What Makes You Different, Makes You Dangerous (randomname98766789 x Izzy325)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Jackson looked like the typical Dauntless member. Tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, and various tattoos scattered about his upper body. Wearing a lightweight, black t-shirt with a leather jacket covering with a matching color of form-fitting pants and boots, he sported a machine gun in his hand. Being a member of Dauntless meant he helped control the security of the city. Dauntless were equivalent to the police of Chicago. It was considered a dangerous job to guard the locked, city gates. They represented the border of their home sweet home Chicago and the outside, devastated world. Nobody wanted to know what was out there. Well, Jackson did but he figured it was better left alone.

Nonetheless, he was born into Dauntless and stayed there after the Choosing Ceremony. Speaking of the Choosing Ceremony, the annual event just took place earlier this morning. It had been a handful of years since it was his time. He passed with flying colors and was now a high-ranking individual on the task force that kept watch at the gates. Some days, he would lead a patrol through the city because the highest ranked members of Dauntless trusted the young male thoroughly. It was a quiet day just like most days with only the wind creating noise. As usual, all soldiers were dead silent on the job.

Bravery and toughness were of high value in this faction. Jackson represented those values extraordinarily. On the outside, he was colder and stoic. He was a tough leader and plenty of people thought he was an asshole. He was feared and respected, a deadly combination. Outside of his job, his social life was rather limited other than various leaders in Dauntless he connected well with since their personalities were similar. By far, Jackson was the typical alpha male one would expect.

It might be impossible to see, but Jackson had a caring side and was not as hedonistic as people believed. In fact, he represented bravery by helping others in ways the average person would not. If there was a crime, he would report to the scene first despite not being on the job. He was always willing to give his life for the faction. It was instilled in him since birth. There was one issue he faced daily, though. Well, it should not be a negative issue but Jackson was bothered every day. This was the topic of a certain member of the Amity faction of all things.

See, Amity farms were located near the fence. Some areas were as close to the fence as possible. During the past few months, Jackson had been watching a certain male from this faction. They made eye contact almost daily but never even exchanged a word since Jackson had to upkeep his persona. He wondered if the male was young enough to have switched out of Amity or if he was still present after the day. The male was just arriving at his post and eager to search for his friend though he was terrified of someone noticing.


Days ago, Chase Adams was a member of Abnegation. A great deal of stress was loaded into his mind before the aptitude tests started. His parents were Abnegation-born and obviously remained in the faction at eighteen. His older sister was two years removed from her Choosing Ceremony and eighteenth birthday so she was already working on becoming a prominent member of the justice system with their parents. Though faction was supposed to be valued over blood and the choice of faction was an individual selection, Chase knew his family wanted him to stay in Abnegation to keep the tradition going. Other factions were frowned upon, especially Dauntless. His father never stopped talking about those “rebels”.

It was fine, but there was only one opinion he cared about. That opinion belonged to a beautiful, blonde girl of the same age, Beatrice Prior. Tris- as he called her. It was a cute nickname he had given her years before that he utilized when they were alone. They had been in a secret relationship for years. Being a member of Abnegation, they risked never seeing one another again if caught. Hell, this place hardly allowed two adults to be in a relationship. It was too selfish to seek out love. Most marriages were for procreation purposes to keep the generations flowing so the spirit of Abnegation never died.

Nonetheless, Tris and Chase were in love. They had taken the aptitude test on the same day and met afterwards to share results. Both were sent home early and told to have become ill from the test. However, both were classified as “divergent”. Neither knew exactly what it meant other than it could be dangerous for other people to know. The couple showed aptitudes for Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. The test did not give a specific answer.

Even though they were not supposed to tell anyone the results to begin with, it was even more imperative to keep the secret now. Instead of keeping it hidden, they disclosed the information together and it showed how strong their love was. Nonetheless, Chase promised to choose whatever faction Tris chose on the choosing day: and he did. Today, they were Dauntless initiates, running to jump onto the train then leap onto rooftops. They stood with all the remaining initiates as a handful did not even jump and a couple missed the jump and were presumed dead.

Their next task was jumping into a hole from the roof. The leader did not disclose whether a net would catch them. They were already this far and Chase realized they had to take this leap of faith: together. Grabbing Tris by the hand, they stood on top of the ledge and dropped down together, flying through the air. If this was the end, then so be it. However, all those thoughts were replaced when a soft net caught their bodies and a multitude of stunned faces dressed in all-black attires watched the first jumper…. Jumpers, in this case.
Growing up in Amity life could be described as simple but perfect. A faction whose only purpose was to create and promote peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality. A faction formed by people who believed that war and fighting for why humanity failed in the years before. Despite the people feeling this way they welcomed the dauntless faction in patrolling the edges of their property. Growing up the children from Amity would dare each other to get a close as possible to the guards. The game would last for a bit before the guards scared them off or their parents came to collect them.

