Female Searching For Experienced Male [CRAVING] [Plots, ideas, Gifs]

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Prodigious Masterpiece

Pessimistic Perfectionist
Dec 29, 2014
The Southern U.S. - EDT/EST
Hey there!
I'm probably going to come off as a little harsh in this thread--I'll try to keep it to the point, but I have faced a lot of disrespect on this site so you might pick up on the undertones of that.

Stuff You Need To Know:
  • Especially before you contact me. (hint hint)

    I have been roleplaying for about ten years, or possibly more--I always lose count and I hate math. I love writing and I love roleplaying. That being said, I know what I like and I know what I don't. I don't know about you, lovely human reading this, but I typically know instantly whether or not a plot has grabbed my interest. I always appreciate when people pitch their ideas to me--but I will be honest with you. If I don't think I'll love the roleplay I won't do it, because we should both love the roleplay we're doing equally. If I'm not giving my best it's not fair to you--and I expect the same. That being said, I also expect you to know what you're doing, or to at least be honest with me. I cannot count the number of times someone has told me they want to play out a scenario, a type of character, a plot point, etc...but then they could not execute it properly. Please be aware of yourself--that's an odd request, but the stories I could tell you... On that note: do not tell me we are going with a plot, story line, a certain character, and then we we start to roleplay you do not follow through with what we've agreed on and you change things up on me. Do not lie to me and switch things up when I am expecting something to happen because we've agreed upon it--I will not do this to you. I can post anywhere between two and ten paragraphs, but I prefer to hover around three to four paragraphs.

    In the bedroom my characters will generally be sub and sometimes switch, depending on plot. I am only interested in roleplaying with real-life males, and I need the male characters to be dominant in the bedroom. I only roleplay over private messages, there are no exceptions whatsoever. Just because I enjoy being sub does not mean my personality is that of a sub. That being said, my roleplay characters are not me. Let's keep a line between them and myself, as well as your characters and yourself. Do not talk dirty to me at all, that is not why I'm here. I will treat you with respect if you respect me.

    Here is my f-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/prodigiousness/
    • That being said, I am listing out the super-important ones below. I advice you to read both, it won't take that long. My No-List below is important because it gets more specific than f-list does. Do not message me asking for anything on my No-List, I will not be gracious or kind about it at all. I will look at your No-List very carefully or ask you about them if you don't have one. This is a kind of respect that I think is very important.
      • My No List: Age gaps more than 7 years, first person, second person, classic master/slave or classic bdsm dom/sub, incest, student/teacher, foot play, playing multiple characters, fisting, beastiality 3+ penetration, lactation, being younger than seventeen, being the older female.
      • My Likes List: Non-con, romance, con, plot-driven, coercion, blackmail, smut-driven, virginity, forced-pleasure, nipple play, vaginal sex, anal virginity, public scenes, descriptive, third person, video/photographs.
      ***Please note: There are many levels to non-con: Forced pleasure, reluctance, etc. I almost never actually go for full-on, violent, screaming, crying non-con so if that's your thing, I'm more of a forced pleasure kind of girl.
So You Want to Contact Me?
  • Here's a checklist that's super important.
    • Do not post here. Message me, know what you want to say.
    • Do not ask me, "Do you want to roleplay?" I'm here, aren't I? Of course I do! Do I want to roleplay with you? You send me a bare message with just that question, and the odds are against you.
    • Be ready to have a discussion with me. We're both here to have a good time, yeah? That can't happen if we just talk around in circles and get no where.
    • Tell me about you as a roleplayer, what you like, what you want. Know what you want to roleplay? Awesome! I need to know information. I'm not going to just jump into roleplaying with someone who messages me, "Hey, is plot 2 open? I like it."
    • If you don't know what kind of characters you like, and you are not capable of moving a roleplay in a particular direction do not waste my time. I don't have time for you to ask me, "What should happen now?" five million times. I'm going to give you my ideas, I'm going to tell you when I don't like something--I am not going to tell you who your character is, how your character acts, what your character is going to do, I am not going to roleplay your half of this thing for you. I will not guide you, we will work together. If you can't manage that, then go away. I love to plot along with my partner, not for my partner. Do you love to plot as well? Great! Let's make a story together!
    • You find that you look below and not of my plot ideas interest you. Trying pitching your own idea! I'm all for that! I love to read new ideas, and I always appreciate the effort, I promise.

Gifs, Ideas, Plots:
  • So what we have here are all of my ideas. The gifs have caught my eye--feel free to use them for inspiration, or we can use what's happening in the gif and recreate it in a plot, etc. The sky is the limit. My ideas are my smut-based little stories that start quick and easy, and I love them to bits. My plots are equal parts smut and story, and generally are more long term.

