritan today? Reaching up he toyed with the strange golden locket he wore around his neck that was shaped like a heart wearing a little top hat. Yes maybe he could hope against hope…
Zipping up her suit after taking a moment to drain the hose, those heels clicked along the broken street as she meets back up with the team.

Victoria - " Syde, Where are we and how much further?" Syde blew his nose only to point up the road to an old bunker, but before they could continue the team heard someone yell out in pain. Victoria made the team push on to the target location as she inspected the sound, with her weapon at hand she pushed along a stone wall, her heeled boots stop as she squats down looking at the ground to inspect the blood drops. "Fresh" - she said under her painted black glossy lips. Standing up she follows the blood and wondering what poor fool had died this day. To the end of the trail at the back end of the compound she finds him, a small man, wounded, and on his last breath it seems.

Victoria- " Well, well, well... look what we have here, that is a nasty gun wound, and you seem to be dehydrated as well, the question is do you want to live?" The lady of Steel walks closer inspecting the man as she squats with both legs open before him, her bulge stretching the suit she had on as well as her perfect chest, Victoria moved her jet black hair out of her face to examine the man. Placing the heavy flamer to the side, her soft blue eyes stare at the wound as her hands with black painted nails sharpened like claws reach for his shirt to rip open more what the gun shot had left, seeing the wound and moving a hand under his jaw line she slaps him. Victoria - "Hey you alive or do I just leave you here?" Her eyes where more blue than they should be only to the fact that the eyeliner and eye shadow made it so.

Victoria's hands played with the man's hair moving it from his face to see if he would give one last breath or word... she waited for a response at the same time he could feel her hands searching him for anything useful. "Shame I found you like this, you look cute, would be a damn shame to see such a thing like you go to waste like this." -He could feel her hand run up his inner thigh and groping his crotch, which seemed to spark the man alive...
Even in his weakened state Charles heard them coming long before he saw them. By the sound of it, he was sure that it had to be a group of people, maybe they were the buddies of those men that he had killed… come to finish the job. Resolutely he moved he positioned his arm with his shotgun in a way that he could aim it without much effort, and with his other hand slipped a few knifes out of his back pocket to throw. Taking his last sip of water Charles felt that he was ready to defend himself, and well… dying in a last stand style of gun battle had to be better than just rotting away right here. Raising his weapon just at the moment he was sure they were about to turn the corner he struggled to keep his aim steady. Not that it mattered, as the instant the first solider appeared around the corner, Charles strength gave out. Not that it mattered… he would recognize those uniforms anywhere, in fact most people would. They were the Brotherhood of Steel, and given what he had to trade, they were a group that would be quite eager to help him out.

He was about to call out to the group when he noticed that one of them had split off and was heading in his general direction. Charles was finding it hard to keep himself together, but felt he could communicate that he was still alive and not past the point of saving. Whenever his rescuer got closer the male had to admit she was not at all what he expected. However beggars couldn’t be choosers and given the size of the weapon she was carrying… Charles figured she was not a women to be messed with. Weakly his eyes turned up to stare at her as she squatted down in front of him. The obvious bulge catching his eye, but he wondered for a moment if it just was his imagination. His answer to her question came slow, as she ripped his shirt open to look at the wound, and then without any warning gave him a good slap across the face. The pain was certainly enough to spark some to snap some life into Charles as his good arm slowly reached up and rubbed at the reddened area of his face,

“Yeah I am alive, and yes I would like to stay that way. I have something you might want if that keeps you from simply leaving me here.” Even wounded like this he couldn’t help the adorable blush that slightly painted across his features whenever the women ran her fingers through his dark black hairs. Those dark eyes that were almost the same color as his hair turned up to look at her again as she began to search him… for what he couldn’t be sure, but if giving away some of his gear was the price for treatment then he would pay up. Not that he was thinking much about payment, oh no… not when she was reaching up and grabbing a hold of his most sensitive areas. He gave a cute little yelp of surprise that was half way between a moan and a surprised noise. Pushing himself back closer against the wall Charles had not expected his rescuer to be so forward. Obviously he was a shy being, but that just added to his overall cuteness, “What do you mean that it would be a damn shame to see me go to waste like this? I am guess the price for treatment is not the usual one that the Brotherhood might put out?”
" You have what I want? hmmm... perhaps, first tell me what you are doing out here alone as it seems and how did you get this wound for starters?" Victoria reply in a soft voice, she quickly grabs the medic kit and starts to work on his wound pulling out the slug from his shoulder before spraying it with aid foam. " Sorry if that hurt but you will live, now don't touch it, the foam will do its work." Victoria explained just as she placed both hands under his arms and lifted him up to stand on his two feet, only to find himself pinned between the wall and her, he could feel her cock pressing against his as if it was some way of telling him that she was the alpha of the group, her breasts pressed against his chest.- " Now lets be clear you do not make the decisions around here or demands..." - Victoria pressed her hip into him more.- " Now if you have the skills I need to get into old tech then we might make use of you, if not then you might be on your own.." -Victoria steps away to see the man as he is and to read his body language at this point her cock had grown from the engagement the two just had below the belt, the skin tight suit seemed to outline it very well.