Kieran Bellemore spent his entire child and adult life in Amity. Two years before when he went through his own choosing ceremony without a moment's hesitation he choose Amity. He always knew he was going to pick Amity as his faction but during his aptitude test he was sent home but not before speaking to a man from erudite who was only a couple of years older than himself. "Don't tell anyone about your results..." He said in a shed whisper as he leaned over the computer. His fingers rushed over the keyboard as he typed furiously. "You placed in three factions and this happened to someone I knew...." He trailed off before he looked up at Kieran. "In fact you look a bit like him...Pick a faction where you won't be noticed." The man looked Kieran up and down for a moment. "Stay in Amity...you'll be safe there." He grabbed the blonde and escorted him outside. "You are sick. And remember pick Amity." He walked home that day confused but followed the mans orders. He told no one about his odd results and chose Amity when it came time.

Kieran looked like a typical Amity member. His long blonde hair was grown out falling in pretty waves which framed his face. His bright green eyes kind and welcoming. On a particularly sunny day Kieran wore jeans that were cut above the knee giving him room to run. A white thin cotton shirt covered his toned but thin frame. The cool wind blew through his hair as he looked up in time to catch the dauntless guard who patrolled the area starring at him.

He brushed his hair back behind his ear as he blushed slight before looking down at his work. He kneeled before a row of food digging a deeper ditch to pull out the roots. Sadly some animals had gotten to some of the food which now had to be pulled out. Miley Kieran's best friend looked up and watched the guard with a bit of suspicion but with curiosity as well. "He's a dauntless guard Kieran. You know it's forbidden." A small smile graced her face before she looked at Kieran. "Go talk to him...I see the way he looks at you and you at him. If you guys share one more longing look at each other I'll throw up." She stood up grabbing Kieran and heading over to them. Miley was a beautiful girl with light brown hair and startling hazel eyes. "Miley no I can't." Although Kieran did not put up much of a fight. Normally he was outgoing and extroverted but something about this man made him nervous in a good way.

She dragged him over to the edge of the border where the dauntless members were patrolling. "Miley stop. These guys don't look like they are in the mood." The girl only laughed in response before dragging him to them.


A similar case happened to a young about to take her attitude test from the abnegation faction. Beatrice Prior both her and her longtime but secret boyfriend Chase were told to leave and never speak about what had occurred earlier that day. Despite knowing that if other people found out she was divergent it could cause serious widespread panic she told Chase. Throughout her entire life the one person she knew she could depend on was Chase. The pair had gone through so much together in their short time on earth. They shared their first kiss, their first sexual experience, and their first secret from their parents. It came to no big surprise to either if them that despite being told to keep this a secret they told each other.

Tris thought about all of this as she sat during her choosing ceremony. After spending the past eighteen years in abnegation what would life be like outside of it. What would life be like if she were allowed to indulge in any pleasure she wanted. To think about herself for once. She would always be selfless it was apart of who she was. But the thought of thinking about herself from time to time was too alluring. As she walked up to the podium to make her choice for the faction she would choose. She walked up to the bowl with a knife in her hand. She raised her open palm over the smooth grey stones of abnegation before turning to dauntless and cutting her hand and allowing her blood to spill over the burning coals.

She moved turning to the dauntless section trying not to meet her fathers eyes. She knew he would be greatly disappointed with her choice and she couldn't bear the thought of seeing his face. She waited her heart pounding as Chase's name was called so he would pick. Once he picked and choose dauntless as well she moved closer to him thankful that she wouldn't be alone. She could always count on him.

As they moved with their new faction Tris held onto Chase as they were informed about what their next steps would be as dauntless initiates. While jumping out of a moving train had been the most exhilarating thing Tris had ever done the dauntless faction would truly test her nerve.

She listened as the dauntless leaders told her to that the next step would be to jump. Chase and Tris walked to the edge and looked at each other before holding hands. With Chase by her side she no doubt felt fearful but he made her brave. She closed her eyes and jumped. Tris could feel the cool air around her body making her hair fly around her face before hitting a net that broke their fall. Cheers could be heard as people yelled "First Jumpers". She watched as the other recruits jumped from the rooftop.

Tris leaned against Chase and whispered in his ear "That was the most exciting thing we've ever done...well besides the actives we partake in when we are alone." She said with a laugh before waiting for the rest of the group to finish their jumps.
Generally, positive emotions such as love and romance were seen as weakness. Dauntless was about being brave and courageous. There was not time for loving or romance. The only intimate scenes involved one night stands or quick fucks to feel good. Most dauntless members were seen to be emotionally detached. Jackson tried to embody those traits because he did not want the others to pick on him. Yes, it might be cheesy but he was trying to fit in with the others. His physical skill was there but his personality lacked what Dauntless needed sometimes. He could be too playful and not so serious at times.