Currently Craving: More smut-based plots.

Gifs: [Non-con]
[Let's brainstorm!] [NSFW includes non-con] 1) http://25.media.tumblr.com/270a28cca2f658f9cd6f1507bb71b490/tumblr_my0l544ta61t55ll0o1_400.gif 2) https://38.media.tumblr.com/f80da73c99782b40983d8abce8bb5848/tumblr_nfgdmnzVlE1rufm12o1_500.gif 3) https://24.media.tumblr.com/e5822f734fb7e78fcf5510d988edf307/tumblr_n4uzyzzngv1s7u3gao1_500.gif 4) https://38.media.tumblr.com/43a739be5e2db2117932de6a127ebe9f/tumblr_n60ge20cvT1scxjvyo1_500.gif 5) https://38.media.tumblr.com/344d24d26db6eb3e6d526fd99ddd7430/tumblr_n7ckjkBaeB1tatb44o1_400.gif 6) https://31.media.tumblr.com/05c53f81a69600bb8d9dba3d1244091a/tumblr_n6ym5uC5bg1tt1lr0o1_500.gif 7) https://38.media.tumblr.com/c8982388c7d9eae0e98f57f82461e05e/tumblr_neu8jiF4Zp1seah2vo1_500.gif 8) https://33.media.tumblr.com/95abcc0b6e2b9ff33e51af8da6f2d5f6/tumblr_n8dyjwXK2W1ttxrxlo2_r1_500.gif 9) https://38.media.tumblr.com/90033a1e069d89fd2a3da8061705ae7e/tumblr_nf1izpCBnS1rfrvcao1_500.gif 10) https://33.media.tumblr.com/fc81bf97ec8d0f6d5dc7cb6d60d263a8/tumblr_n5k3ynvTW11tokdxco1_400.gif 11) https://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tjpcSP9S1rsifhgo1_500.gif 12) https://33.media.tumblr.com/f9b28da12c38525d936ef3d8553f0725/tumblr_mv35q70GWT1sv5v93o3_500.gif 13) https://31.media.tumblr.com/7043e93f20c9770e3c8bcfa9894fcab0/tumblr_nccg0yzwUA1s4dm6ao2_500.gif 14) https://33.media.tumblr.com/ae4ce57716b60f3cc517a0be7d12099d/tumblr_nm6y8hxKC01u1s10zo1_500.gif 15) https://31.media.tumblr.com/77deebe9269cc2b68669f76198104e2d/tumblr_nlsicqBJMU1s69wgyo1_500.gif 16) https://38.media.tumblr.com/b3cec4fcfac3bf07a57a93c5c18c44b8/tumblr_nloh3z5q9Z1u6txbeo1_500.gif

Gifs: [Con]
[Let's brainstorm!] 1) https://31.media.tumblr.com/8633a07f712085d894111d139b5fd181/tumblr_n52ci0nhya1ql6o50o1_500.gif 2) https://31.media.tumblr.com/931f8eb94af20b46ba00cae775c11a67/tumblr_n6ao2i8Wc21suh97yo1_500.gif 3) https://38.media.tumblr.com/344d24d26db6eb3e6d526fd99ddd7430/tumblr_n7ckjkBaeB1tatb44o1_400.gif [NEW] 4) https://38.media.tumblr.com/cda2f1573664b324e2a85abdcbfb305b/tumblr_nfgdinz8RK1rufm12o1_500.gif 5) https://38.media.tumblr.com/750b0f376884aeaf9efaa6ec6a41cf2e/tumblr_nffgnnGxk11u3v7ubo1_500.gif 6) https://38.media.tumblr.com/90033a1e069d89fd2a3da8061705ae7e/tumblr_nf1izpCBnS1rfrvcao1_500.gif