Before he could speak someone yells out for Victoria as she simply picks up the flamer weapon and runs toward the front of the bunker... at this moment Charles sees the back of her body of powerful legs leading to a large perfect ass and slim waist. As she rounds to the front Charles can hear a male voice explain to her that the door is locked by old tech, a computer that is placed on the wall next to the door, the green text with the blinking cursor. "No way to get inside then, explosives?" -Victoria questions the door to the others, only to have another male explain to her that the bunker would withstand the stuff they have. Silence for a moment.- "Okay you three stay put and keep a look out I will see if our new friend has any clue as to how this shit works." -Victoria walks to the back to see Charles still in place she gives him a smile with those glossy black lips.- " I see you stuck around, so you have any skills you like to share?" - As she speaks the weapon in hand is dropped and her body pressed against his, seems she is working her charisma with the young man, one hand runs along his chest as the other plays in his hair, the aid foam has done its job and healed the wound at this point. Before another word is spoken she reaches for her zipper and slowly pulls it down.- " Tell me shy one, you going to speak up or do I have to put something in that mouth to speak?" Victoria was a bold lady as her black glossy lips where inches from his awaiting his answer.
“Depending on which direction you came from, whatever your name is, you can thank me for the five dead scumbags lying beside the road. The chose to mess with the wrong person and it turned out not to be very good for their little business. As for why I am out here alone, it is because that is how I prefer to work… easier to remain stealthy in that way…” His slightly slurred voice turned into a pained hiss as the woman began to take the bullet out of him. Breathing hard Charles forced himself not to move up until the very last moment, when it popped out he was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The medicine which she put on actually had a cool pleasant felling, bringing a smile to his face, as he nodded in acknowledgement of Victoria’s instructions. As she helped him to his feet the words “Thank you…” Feel from his lips in a slow weakened manner, but he barely had time to say more. His face going red with a flustered blush when he realized that the bulge he noticed before hadn’t been something he was just ‘seeing’. Oh no it seemed this woman had a cock, and probably a very big one at that…

He couldn’t move back to get away from her as she asserted herself over him, Charles never used to being this close to a woman because of his loner lifestyle was so flustered and nervous that it made him look adorable. Charles would seem from the point of view of an alpha futa… a prefect little omega to make hers, especially as he bit his bottom lip to hold in a moan as she pressed in closer. He just wasn’t used to this kind of attention and admitted was a little sensitive, nervous, or both. Even in close proximity to the women he answered her demands with a simple, “Yes mam… as I said before I think I can help you depending on what you specifically need me to do.” Only playing off her military role, as well as his own lack of knowledge about her actual name and the fact he didn’t want to reveal too much about the key cards that he had in his possession just yet. That would come when he felt he could trust these people, but something told him this woman might get it out of him one way or another, especially as he watched her hard length seemly pointing in his direction in that skin tight suit she wore.

Not that the sight of her walking away help either, Charles gentlemanly nature had him looking sheepishly to the side to avoid staring, well… at least to try to avoid staring. Not that it worked out very good given the few peeks which he took. Quietly he waited knowing that squad of Brotherhood of Steel members held the only entrance to the compound so there was no way for him to get away. Plus having looked at their leader and the way she acted towards him, he doubted that he could any way. Sighing softly he kept himself propped up until her eventual return. “Yes I do, and maybe I will share them, but first I want your name. Can’t share my skills with someone I don’t even know…” He was trying to be cheeky, but it was an obvious cover up for how easily she put him off balance. Charles found her to be sexy, and not only that, but her cock was always an added bonus. This still didn’t change his shy nature and the way that he reacted as she pressed herself back against him.

