WWE: Return of the Phenom (Athene & christian7_41king)


May 12, 2015
West Coast, USA

22nd January, 1994

One of the biggest pay-per-view events of the WWE, the Royal Rumble, was airing. For this year, the fortunate city of Providence, Rhode Island, had been chosen as the location to host this event. It was promised to be a night for all to remember, especially the fight that would include the Dead Man himself, the Undertaker.

This wasn't to say Alisyn hadn't been interested in the other matches.

However, ever since her father had introduced her to wrestling three years ago, there had always been something about the Undertaker that grabbed her attention. Not hormones, or so that was what she tried to reassure herself. No, this was fueled on by actual, genuine curiosity.

Time and time again, she had been warned and told that wrestling was "fake".

Somehow, the Undertaker made it all feel very real though.

"You enjoying sweetie?"

The voice beside her belonged to none other than her dad. Alisyn quickly turned, blue-green eyes gazing up at an almost perfectly matching pair of orbs beside her, as the young teenager happily nodded. "Mhm! Definitely! This was an amazing birthday present!"

"The night's not over yet," she was gently reminded.

Alisyn's head moved back to glance at the stage in time. A loud gong echoed loudly throughout the stadium, soon accompanied by the Graveyard Symphony song. Finally, he walked out and began proceeding towards the ring himself.

Alisyn gulped nervously, slowly leaning forward as far as she could in her seat. Seeing the man on television was one thing. But now, she was basically in front of him, separated only by about seven to twelve aisles of chairs. That combined with her short height probably hinted she wasn't seen. But Alisyn could definitely see what she deemed to be one of the most intriguing and - in his own right - magical men alive.

... Which made it all the more ironic that he was supposedly called the Dead Man. He seemed more alive, more believable than most of the other men in the rosters.

Her gaze was so fixed upon the Undertaker that she hardly noticed Yokozuna enter. Even the casket being rolled beside the ring was almost ignored. The lights returning, effectively making the darkness disappear, were the first things to return her to the here and now. The next came in the form of feeling a strong hand on her shoulder. It had been Alisyn's father, who pulled her back slightly so she wasn't leaning so close.

"Careful, sweetie. Don't want you headbutting the stranger in front of you, now do we?" he teased.

"Sorry," she mumbled softly, quickly going silent and focusing completely on the match at hand.

A bit more than ten minutes passed before finally, the end came. As it did, Alisyn's eyes widened in horror as she watched the Undertaker shoved into the coffin. Instinctively, she stood up and even started trying to run down the stairs.

" ... What do you think you're doing?" Daniel asked, gripping his daughter's arm, wearing a baffled look on his face. "Sweetie, how many times have I told you? This is fake."

"But how do you know that?! Is he okay even?!"

"Of course he is."

"But how do you know?!" Alisyn repeated, admittedly starting to feel confused with herself. Of course he had to be correct. There was no way any company would really allow their own workers to be at this kinda risk. Right?

... Yet as her head turned to look at the stage again, the same thoughts that had first entered the teenager's mind were only strengthened. It looked very real. If this had been a magic show, it could have passed off for one hell of an illusion she was watching play out before her eyes.

" ... Come on," Daniel finally stated in a calm voice, thinking the sight had been a bit much for a thirteen-year-old to see. "Let's go get dinner, alright? I promise though, he's fine."

20th May, 2004

Over the next ten years, life went on as normally as one could say for the now twenty-three year old. And, thankfully, she saw soon enough her dad had been right. The Undertaker had, indeed, been fine. More than that, in fact.

Last Sunday, on the 16th, Undertaker returned, very much alive and well. He had ended up beating Booker T at Judgement Day. The sight had been an amazing one, much like the same live event she watched ten years ago.

The truth of the matter wasn't that the coffin had scared her. It really had been the mere thought of the Undertaker not returning again.

After seeing more times than she could remember, however, that this wasn't the case, she felt more bolder. More confident. Any and almost all of her fears were all but gone.

