Erotic Adventures (FxF milf x young fantasy)

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Jul 23, 2016
The story begins with Amara, an adventurer milf with experience not only in combat but also in th bed, who arrives to a small village called Ivertread.
As in any RPG game jobs for adventurers can be found in the tavern, Amara gets there and hears about the reward offered for eliminating whoever is creating some kind of monsters in the nearby caves.
Amara accepts the job and fights all the monsters after eliminating them all she gets into the cave and finds out the one creating them is a young witch who had been experimenting with dead bodies (resulting in the creatures Amara fought before) sho she could find a way to revive her dead parents.

We can discuss about whatever happens inside the cave, maybe they just fight, one of them gets raped by the otger or maybe both get raped by one of the creatures.
At the end the witch decides to give up on reviving her parents and joins Amara in her travels around this fantasy world we can discuss about.
There are some things about the RP I would like to make clear before we start, well this is my idea about the World the RP would take place, if you want to change or add anything just tell me, after all it's just the basic idea:

The vast continent known as Nirn is devided in 5 cultures or "Worlds" as they usually called.

The Central World: Based in Medieval Europe, lots of countries that usually fight against each other for territory. The largest of the 5 worlds, they are highly religious.

Eastern World: Based in Ancient Rome and Greece, they are all State-Countires that continuously fight over the control of the Eastern World. Despite all State-Cites hate being confused with another they all consider themselves Easterns. (Amara comes from one of those State-cities). Eastern people is really fond of orgies and everything related to sexuallity.

Western World: Based in Ancient China and Japan. The Western World is completly unified under the Emperor Shaok-Mak, whose only enemies are mostly bandits and monsters. The people of the Western World has a strong sense of honor and loyalty to the Emperor, they are also really fond of martial arts.

Southern World: Based in the Nordic societies and Viking Age. They are all small countires with their own Kings, these Kings swear loyalty to the High King, who controls all the Southern World, however the Kings are quite independant, this leads to many conflicts between them. They are the best sailors of Nirn and also the best drinkers.

Northern World: Based in the Arabian Countries. The Arabian World is consists in many different tribes scattered around the Great Desert, they fight for the most important resource, water. Each tribe has a King, who are the only ones allowed to have an harem, something the Nothern world is famous for due to the great amount of women in each harem (Amara was part of one for a few months). The best blacksmiths of Nirn all come from the Northern World.

I will also leave a basic Character Sheet of my character here:

Name: Amaranta "Amara" Augustus
Age: 36 years old.
Height: 1,68 mts
Weapon: Sword and Shield.

Biography: Amaranta was born in Corintio, one of the biggest State-Cities of the Eastern World, she was the daughter of a Nobleman, she was taught about economy, politics, maths and obviously warfare (by her father who also popped her cherry when she was 15) as she was expected to become a warrior as any other Corintian citizen. When she was old enough to join the army she fought against Some of the tribes of the Northern World, they won the war but Amaranta got captured and had to serve the King, she escaped a few months later taking advantage of a rebellion caused by one of the sons of the King (under Amaranta's influence). She could have returned to Corintio and have an easy life as a noblewoman but instead decided to travel around the continent hunting down monsters and bandits by equal.
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