Strangely this time as she petted his head she would find that Charles smiled softly even in his injured state. Making a soft cooing noise before starting to nuzzle into that hand, it showed clearly that she had found one of the young man’s weaknesses. Even this didn’t stop Charles from blushing, but he did try to burst through his nervousness in order to see if she was just bluffing. He wanted to know what she was talking about with that innuendo or did she not mean it, and so a coy look spread over his face when he tried to be serious and failed, “Oh and what exactly are you going to put into my mouth that you think will have me giving you the information that you want hmmm?” He had a feeling that he might regret asking, and the cute little smirk on his face kind of showed that he was asking for it.
Victoria gripped the young man's hair and pulled his head back, she was tall enough to still look down at him with a smile, Charles could hear the zipper reach its end point just before she placed her other hand on his jaw to squeeze his cheeks together. " I need someone with some talents that are very sought-after in times like this." Victoria explains only to stop mid way through her words to lick Charles lips before continuing on with her speech. " I need a special skilled individual that can get into security or disable locks, perhaps be my bitch, you wouldn't know anyone like that would you?" - Victoria said with a grin as her strength now showing to the young man as she pushes him down to his knees, her hand still grasping a full set of black locks, his eyes views her body as the zipper open revealing cleavage of her perfect breasts, to her toned abs, and finally to the hilt of her she cock that was trying to free itself from her skin tight suit.

" Would you like to join the Brotherhood of Steel young man?" -Victoria questions him as she pulls her she cock free revealing the nine inch throbbing cock, and as it came free from the suit a line of pre-cum launched from the tip landed on his lips just before she rubbed her cock against his cheek as it continues to leek. His eyes now could see the flame tattoo from the tip down the shaft outlined in multi color fashion.
"Those in the Brotherhood call me Lady Victoria, those in private or who know me very well call me the flame queen, remember that little one... Now how about you join us?" -Victoria smiles and just before he could say anything the tip of her cock presses against his lips and is pushed into his mouth, she slowly slides it into his gullet and down his throat before a big sigh comes over her and she looks down at him with a smile. " This is the Steel part of the Brotherhood little one, and its such a good fit down this hole of yours, and if you join me I will make you my personal bitch boi, would you like that? of course you would." -Victoria explains to him as she rocks her hips making his suck her cock, he can feel the tip releasing pre cum spurts down his throat as she held his head with both hands and fucked his face behind the bunker for a moment. "Now I will give you a moment to answer before I finish, I hope you decide to join me." - Pulling out her cock it dripped with drool as she lays it against his face and awaits his answer.
Charles never expected her to actually go through with what he thought was simply a playful threat. He also had no idea what she really planned on doing with him, or dare to say that he didn’t want to guess. The male could feel the strength in her hand as it grabbed his hair, he was just about to say something before she grabbed his cheeks and slowly licked his lips, painting a crimson blush on his pale features. Her request for someone to help her was not an unreasonable one, and the Brotherhood was known to provide a fair wage and even housing as well as companionship in a group that took care of its own… unlike most organizations in the Wasteland. However the fact he would have to be her bitch boi, well that wasn’t exactly something he was expecting and not really sure he wanted. Charles didn’t really find that he had a choice in the matter as Victoria sent him to his knees. His eyes grew wide at the sight of her uncovered form. She was amazing… and to be honest he couldn’t believe that an Amazon-esque creature like her didn’t already have plenty of other males she could use. Why pick him up off the floor of the Wastland…?

Then suddenly he saw it just as her cock revealed itself from inside the woman’s clothing. Gulping at the size of it, Charles couldn’t believe that she planned to use that on him. It made the young man nervous, but at the same time excited him in a way that he couldn’t explain, even as he blushed in a adorable manner as the cum landed on his lips… and the soft velvet surface of her cock began to rub against his cheek. Sure he would have answered “yes” had she given him a chance to explain his conditions and see if they were too much, but before he could that Charles found his mouth filled to the brim with her pulsing womanhood. The large dick moving in and out of his throat as tears welled up in his eyes, but at the same time he could feel something come over him. What it was Charles could explain, but to put it bluntly… he was starting to enjoy himself. Victoria would even find that the young man was moving his head on his own somewhat, tongue making timid movements to pleasure her, but Charles didn’t really get a chance to get into it before the woman pulled out, asking him the question that he had been waiting for.

Oh he gave an answer all alright, but probably not in the way that Victoria was expect. Just as soon as her cock had rested against his cheek did Charles slowly, but surely start to lick at the very tip of her member. Not even holding onto it, the young man ran his tongue in slow lazy circles around the base, right in its most sensitive areas. Giving the woman a playful and slutty look as he kept the crown of her shaft balanced on the tip of his skilled tongue, only every now I and then letting it come down so that he could kiss the spongy surface. Open mouth kisses and moans slipped from the male’s lips as he curiously asked Victoria between each and kiss and long lick along the surface of her cock, “If I agree to go with you my Flame Queen, do you promise to protect me and take good care of me? I don’t mind being your bitch boi as you so put it. However I don’t just want to be something you tie up in the corner for when you need me. I guess what I am asked is that as your bitch will you watch over and protect me as your own?” He blushed softly as he realized what he was saying and decided to distract himself with his work on Victoria’s cock, taking hold of the base, she would find that there was no need to push the young man to serve her… he was quite willing as he took her dick back into the warm cavern of his mouth.
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