Miss Priss - New character bio seeking some roleplay ideas!

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Gina in Orange

Dark side of the Moonagerie
Apr 8, 2013
Introducing Miss (Cecilia) Priss.


The daughter an old money family, Cecilia has wanted for nothing in life. Not cash, clothes, boys, attention, experiences. In her 20-something years of life, she has lived a life of privilege, but not necessarily leisure. From early on she has been pushed and groomed to be an ascendant force in whichever career path she chooses, be it the family business or her own ventures. She is smart, sexy, driven, and full of resources. She is also a righteous bitch. Lifelong access to whatever she desires has led Cecilia to develop an uncontrollable id. While she is trained in etiquette capable of being a well disciplined daughter, she has little desire to. It is not just her wealth that feeds her sense of superiority, but the belief that those around her are simply not on her level and thus hardly worth her time.

Her Personality
Cecilia is extremely combative. She accepts not a lick of criticism from others and will fight tooth and nail with anyone who decides to challenge her. Did I mention she fights dirty? Her quick wit and sharp tongue will seek out whatever insecurities she can exploit in an opponent. She will counter pinpricks with warheads. With that said, Cecilia craves the fight. She zeroes in on those that will most resist her with the intent of owning or destroying them. That's the part she lives for. Once things become too easy or opponents too docile, she gets bored and moves on to the next challenge.

Her Appearance
Cecilia Priss is (go figure) drop dead gorgeous. She is slightly taller than average, with lengthy deep-brown hair, sharp, green eyes, and pouty lips. She has a fair sized bust and a slim waist that widens to good hips and a sexy round ass. It's hard to tell if Cecilia is long legged, or that's just the way she dresses. Short skirts and dresses with high slits are in her regular wardrobe, as are tight little numbers that really accentuate her ass. And heels, always heels. In general, Cecilia keeps a very alluringly feminine appearance. It is of course another tactic for control of the situation around her, but in truth, she likes to be watched. Cecilia enjoys seeing the lustful gazes that follow her and the awkward ways that people conceal their arousal.

Inspiring pics - Mostly NSFW!

Her Sexuality
The opposite of demure and innocent, Cecilia is experienced and active. She rejects traditional relationships, preferring to pick partners seemingly on a whim. In men, she wants confidence, and a certain amount of lustful greed. She doesn't like being serviced or handled. 'Take what you want' is the mantra she follows and appreciates in others. Sex is often another level of competition to be fought. In women, some amount of submissiveness can be enjoyed, but she still prefers confidence. Cecilia will often flaunt her sexuality, wearing alluring clothing, lingerie, taunting and teasing those around her whether she plans to screw them or not. She possesses a certain cruelty in that regard.


About Me
Oh hey! I'm here too. I'm Gina! I consider myself to be a creative and literate roleplayer. I'm (thankfully) a bit more approachable than Cecilia here, so I'd love to hear from you if you're interested in taking her out for a spin with me. I like detail oriented roleplays, with an emphasis on character conversation and interaction. Smut too. I do enjoy the smutty parts truth be told. I do try to avoid a lot of world building or complicated story-weaving, so I tend to stick to modern or knowable settings that don't require a lot of explanation. Now I'm not adverse to fun stories and creative settings, but I prefer to establish them kind of quickly, then move on to what our characters DO in them, with each other, sometimes without clothes.

Roleplay Preferences
  • Send your ideas/interest to me via PM. Please please please, put some effort and ideas in your post. If you do not, I will not feel bad about ignoring it. I put time and effort into this thread the same way I do in a roleplay. I expect the same back.
  • Short to medium length roleplay. I don't necessarily have it in me to carry something on for months. :p
  • 1-5 paragraph post length. I can usually match whatever, but I need some substance to play with. Also, writing short story replies can stress me out ><.
  • Literate and descriptive partners
  • Threads (preferred) or PMs. No email or instant messengers.
  • I can be a bit irregular with posting. Sometimes fast back and forth, sometimes it takes a couple days.
  • If I take longer than a week to reply back, please do PM me. I will do the same.
  • Male or Female partners playing male or female characters. I'm not picky here, so long as you're convincing.
  • Realistic characters and actions. This includes character motivations, body proportions, capabilities. I like them to be believable.
  • Some idle flirting in OOC discussion I don't mind. Just don't be a creep. Also respect my boundaries. I'm not looking for a relationship.
  • Have questions about ideas or kinks? Just ask! I'm pretty open to discussing things, even if I am not interested.
  • I deal with a fair amount of stress and anxiety. Sometimes I need to step away from roleplaying for a bit of self-care. I will be open with you about this, so please be understanding if it does.
  • If I say no to your idea, please respect that.

My Kinks
Here is my f-list. I haven't updated the kink list in a while, so it might be incomplete.

That's it for now! I might add some further ideas and settings for Cecilia as they come to me. I look forward to hearing from you!

- Gina
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