Once again, Alisyn found herself watching Smackdown.

... However, against her better judgement, she had bought tickets and was in the actual stadium. Very much in the almost exact same manner like when her dad had bought her tickets for her thirteenth birthday.

This had simply been done with her own money that she had earned from her job.

... Even now, she couldn't remember what exactly possessed her to do this. She could have easily stayed in her apartment and watched the episode just as easily. Yet, for some reason, it seemed like a better idea to come to Las Vegas and see all of the matches tonight.

"It'll be worth it," she reassured herself, exhaling softly as she sat down in her seat.

But damn, it'll suck. This will probably be one of the last times you can afford to spend this much money so quickly, after all ...

Alisyn grimaced slightly, fighting off the urge to reveal a frown that wanted to spread over her face.

Don't dwell on that. Just enjoy the night.

Nodding to herself, she leaned back in her seat. Earlier in the morning, Alisyn had taken the time to give herself a tarot reading. It had implied she would get a chance to see the Phenom again, even if at a slight distance. Still, if there was even a possibility for that to actually occur, she would gladly take that chance.

Despite her actions, she wasn't a stalker or anything. Just very fascinated, fueled by her own beliefs. Most of them were on the superstitious side.

So, now that she was older and less naive, she better began to realize and understand why she had liked the Undertaker so much. Whether the powers were real or not, he was a damn good illusionist. His ability to make everything come to life, as well as his psychological warfare he used against his opponents, truly did make him an intimidating and simultaneously intriguing force to observe.

Given Alisyn grew up loving magic, supernatural ideas and concepts, and psychology .. well .. it was even easier to understand why she admired the Dead Man. She sensed, or at least noticed, a kindred spirit of sorts within him.

Shaking her head slightly, she leaned back in her seat, trying to simply relax and enjoy the night as opposed to over-think like she tended to do.

The Undertaker was riding a wave or momentum after judgment day notching a win against Booker T. Now it was Smackdown and was buzzing with the after effects of the pay per view.,Most notably the debut of a mysterious group know only as The Dark Woods Circus and everyone was wondering how this group would change the landscape. However, right now Booker T was in the ring fuming over his loss which technically ended in controversial fashion with his foot under the ropes that the ref didn't see.

The Undertaker rolled his eyes Booker loved hamming it up a little to much “oh well I suppose we can do it again.” he thought he knew they planed a rematch just that they where finalizing the details. The dead man smiled he loved this job, making his powers look real. Then a work spoke to the dead man letting him know he was going to win this match clean but they planed to fight in the audience For a bit as there be no count out and no DQ. Undertaker smiled and nodded as he got into his dead man mentality. Booker was getting done with his rant when the gong sounded and Undertaker made his entrance his theme making the air seem thick and tense. “Booker you want a rematch with the dead man? Your either very brave or very foolish considering how much I beat you at judgment day. So tonight, you and me in the middle of my yard no count out no disqualification and no excuses and then you will. Rest. In. peace.” then the dead man raised his hand as the crowd cheered.

Later in the night before Booker vs the undertaker there was a tag team match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles the hardy boyz facing the dudly boyz. As the match was nearing the conclusion the arena went dark. Then a feminine voice spoke “time is dead and gone, the show must gone, its time for our act. ” then a young man dressed in circus suite appeared on the ramp as the lights came back on. “ah your all here your here welcome one and all to the dark woods circus please gather round and see the deformity and depravity. The ones that god has abandoned. Fist the ring master! Who the size of a giant.”

suddenly large man almost a half foot taller then the big show. Dressed black pants and red spenders. Smiling under a blue striped top hat

“the twin freak show”

a set of twins dressed like butler and maid. But with face paint looking evil and twisted.

“a singing chimera wonder”

a diva appeared wearing flower petal mask and blue striped wrestling attire.

