[MxF] Specific character crave: Looking for Ardyn from FFXV

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Sep 19, 2013
Hello prospective partners! I'm going to keep things short and simple because this is a pretty straightforward request. Basically all I'm looking for is someone to play Ardyn Izunia for me. I loved his design from the moment I saw him in the Kingsglaive movie and he turned out to be a really fascinating character who reawakened my long-dormant villain kink. In return I can play any FFXV lady you want (or female versions of any FFXV dude, that's a lot of fun too) and maybe some ladies from other fandoms too if you're into crossovers, depending on if I know the character. Or hell, if you're into OCs I love playing them too. Any character will be at least 18, so if you're into anyone under that age I'm willing to age up accordingly.

Everything else is mostly negotiable! Do we want a lot of plot? Mountains of depraved smut? Short term or long term? AU or existing game setting? I'm willing to be super flexible on all of these. I will say my tastes in actual sexual content and related fetishes tend to run pretty extreme and/or dark but hell I'll be flexible there too. Of course if you'd rather me propose ideas for plot, characters, kinks and the like I have different possibilities we could work with, I'd just like to cast as wide of a net as possible as asking for one specific fandom character is rather focused in its scope. The most important thing for me here is the character and I don't want to turn any possible partners away.

I have few limits: no scat, no characters under 18 in sexual or fetish situations, and I've never been into futas or incest. I'm willing to make one exception on the incest rule here. Ask me about it if curious! I'm not super picky about post length. All I really ask is that you put your best effort forth and try to be descriptive. I'll provide at least that much every post. Some posts will naturally be shorter than others as the content of the RP changes, so I don't fuss about minimum word or paragraph counts. Usually I only do third person perspective and I'd prefer to keep it this way unless first person is absolutely the only way you'll RP. I will say the one thing I can't be as flexible on is where I play. I absolutely cannot do any sort of IM or real-time chat service, and I strongly prefer playing in private (PM, e-mail, etc). I miiiight be willing to do a thread in Semiprivate Roleplays provided any OOC discussion occurs in PMs, though. Oh and if you're not male IRL that's totally fine by me. If my personal gender is important, I am female.

Also I'd like to reiterate I'm really only interested in Ardyn right now. Having other characters on the side is fine by me but I want him to be the main focus. In other words I'll accept a package deal but no Ardyn means no RP. If you're interested, please PM me rather than posting here. I'm super private and I'd rather discuss the, ah, dirty details somewhere more... secluded. Thanks!
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