Ideas: [Non-con]
  1. College enemies. Female Character loses a bet--the prize? The loser has to do what the winner says for five hours. (frat/sorority presidents? Why are they enemies? I've got some ideas, but I'd love to hear your ideas!)
  2. Innocent, naive girl attracts popular jock. [idea: It involves jock character finding the female character alone, the only one in the girl's locker room left and showering.
  3. Queen Bee//Bad Boy:
    The high school is a very lavish, rich school, meant for the elite. Female Character is the Queen Bee, in charge of just about everything. She does so much for the school, in fact, that the school gave her a small, personal office. She does everything, has everything, and is perceived as 'perfect' by most of the student body. Typical high school cliques, etc. Male Character, while he comes from a rich family, doesn't have the best relationship with his parents. Resents them, as well as the school. You can flesh out your character as much as like, though I think some typical bad boy elements would be helpful. I'd imagine that while he rejects hanging out with the typical elite clique, many of the females in the school fawn over him. He's probably bedded most of them as well. Female Character has the perfect stereotype boyfriend, the jock, the quarterback. They've been together since freshman year, when Female Character had been completely crazy about him---we'll call him Jackson. Though she remains faithful, now he's very much shallow and typical. He also is really crap in the sack, most of the time not even bothering to take off her shirt, or even bra. Male Characters catches Queen Bee and Jackson in an empty classroom having sex. The kicker is, Queen Bee has her phone in her hand and she's scrolling on the internet while it happens! Perhaps Male Character records a snippet on his phone and sends it to her on facebook, arranging a meet up between them. A good option here is blackmail.

    I imagine that our characters should both be the epitome of what the other is not, and that for years they've disliked each other and gone to great lengths to be a thorn in the other's side. This is supposed to be another one of those times, though for your character this would be the biggest jab of all. I think that the fight could get out of hand, and things get so heated that a bit of a smutty situation takes place as an option for con.
  4. I like the idea of the plot above, but with the characters slightly different--
    I like the thought of, not a nerd, but a different kind of male character. Perhaps he's president of the A.V. club, does production work for theater, etc. He's unconventional, a tighter, slimmer body type. A nerd, in a sense, but not in lack of confidence or social ineptness. In fact, I like the idea of him still being a smart ass little shit. I like the thought of them being childhood friends--even neighbors. In middle school when she began developing they started to drift apart, and once Jackson came into the picture their friendship imploded. Blackmail is definitely a plot point for this one, I'm thinking. I imagine him having this grandiose scheme--he'll make her cum and lord it over her because Jackson can't even do that. These are his intentions, but things start to get a little complicated after that. I imagine this starts out as forced-pleasure and delves into heavy con, rather than con. Of course, both of them are initially horrified by it at as well--this plot just seems hilarious to me, like it would be a lot of fun.
  5. Basically almost anything involving a rich, spoiled, mouthy Queen Bee---a bit of a stock character for me, but so fun to play! I have two types: the classic, less intellectual type, and I have a Queen Bee that's actually very accomplished and is more of a snob. I love her to bits, actually.
  6. College students, spring break.
    My character is in a relationship with a guy named Jackson, who is your character's best friend. You two have been inseparable, despite the fact that my character and your character can't stand each other. It's spring break and the entire group have gone somewhere beachy as a vacation. My character is in her hotel room alone preparing to surprise Jackson with some lingerie to try and spice up their lackluster sex life. Jackson's room, which is also your characters room, is adjoined to my character's room--the door is wide open. I'll get to more detail when you message me--long story short, my character doesn't have her contacts in, and assumes your character for Jackson. Your character realizes quickly he could have a lot of fun with this--it's the perfect revenge. I've got a really great idea for the first scene for this, which would set up future scenes really nicely.
  7. I've got this idea of a rich girl type, or Queen Bee even, being taken against her will (see, I told you this was a theme with me.) I'm thinking like a jilted jock gets his team mates to hold her down while he strips and takes her, or maybe it's a scholarship student, or even the school's bad boy?
  8. My character is a rich, thoughtless girl that enjoys belittling your character, who is her family's gardener. You work part time as a gardener while paying your way through med-school. Basically, your character's having a bad day, my character's having a bad day and her insults push your character too far.

Ideas: [Con]
[I'm not sure how much con I'm craving at the moment... If it's going to be con I'm still going to need some kind of tension or high-stakes mixed in. Like two enemies getting in a heated argument, etc.!]
  1. Female Character has crushed on her older brother's best friend for years. Her brother's back in town for the holidays and he's brought his friend with him. It's night, and the best friend just simply goes to her room to see her, but she's fresh out the shower. She's forgotten a towel and can't get to her closet because he's standing in front of it. (this could easily work well with, instead of a crush--they hated each other, or had an intense rivalry)
  2. Queen Bee always fights with Bad Boy. They go to a prep school and are each the epitome of what the other hates. Sarcastic quips, rude comments, you name it. One day they get into a fight so bad it leads to heated, passionate sex and they have to deal with it once the blood rushes back to their heads.
  3. Sorry, not good at coming up with con!