“and finally a blue beast who loves to inflict pain.”

finally a blue man appeared and then all members all charged to the ring taking out both tag teams. The twins landing a double team move similar to 3d then both landing moonsault on their fallen prey to jef hardy. The blue beast landing a spin buster to matt then a power bomb on devon. Chimera shoved bubba ray into the big boot of the Chairmen sending him to the arena floor. The announcer then landed super kicks on those who tried to stand.

Taking his mic he said “ladies and gentlemen welcome to our world welcome to the dark woods and here there are no frowns allowed we are going to destroy your tag team champions and then well iw ont spoil it but you gonna enjoy it one way or another”

The dark wood circus smiled as they left leaving destruction in their wake. With the match thrown out the two teams where helped into the back to get checked on.

Then Booker T and Undertaker's match was getting ready to start as Booker T made his way to the ring. little did alisyn know this would be a night to remember.

... She couldn't pinpoint it, but there was definitely something in the back of Alisyn's mind. It was constantly nagging and pestering at her. And because of the fact she couldn't discern what it was begging her to do, exactly, yes. It definitely was starting to get annoying.

... Hmm. It'll probably come back to me if it truly is that important.

The night finally started to get under way and it seemed they were beginning not with a match, but rather, the Undertaker making a declaration to fight Booker again.

"Booker you want a rematch with the dead man? Your either very brave or very foolish considering how much I beat you at judgment day. So tonight, you and me in the middle of my yard no count out no disqualification and no excuses and then you will. Rest. In. peace.”

She didn't have any signs with her. But Alisyn had as much spirit - more, in her slightly biased opinion - and it was shown in her words and actions. "GO TAKER!"

... He'd have this match in the bag or - for a more accurate analogy - coffin.

Knowing she would indeed see the Dead Man later tonight helped keep the grin on Alisyn's face. The actual night finally got under way, but not with a singles fight. Instead, it went right to the Tag Team Match.

Ah well. Perhaps the change would be good for once.

A smile crossed her face as the Hardy Boys walked out. Between them or Dudley, she would definitely root for Matt and Jeff without a second thought. There were some wrestlers Alisyn would always support or root for and others she would hope wouldn't win. It was simply her preference; nothing more, nothing less. Besides, she knew she wasn't the only wrestling fan who did this. Hell, her dad had his own list of sorts.

As the fight started nearing its end, the lights dimmed down again. Alisyn felt her body tense up. She expected to hear the tell-tale gong.

.... But instead, she heard ... what was that music?

Her head tilted curiously before - slowly but surely - the answer was getting revealed.

"time is dead and gone, the show must gone, its time for our act. ”

... Oh? Is this the circus group I heard about?

Alisyn originally thought this to be some sort of a weird joke. An over-exaggeration. Something of the like. So when people started coming out and literally looked as if they hailed from a circus, Alisyn quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Though the snicker was muffled, anyone around her would notice she was most certainly chuckling.

Oh ... oh wow ....

If it weren't for the fact this was Smackdown instead of RAW, she would feel almost positive this had been Vince McMahon's idea. The elderly CEO had a rather warped sense of humor and, somehow, she could imagine him believing hiring a literal circus was a really good idea.

So .... either blue is their 'trademark color' or ... they're really good at color coordination ...

As quickly as the new group had arrived, they finished and - just as importantly - succeeded. If their goal had been to completely destroy and overpower both the Hardy and Dudley Boys then .. mission definitely accomplished.

"Oh my god," Alisyn muttered, the hand remaining in front of her mouth as her content expression had shifted to one of shock and awe. "Guess they all have some power in them. Somehow."

Not everyone had the physique nor typical appearance and body of a wrestler. But then ... not everyone needed to possess such a thing in order to be competent.

As her hand lowered, Alisyn swallowed nervously. Somehow, the new group had made her nervous. Excited. Curious. And all of this was just from her sitting in her seat as a member of the audience?

Damn. That's a powerful reaction ...

Finally, it dawned on her. The thing she had been trying to recall moments ago came back to Alisyn's mind.


Wait, what?

Join. Become a Diva.

