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Sex Slave Cinderella (butterfly0408/Daniel_N)


Jan 9, 2009
An Alternate Universe
"Bella!! BELLA!!!"

It was the same wake up call she heard every morning. Still sore from the night before, Bella groaned as she rolled over on her makeshift bed of straw and an old sheet on the stone floor of the kitchen storage room. She knew she had to rise before they called again or she'd suffer dearly for it later. And so with a sigh, she sat herself up, pausing a moment, before wobbling her way to her feet. She could not recall when she had crawled her way to her bed last night, but looking down at least she did it with her clothing still on.

No time to dilly dally any longer as she quickly climbed the few steps into the kitchen. Cook was so kind to already have the breakfast trays ready for her. Everyone within the house knew how she suffered and tried their best to make her life as easy as they could for her when they could. "Thank you Rebecca," the fair, dark haired beauty smiled pleasantly to the plump cook as she went to pick up the trays... all four of them. She had become very good at balancing things in the last three years since her father passed away. That was when she went from being a lady of the house to a servant of the house. Among other things.

She quickly took the trays towards the stairs. The first stop was her first stepsister's room, Susanna. She demanded a new night cap from the markets today. Something pink and frilly. Her pale purple one did not please her anymore. "Yes stepsister."

The second stop was across the hall to her other stepsister's room, Daphne. As Bella laid her tray down, Julia demanded a new hairbrush from the market... her's had hair in it. Heaven forbid, thought Bella once her back was turned to leave and she was able to roll her eyes.

The last stop was in the master bedroom, where her stepmother and her... she didn't quite know what to call him. He was not her stepfather for they were not yet married, though the wedding was going to apparently be the event of the year when it happened in two months time. So what to call her. Perhaps her father's murder. Everyone with a brain in their head knew it, yet no one dare do or even just say anything about it. Not even she. Especially she.

Her sweet father had married Juliet, her stepmother, after a long hard period of mourning when her real mother passed away. It was a long time ago, but she could still recall that her mother was sweet and fair. When her father died, Juliet had her lover in her bed withing the week afterward. No time of moaning, no dressing in all black. It was a week after that Bella realized just how much her life had changed in less then a month's time...

She pushed open the door and greeted them bow with a curtsy and bow of her head, "Good morning... mistress. Good morning master."
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