He had done well so far until meeting this member of Amity near the wall. This was something horrible in the male’s opinion. Not only did he feel a horrible sensation of being afraid of what the others saw, but Jackson felt pitiful. It was bad enough that he felt head over heels for a man that he did not even speak to. In fact, they have never shared a single word. It confused Jackson how just an appearance and the presence was making him feel the way that he did. Though this guy was gorgeous, Jackson felt his desires were not specifically physically motivated.

Yes, he was attracted to this male. However, even though they had never spoken, Jackson knew his personality was beautiful too. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the sound of his voice, and so many other small quirks just allured Jackson. His favorite aspect was watching his flowing hair in the wind and he just imagined stroking his fingers through it over and over again. It was hard to focus when he was around. Even though he wanted to see the male, he needed to get work done. That probably was not going to happen like this.

When they reached their posts, Jackson immediately turned towards the male because he knew where to look. The first thing he did was make sure that nobody else was looking at him. Jackson did not want any of his superiors or friends finding him looking at someone else. A guy, nonetheless. Plus, he was in amity. That was a recipe for disaster. Besides, they were not in the same faction so it was pointless to ever think this way. Jackson tried to convince himself of this but he was unable to clear his mind.

He could only imagine what his friends would say if they saw this. To his disdain, Jackson had been looking too long. He only turned his head away when he saw the guy and a girl approaching. She was pulling him by the hand and she was looking dead at him. Oh no. What was going on? He nervously scratched the back of his head as he did whenever this anxious feeling presented itself and turned away, slowly sauntering towards a different area around his post, hoping that they would just move on without saying anything to him. Or, maybe they were not even going towards him. He might just be paranoid.

“Hey Jackson. I see you staring at her ass. She’s a good one. Such a shame she is Amity.” Jackson turned again to see his close friend, Brian, talking to him. Well, at least he thought Jackson was looking at the girl, not the guy. He was struggling with his sexuality so Jackson just brushed off his friend and chuckled nervously before glancing towards the couple again, feeling himself almost locked in place and unable to move.


Chase felt his heart racing. The stunned looks on the face of everyone made Chase grin. It was uncommon for such an act to occur in dauntless. “I agree, baby. I love you so much. This is amazing. I think this is the best choice we could have made.” Chase left the choice up to Tris and decided to go where she chose. The young man decided he would follow her anywhere. Chase held his hand wrapped tightly around her hand, lacing their fingers together. They watched everyone else jump into the net and Chase pressed a few kisses to her lips now and again. His hands slipped all around her body from her shoulders down to her back, just enjoying their time together while they waited.

The Dauntless headquarters were underground and the tour was starting. As they walked, Chase walked beside of Tris and continued holding her hand. They were given one room to sleep in with bunk beds. Immediately, he brought Tris to the corner and claimed the top bed for himself. Even though this was claimed, he knew they would both sleep in the same bed together every night. That was something they had never done before. He just had to claim the bunk for the charting purposes.

There were ten transfers. Five from Candor, three from Erudite, and two from Abnegation. Their instructor was named Four and he introduced them to the pit. There was a chasm with surging water over the edge and everyone was dressed in black, living along the walls of the Pit in the sleeping spaces. They were going to eat lunch in the cafeteria together as a group. However, they had to change into Dauntless clothing first before they went anywhere. A set was laid out on each bed for the transfers.

Chase immediately started to strip down. There was no changing areas and the showers were open. He would not like these people being able to stare at Tris but that was all they could do. He felt comfortable though. Himself and Tris had been nude plenty of times before. After stripping down, Chase took his time and allowed himself to be free for Tris’ pleasure so she could just look at his body and get another glimpse of him. The black boxers were pulled over first followed by the black jeans, black socks, and black combat boots. His final layer was a thin, black t-shirt and he was all set up and ready for the new faction. Everything here was dark but he actually liked it. He did not like too many colors anyways.

When Tris changed, Chase made no reservations about looking at her body. From head to toe, she was fucking gorgeous. He even made some side comments about how sexy her body looked and just reinforcing how he loved her. They were the last two to get ready but they were leaving the bunkroom soon enough hand in hand. The clothing looked nice and tight on Tris, something else Chase would look forward to seeing daily. He no longer had to deal with loose, baggy clothing that did nothing to accentuate the body. This was infinitely better.
Kieran continued to struggle against Miley's strong grip as she pulled him over to where the dauntless members partolled. Throughout this entire ordeal Kieran couldn't take his eyes off of one man. His dark eyes
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