.... You make it sound way too simple. It's not like you can just waltz up and ask for a contract. There's more work than just that. Besides, how? When?

... Tonight?

... Are you insane?

.... Maybe a bit. But then, Alisyn did have to admit, wrestling was beginning to look more fun. She had enjoyed acting, and still did to this day. She just ... hadn't really gotten many chances to try anything related to acting out as of late. This would definitely be one of the most perfect ways to work and improve those skills.

Still, that doesn't really help you figure out how you'll work on this. You don't have backstage passes or anything of the like. Talking with the General Manager? How are you gonna do that now?

Alisyn sighed, deciding to think on that while watching the rest of the night. There was no point in thinking too much, particularly on something she may not even follow through with. So, she went back to observing.

... This time, though, she definitely felt herself being ... antsy. Eager. Wanting to get up and run down the stairs once more, almost exactly the same way as she tried to ten years ago. The main difference, though, was clearly motive. Rather than wanting to check up on someone and see if they were okay, she was ready to become a Diva.

After all, if a circus could become an official group, you should be able to. Right?

She definitely possessed the body and even had played some sports in her childhood and youth. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Her head shook as she tried to dismiss the urges. It just wasn't as easy as her mind and body were thinking, plain and simple. However, one thing was obvious to her; this would indeed be a night to remember and she would be busy, possibly with little to no sleep, after Smackdown ended.

The rest of Smackdown continued with two single match the Hurricane vs Paul London. Hurricane winning with a shining wizard kick to Paul while he was on the top rope and fell in the ring Then X-Pac lost to Diamond Dallas page with a roll up. RVd and Tatanka had their match both going all out. RVD winning eventually winning with the frog splash.

then the number one contenders match for the world heavyweight championship with edge joining the commentators. It was Batista vs Bradshaw and both went to war from the get go. With Bradshaw getting off his clothesline from hell just barely and pinning Batista thanks to a timely distraction by Edge. Edge then slide into the ring and speared Bradshaw as the big man was getting his arm raised, rising his title high and showing why he was the champion and known as the Ultimate Opportunist.

Now the match that everyone was excited for Booker T vs The Undertaker. Booker T came out first with his wife, Sharmel, and everyone was excited. You could feel the excitement for this match. Then the gong sounded and The Undertaker music played as he came out. The crowd silent as they where struck with awe that was The Undertaker. The dead man had to admit he loved this part all eyes on him watching and believing, that was what made this job worth it. He resisted smiling as he thought that he maybe enjoyed this maybe to much, making look it all look and feel real to the crowd. He got to the ring and took off his aht rolling his eyes and sneering as the lights came back on.

Soon the match was under way. Booker and Taker putting on clinic. It soon moved to the outside with booker slamming a steel chair across takers back. The dead man kept getting back up. Soon he booted Booker into the crowd. Booker's wife slapped Taker and when he looked pissed at Sharmel, she ran off to the back screaming. Taker then focused back on Booker who started backing up before running with Undertaker giving pursuit. Soon they where fighting near Alisyn's spot. Soon Booker suddenly grabbed Alisyn and started using her for a shield not realizing he had grabbed the wrong person as they where next to each other. Taker, seeing this, hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to cause scene and not realizing that Booker's wife came back with the urn. Taker did the only think he could think of he grabbed try to separate them and by accident choke slammed both of them. Knocking both Booker and Alisyn out. The ref called for the bell and taker won by knockout.

Undertaker helped get Alisyn get into the back concerned that he had hurt her after they where away form the public and the camera where turned off. Medical personal on hand got her to come too and checked on her. She was fine a bit loopy but fine. Undertaker and Booker both breathed sighs of relief as she seemed fine. Booker spoke first apologizing and telling her that he accidentally grabbed the wrong person. Taker was behind him and said “Hope your ok. Sorry about that”

a man dressed in a suite came in soon after and said “hey there we are so sorry about what happened. Since these two caused your injury. I am told to inform you we will refund your ticket and if their any way we can make this up to you do let me know” the man was obviously embarrassed no doubt Vince saw what had happened and yelled at the man. Last thing Vince wanted was to get sued as his company was rising in profits and stock and everything was going well for the company and didn't need this at the moment.

