Hellsing new warriors of the night (kira and me)


Apr 16, 2011

Mark was pissed, that lousy Vicar had manged to slip through his fingers, mark was lucky he found it in cheddar though not before the damn thing went wild again. “man the boss is going to kill me again...” he sighed as he got his old Winchester lever action rifle out. Mark was armed like cowboy's wet dream. guns all over his body, he was dressed to kill literally. Mark soon was seeing the vampire about to do horrible nasty things to a big titty police girl. “not today motherfucker” and with simple pull of the trigger he manged to blow off both of the vamps arms off. It screaming in agony. He then drew his six shooters unloading and taking his ghouls as he steadily made his way to the police girl. “hold on hot stuff be there in a sec.” he smiled as he soon appeared in between the vampire and the police girl.

“well well we meet again mr bond.” mark said as he let his spent casings fall to the ground. He took his Winchester back out and said “Smile for the devil in the pale moonlight and tell him I said hello” then Mark blew the vampire head clean off and for good measure ripped out his heart. The body turning to ash.

“well now that wasn't as satisfying as I would have liked but still we have a survivor. So what your name police girl?” he smiled cockily as he started reloading his guns and making sure every damn ghoul was dead.
RE: Hellsing new warriors of the night


Seras Had been grabbed and was being dragged away she had originally been out with her team trying to bring some peace to the land but obviously when you had no idea what you were dealing with; it did make it a little harder to do. She could see her men scattered in the ghouls around her as she was held hostage by this ... priest? She felt the hand grasping her breast roughly before the shot rang out. she could feel the arm s that were holding her drop as she turned to see another young man there. She watched as he was simply walking over and one by one taking care of the beast around her.

He blinked a little surprised by this guy before she stood up. "My name is Seras Victoria." She said as she dusted off her uniform having stood her shirt had been rather torn now as she grumbled a bit. " Damn it what the hell is going on here." she said grabbing her gun up from the ground. "This is ridiculous." She muttered as she looked to him. " and what is your name, and how are you seemingly unaffected by these zombies?"
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