Seeking Orson Krennic from Rogue One (or tempt me with an Imperial OC)

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Jan 2, 2017
So this thread request is going to be a bit short, but I might tweak it later. I'm usually a very plot centered girl when it comes to stories, but to be quite honest I'm desperate for something that either leans heavily upon or is very much intertwined with smut...And after seeing Rogue One again, my yearning to tempt the Dark Side is so very very wanton.

I've always had a fondness for the role of mistresses' and courtesans in history - Beyond the carnal needs of service, some became trusted confidants and many gained substantial power and influence for themselves by captivating the hearts (and pockets) of those who sought their company. To my knowledge, the Star Wars verse doesn't touch on this subject much, so there's plenty of room to play.

As the subject states, I would absolutely adore if someone would play Director Krennic for me. With his need for acknowledgement and praise, I think it would fit very nicely for his character to keep a mistress of some sort - possibly one who acts as an entertainer of sorts, to give him further bragging rights. I'm also open to an Imperial OC if you'd prefer, but my heart is really set on Krennic currently.

Will this be a story of romance? Tragedy? A combination of both, or more? We have numerous options!

I'm very flexible when it comes to 'roles' and kinks. I know I mentioned I'm leaning towards smut over plot, but that doesn't mean I'll be lacking in the details department. Words turn me on immensely, so I will give eagerly. I'm not keen on playing a blank sex doll, but I can be submissive to allow him to fully take control to an extent. I'm also open to a more dominant part if you're interested in pegging and having the Director ease up on that control. We can discuss more details in private! Just let me know what your desires are and I'm sure we can come up with something delightful ^^
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