The more feminist part of Alisyn couldn't deny that a part of her was slightly disappointed the Divas hadn't done anything. Ah well. Maybe - hopefully - next week, there would be something. Until then, quite a few other Superstars entered into the ring, each providing entertainment in their own matches. There were tons of names and faces that she recognized and simultaneously didn't. All of the tension in the air started to build up, further strengthening the mood of the atmosphere.

So fucking awesome!

By the time she heard the gong echo once more and saw the lights go down, Alisyn was one on of the strongest adrenaline rushes of her life. She stood up, joining in with the other fans all around her who had gotten to their feet to cheer the Dead Man on.

"Go Undertaker!"

"Kick his ass!"

"Make him rest in peace!"

"You got this!"

And those were just a select few of the cries she heard from all around her. "Yeah! You definitely got this!" she agreed, slowly sitting back down as the introduction process began to die down.

... Going right for the chairs, eh? she mused, visibly wincing as the Undertaker was hit hard with one of the many steel chairs that had been put around the ring, particularly underneath it. Injuries from certain inanimate objects had always looked painful. But now that she was actually inside the stadium - in person - she didn't think it looked like it hurt. She knew it did. The mere sounds the steel had made when smacking against the Dead Man had been ... horrible. Some of the absolute worst noises her ears had ever heard in her life.

... So maybe some parts of wrestling are fake. This, however, is definitely not.

It had been something she agreed to believe in a few years after her first trip to a live pay-per-view. Pride and victory were cherished prizes and anyone - from the most well-known Superstars to the sexiest Divas - wouldn't dare half-ass their match. Especially not if there was a chance for them to earn the pride and win for themselves.

That's how it'd be with me, after all. If I was ever a Diva, obviously ...

.... Alisyn gripped her lip slightly, now feeling the urge to do something after the rest of the matches ended increasing. Apparently though, Fate seemed to have figured a way out to help ensure she would be able to do just that.


Her eyes widened as she felt herself hoisted out of her seat .... by Booker himself.

"The hell are you doing?!" she asked, unable to help herself. Although Alisyn could usually maintain a relatively calm and collected mindset, she was just as terrified then and there. The fear showed, both in her eyes and voice as the emotion known as panic snuck in faster than she could try to hide it. But then, who could blame Aliysn? She hadn't just been yanked out of her chair. But now, Booker was actually trying to use her as a shield. Against the Undertaker! There were few ways this could end well.

Alisyn swallowed, feeling small despite being exactly six feet tall. The man behind her was only a few inches taller. In front of her, however, was a very different story. The Phenom was a full ten inches taller than her.

But worse than that was the difference in pure strength. And add in 145 pounds versus 300?


Lifting her up - even if he was doing so with Booker at the same time - was easy, laughably so.

Oh shit!


Poor Alisyn had almost no time to beg for him not to go through with the chokeslam. Hell, she didn't even see that had been the move which ended the match. The unfortunate yet simultaneously lucky - in her own form and fashion - young woman's consciousness almost immediately faded as she was slammed down onto the ground, the impact only slightly lessened by Booker's body.

Well ... that happened. Oh .. oh fuck! That was live! Did ... did that all get caught on film?!

As Alisyn abruptly woke up, she did so with a start, only to wince as the worst head and backache dominated her body. She would definitely have a few bruises, probably on her shoulders or near the neck.

All in all though ... she was lucky.

She definitely could have had a shit ton worse, in terms of physical damage. Even the teenager version of her would have known that much.

"Agh ... "

A hand shakily rose, rubbing her forehead. When she heard someone frantically apologizing, her head lifted to see both Booker and Undertaker in the room.

