Quick Black Butler Request Thread

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Dec 26, 2016
Hi, all! So I have a general craving for some Black Butler roleplays, particularly involving Sebastian and Ciel (aged up appropriately to comply with BM rules). If this catches your fancy, then maybe we could cook something up. Right now, I'm mainly looking for some smut-heavy shenanigans and the like, and I'm quite open to ideas as well. I can work with canon (manga-verse preferred when it comes to this) or even AU (I'm a sucker for modern).

I can work with either character, too, so feel free to choose who you wish to play as. I've worked with quite a lot of spontaneous ideas with these two, including but not limited to public sex, drunken spontaneity, spanking and light BDSM, vanilla, rough, etc.

Now, here's the part that may not strike your fancy, but I'm going to put it up anyways because I've been craving it lately. If anyone is willing to play as a talking, male werewolf while I play as Ciel I will love you forever. And a day.

I prefer to reply/communicate via PMs; they're easier for me to maintain. I don't bite, so if you wish to communicate outside of RPs then I would be delighted, especially if it's just to chat, or even to say that you're not feeling the RP anymore. I would much prefer that than to just realize that you dropped the RP without saying a word.

So if you're interested, I'd love a response, and hopefully we can get something going!
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