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Femboy who sucks at titles request thread.

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Luka Lulu

Dec 12, 2016
Golly am I bad at titles. I'm bad a request threads also. I'm bad at a lot of things basically. But not rping! I think I'm good at that. I do have a request thread on the "others" category but can't be bothered to get the link now you do it. I'm just kidding you don't have to do that.

Anyway I'm really awkward incase that was not apparent. Ugh the more I type the more I feel I'm making a fool of myself. A trainwreck is how I'm often described but if you're still reading that must mean you're into that? Weirdo. I'm sorry I called you a weirdo back then I didn't mean it.

Anyway about that whole rp thing. I write about three to six paragraphs on average, and I check the site pretty often since I have no friends or life and just spend my time writing or playing games. I can only play femboys for some odd reason. That being said, I am absolutely not going to play some slutty character that will bend over upon the first command. That's lame and not cool at all. I also don't enjoy playing a typical sissy type. I don't mind playing a gentle girly boy, but I don't like cliches. Cleechays. Clichay. Whatever.

I simply like to play cute boys that could be mistaken for girls, it's fun for me. I don't like playing manly men or female characters myself, femboy is the perfect middle ground for me. I can play switch but lean towards bottom, I also prefer woman or futa, but I'm not completely opposed to men. Men just have a harder time getting accepted by me, sorry. That doesn't mean it isn't possible! Just unlikely.

I tend to be somewhat fickle and picky with my partners so if you're inital post doesn't impress me I might just feel bleergh and too lazy to rp with ya. I also tend to poof every now and again but I swear I'll come back, so you better not get upset with me or I'll like cry
cause I'm like


But like. Yea. I like a variety of rps, though I tend to stay away from dark stuff. I don't like physical pain or like murder and junk. I don't mind drama but most of my rps tend to be romantic and somewhat silly since I like to write with a light hearted style.

I don't like real pictures, I prefer anime ones and no furries. I don't mind if you like furries but I ain't into that and you can't make me. This thread just looks like a bunch of rambling good for you if you actually read any of that, just to make sure you did the password is bunnyboo. Also don't post here pm me if you're interested.

Ahhh what else what else..

I'm fine with a large amount of kinks, but absolutely no scat stuff or gore. I also don't like being called curse words, you can cuss like a sailor for all I care, but I don't like being called cuss words even if it's a term of endearment.

I'm fine with pm or threads.

Any setting is fine, modern, fantasy, sci-fi, I like them all.

Duuuuh.. here's some quick plot ideas to get your brain juices flowin

Otaku sibling is frustrated with his/her 2d waifu/husbando and can't help but notice their younger sibling would make a good dress up play thing.

School idol is secretly a cross-dresser, only best friend knows or best friend discovers secret.

Arranged marriage deal (can be set in the Omegaverse(or whatever it is called) if MxM)

Prince/Princess who orders butler to dress as maid.

Prince who dresses as a princess and their butler/maid.

Overbearing, obvious crush having kouhai and their club senpai

oh and here's my f-list just cause why not

Welp. That's everything. Gosh I'm bad at request threads. Thanks for reading all this if you did, good on ya. Remember, Bunnyboo.

Check out my other request thread just in case there's some info for ya there:

Also I love Steins;Gate and want to rp Steins;Gate as Ruka give me Steins;Gate rp please I'll love you.
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