"Hope your ok. Sorry about that”

That was - more likely than not - Mark speaking. The Dead Man likely wouldn't have cared. He'd won so ... what would the fact he'd used - even if not intentionally - a makeshift hostage matter to him?

... Or ... was that indeed him still as the Undertaker?

Alisyn was confused.

... Idiot, who cares who it is?! He fucking spoke to you! Don't seem like you're ignoring him!

"Well ... ahh ... it's fine. I mean, I know it wasn't intentional. I just ... well ... I don't think anyone usually expects to be literally yanked into the ring quite like that and ... "

If she'd thought it was impossible for the night to get anymore amazing, albeit slightly hectic, she was wrong. Very much so. Soon, even Vince himself entered the infirmary.

"Mr. McMahon?! Umm ... " Her head quickly moved from side to side, "No, no. Money's ... not a pressing issue. I do thank you for the concern, though; however, I do have ... something else. But ... "

Looking back to the two Superstars and then over to Vince again, she swallowed nervously.

... It's now or never ...

Nodding to herself, Alisyn exhaled softly before continuing her train of thought, "I'd rather speak about it with just you. If you don't mind."

Although she was looking at Vince, it was clear the words were directed primarily to Booker and the Undertaker.
Undertaker smiled seeing that she was mostly alright. He breathed a sigh of relief before she asked to speak to Mr. McMahon alone.

“Alright lets go Booker she wants some time with the boss”

He and Booker both left closing the door behind them.

Vince smiled “So whats on your mind? Again I am so sorry for the injuries.”

when Alisyn spoke Vince listened intently. He then thought a moment it would take some time for her to train but he could see possibility with her and the taker being coworkers. “Alright” he agreed “I'll see what I can do. You will have do some training but I don't see why not though we will have to figure a persona for you but we can discuss that at a later date.” he pulled out a pen and a card “here give me your number and name. I'll get right on drawing up a contract for you and we can go from there.

Once he got her name and number. He put the pen and card away. “do you need any help getting home? I feel really bad about about tonight. In any case I hope we can do well together.” he stuck out his hand “welcome to the WWE Alisyn”

as Vince left the room he saw Mark near the door. Closing it he said “Well you will be happy to know she coming to the WWE and I think we will have her work with you once we get the paperwork out of the way.” then Vince walked away, off to get everything set up for Alisyn to come to the WWE. Mark smiled things just got interesting and he could hardly wait to see what was in store. “never a dull moment.” he mused.

... Did he just smile?

The gesture wouldn't normally be something that seemed extraordinary or anything. However, because of whom she saw grin, that was a feat in itself. Some of the Superstars and Divas continued to maintain their acts even out of the ring. She had definitely wondered who fell under the respective categories of people who stayed in character or not even if they weren't fighting. As such, it was a big deal in its own rights to see someone like the very same man who played the Dead Man smile.

And, in turn, it caused her to return the favor. It was faint, but if one paid attention, they would note her own grin before leaving.

As the two Superstars exited the room, Alisyn paused to think over everything she wanted to say. It wasn't that she didn't know; but this was one of those moments where first impressions really counted. This was especially true with the fact Alisyn was in front of Mr. McMahon himself.

"Well," she finally started, nodding after finalizing gathering her thoughts, "I ... want to join. Even before this ... incident, I've been watching WWE for a good number of years. Even when the franchise was still in the WWF years, I was following along with the show."

Given a quick glance, it was pretty simple to determine around which Era she was referring to. Hopefully, that would be an extra bonus point, if only because it meant she was by no means ignorant.

"Despite being accidentally pulled in and slammed onto the ground, that taste of the action ... made me kinda want more, not less."

... Was it really going to be that easy? Somewhere, Alisyn had this horrible feeling it shouldn't be, no doubt from her logical and slightly pessimistic sides kicking in. So when Vince proved her wrong, she was blown away.

... Wait, what?