1 Plot: [non-con and/or con]
This particular plot idea is detail-oriented, and would require lots of future planning. It involves college, more specifically Greek life. Female Character is an incoming freshman who is pledging her mother and grandmother's sorority. Alpha Delta Pi is one of the most exclusive, popular sororities on campus. It has an extensive rush period and many pledges do not make it through, or they simply give up. At the end of the first week is the first big task because it takes place the weekend before classes begin. All pledges are taken to the brother fraternity, Alpha Omega, and lead to the main room of the large house. There the pledges are lined up, and stripped down completely. The only thing that identifies them is each girl has a different sticker on her abdomen. These are used by the frat brothers to call out which one they want for the night. Starting with the president, each higher up member of the frat is given a pledge of his choosing for the night. The sticker on the girl is left at the door, so her clothes can be returned to her by morning.

For that night the pledge must do whatever the frat member wants to do, because the frat member must give an assessment of the pledge. Her score goes toward whether or not she will make it into the sorority.

So this is where we come in. Your character can be just a frat member, vp, president, take your pick! Your character would pick my character, and the required night would ensue. Here's what I want with this roleplay: I've got a lot of things in mind as far as things that the sorority would put my character through as a pledge--some of them being sexual, obviously. I also think a college campus would give a lot of options in the way of scenes, etc. Beyond that the story is really what we make it. I'd like to start my character off pretty innocent, a virgin unless that's a turn off for you, because I want the roleplay to progress as college/Greek life changes her. I also like the idea of an eventual rivalry developing between our characters. So, because of that, I don't imagine the first night being a romantic thing. It doesn't have to be quite non-con, but regardless I think my character should be completely overwhelmed or possibly embarrassed afterward. After the night, she's given a great review. I think they should meet again at a party or something, and in that meeting some feathers should be ruffled. Something to start off the rivalry.

2 Plot: [non-con]
Male Character is fresh out of college, and way to high up on the business ladder to have earned it himself. His father is CEO, of course. Even some of his friends have high standing positions in the business. They are all young, rich, entitled, spoiled, etc. They do what they want. Male Character hires Female Character as his secretary. This is a big break for her because she is barely twenty, and can't afford to continue college just yet. The job pays well, and it just feels like a miracle that she's landed it. However, Male Character doesn't waste time getting a bit handsy. She doesn't want to quit, so she quietly reports him for sexual harassment. Nothing happens, obviously. What she doesn't know is that this is completely common there, and that her report was basically laughed at.

This is where the roleplay will start. Male Character calls Female Character into his office and informs her that reporting him won't work--but he is annoyed. He decides to stop wasting time. He informs her that if she doesn't do exactly as he says, she will be fired.

Things I want to happen in the roleplay:
--Obviously this is non-con/forced pleasure.
--He makes her expose herself in front of his colleagues. Sometimes letting them touch her or do what they want. (We'll have to discuss and plan this ahead of time, though)
--I want designated days where she's instructed to not where panties. On these days she must pull up her skirt or pull down her pants to him to prove that she's not wearing them.
--[Specific Scene Request] He's meeting with a business colleague in his office when he calls her in and forces her into the daily panty check in front of the college. He then forces her to turn around and bend over to further prove she's not wearing them. He then invites his colleague to 'inspect' that she's not wearing panties, and makes her bend over near his colleague. Colleague eventually asks if he can have a go at her, but Male Character rejects this, but instead offers to let him watch. (More details to be discussed)
--Eventually I like the idea of a scene where he calls her into a board meeting, a large one filled with all the higher ups as well as Male Characters friends where he makes her strip and does her in front of all of them. (So basically he didn't get in trouble by the report, not only because his father is the CEO, but because basically all the men do what they want to their secretaries)
Bump for a good partner!

Hi Prodigious, we had a RP going 'Dirty by Force' between a family groundskeeper and the spoiled daughter home for the summer. I tried mailing you about renewing it, only to find I've been blocked/ignored. Hope that was accidental, and you'd consider starting it back up? If not, and I've been ignored for good reason, just...well...ignore this message.
Iron and Wine said:
Bump for a good partner!

Hi Prodigious, we had a RP going 'Dirty by Force' between a family groundskeeper and the spoiled daughter home for the summer. I tried mailing you about renewing it, only to find I've been blocked/ignored. Hope that was accidental, and you'd consider starting it back up? If not, and I've been ignored for good reason, just...well...ignore this message.

Oh my gosh, I scrolled past your post so many times because I couldn't easily see it! When I went on my hiatus I added most of partners to my buddy list, but the ignore button is right beside it. It seems that I just wasn't paying close enough attention!

I'm going to see if our roleplay shows back up in my inbox and if it does I'll write you a reply. If you like, I'm definitely interested in roleplaying again! If not, I totally understand.
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