Think Positively

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Oct 24, 2015
Hello BM.
It has been a long time. Months, in fact, since I have been on. I struggle with some health issues but am doing better now. I love to rp over PM, however, I have nothing in my inbox and am looking to change that! I am able to get on at least twice a week to respond. I normally have a few hours at a time when I do. I enjoy playing as reluctant females who have feelings for their partner. It doesn't have to start out as love but I like a bit of feelings in my RPs (even if its just a wonderful friendship full of lust). I like playing girl and woman ages 16 to 36. I enjoy talking out plot points before hand with my partner and getting to know what kinks they like and so they can get to know mine. If this sounds like the type of RP partner you'd like, shoot me a PM or post here. I would love to start writing today. I have about 4 or 5 hours today to rp and am eager to get started!

Basic pairing ideas:
Two high school students
Student/ Teacher
Step sis/Bro
Ex lovers
Room mates
Wife/Brother in-law
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