Looking for new partner(s)

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Aug 15, 2016
Hey there!

My name is Kiara and I am in the mood for a couple of things in particular. I will get to those later though. First, about me! When I write, I typically write a few paragraphs, and generally expect the same from my partner. I try to write at least once a day, so I hope that you are able to do the same. Things happen. Life happens. I understand. Just please let me know if you can before you disappear for days! I will do the same. A good story is what truly turns me on, not just smut. So, please, do not message me if you are only interested in smut. Don't be too put-off though! I do enjoy some good sex and/or rape. I just don't want every response to be that. My character is never dominant, but I do have a fiesty side. I am not going down without a fight. If you get turned on by the fight and don't want that to stop throughout the entire role-play, that is fine by me! If you like some fight, but prefer that my character eventually submits, I can do that too! When writing, please try to control your own character as much as possible and stay away from controlling mine. I am fine with a little bit of it, but I do like to have my own decisions on how I react to particular situations. That being said, I typically let my partner lead the story, just don't get the two confused please. I also only play through PMs or emails. I do not like posting on threads or through IMs.

I have my kinks and my turn-offs, just like everyone else. I believe everything is covered in my f-list. Just a quick note on that. My 'maybes' are things I am willing to discuss. I am usually flexible and open to trying new things. What I will not do (my hard 'nos') are on my f-list. Anything on there is not something I will be open to or flexible on. They are an immediate turn-off for me, so sorry if that is what you are into! I typically prefer non-consensual, but I am open to trying a consensual role-play. Like I said, I am pretty flexible.

Alright! So, some plot lines that I am interested in. I am willing to change details of the plot, but if you want something completely different, please just tell me. I don't want someone coming up, saying they want to do a certain plot, and then changing the core aspect of it. As mentioned previously, I am flexible. Here is what I have been craving!

A Marriage Divided

In this role-play, my character would be engaged and about to have her wedding. You would be an ex-boyfriend or even just a stalker. Your character feels scorned, having loved me, and now I am marrying another man. You plot your revenge, thinking of the evilest ways to take me. On our wedding night, your character would break in to our hotel. Long story, short my new husband will not be the first to have me.

This one has the opportunity to go many ways after the wedding night. Do you take me away and keep me for yourself? Do you leave me, only to come back again? What happens to my husband? Many different routes with this one.

Kings and Queens and Other Things

For some reason I have really been craving this one lately. My character is someone of noble birth, but not into the royal family. I am a beautiful, young duchess, happily married to a Duke of the realm. Everyone knows the King's marriage is strained. The queen is not bearing any heirs, and of course, there must be an heir. One festive night, a ball is held at the King's castle, and my husband and I decide to attend. It is then, that you, the king, first lay eyes on me. You know that you have to have me, even though you are married. You have to have your heir, and I will produce one for you, whether I like it or not.

Many directions this one could go as well. Will the King dispose of his wife and/or the Duke? Will he take me as his wife instead? Or hide me away in the castle? This is one I would be willing to turn into a consensual role-play after some time. The first few times the King takes me would need to be non-consensual as this is how I envision the plot going.

Angel vs. Demon

I know this is on my 'maybe' list, but it is something I have recently become interested in. I am not sure how I would do, but I would try my absolute best. If you are looking for someone well-versed in role-playing in this type of fantasy, this plot is not for you. My experience is almost nil here, and while I am a decent writer, it might take some time for me to get into the groove of this style. ANYWAYS! Here is the plot.

I am an angel, perfectly innocent and beautiful. It is a gorgeous night and I have decided to go to my favorite place on Earth. A forest with a small lake in it. I know that I am not supposed to be here, but I need to have some freedom. You are a demon, perfectly evil. You stumbled across me once as I came to the lake and now you have been watching me coming here for weeks. Twisted thoughts and ideas run through your head as you plot against me. Tonight is the night. The one where you are going to take your prize.

These are a few ideas that I have and I am perfectly willing to expand on them or consider other possibilities. Either respond on here, or send me a PM if you are interested in starting something up! Thanks!


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