Her mouth fell agape for a few seconds. As the shock wore off and was replaced with happiness, however, she chuckled jovially and accepted the hand shake. "I ... wow! Thank you so much!" Her head eagerly nodded as Alisyn acknowledged and accepted the condition of needing to be trained. "Yeah. Very fair and understandable. Alright!"

Taking the pen into her empty hand, she quickly jotted her name and cell phone number down before handing the card back to Vince.

When the offer on whether she wanted help to get back home was voice, Alisyn's mouth originally opened to reject it. However, she soon remembered the same thing her mind had taken note of when she woke up. She had been on live television. There were likely tons of paparazzi waiting for her. "Hmm. Maybe, if only to avoid unwanted attention. Physically, I could get back, but ... I don't really feel like dealing with social media. So if that could be arranged, I'd appreciate it."

Offering a somewhat nervous - but still genuine - smile to Vince, she watched him stand up and leave. Her heart began to pound wildly in her chest as everything started to hit her even harder than the Phenom had.

... At least it had been on accident. Still, it didn't change the fact the impact and injury had hurt all the same.

About ten minutes passed before one of the many security guards walked inside. Offering little more than a 'come on' gesture, Alisyn was led out to the parking garage, where a limo was waiting.

Sure enough, as the elegant car pulled out and traveled down the road, her concerns were confirmed. Tons of people had indeed been waiting with cameras, recorders, and other numerous devices. This had definitely been the right choice to make. Eliciting her own sigh of relief, Alisyn leaned back in her seat, feeling absolutely ecstatic.

This may not have been her original goal in life. But now that she had it, she definitely had no intentions of losing this opportunity. Common sense suggested the training would be very difficult, but still worth it in the end.

Although the paparazzi had missed her, it didn't keep Alisyn from being contacted. At least it was from ... people she was okay speaking to, namely her parents. Various friends, relatives, and so on called her over the next few days to ask how Alisyn was doing.

They would all receive the name answer consisting of two words.

"I'm fine!"

The concern was appreciated. But after hearing the same question repeated over adn over, it was rather tiring.

Moreover, her focus had mostly been on Vince's talk about coming up with a persona. For one, did Divas really take those up? Not usually, which would make her even more unique. But two - and the most vital thing that had plagued her thus far - was what should she do?

In the end, she decided to wait. It would probably be something that would be brought up again. When it was mentioned, then she could brainstorm.

Until that day arrived, there was something more important, and she was preparing for it now.

Vince had called her the next day and gave her a time and location to meet up. Three days had passed since she got the call. Her first official training session was about to start and Alisyn was nervous.

... Who's gonna do this, anyway?

It could literally be pretty much anyone. Vince was one to enjoy teasing people in his own ways so, naturally, she had no idea whom she was going to be meeting up with.

"Guess we'll find out soon enough," she mused, taking another deep breath as she stared at herself clad in a set of black workout clothes.

When she was satisfied with her appearance, Alisyn grabbed the dufflebag beside her, which held a spare change of clothes, her wallet, and the keys to the hotel room.

She ended up extending her stay here ... with a bit of help. Even though she had said money wasn't an issue, she got aid regardless. It would, supposedly, be easier when things were finalized. Prior to that though, there was going to be a lot of moving around, which had been another thing she went through with doing.

Quitting her original job, something that - truthfully - she hadn't enjoyed much in the first place.

So ... yeah. Alisyn was more than okay with never being a waitress again.

Hoisting the bag over her shoulder, Alisyn began the walk back to the same stadium the last episode had been aired in. Her steps slowed as she entered, quickly realizing that not only was she uncertain who to meet, but also where to go.

"... Damn. Umm, hello? I'm here for my training?"

"So you're Booker's failed hostage, huh?"

It took a bit of looking around. Finally, the source of the voice stepped out from one of the few shadowy areas of the stadium to reveal her identity. "If you really are as up-to-date as Vince hinted, we shouldn't need any introductions I assume?"

Alisyn swallowed nervously, taking a moment to study the woman across from her before shaking her head no. "You'd be correct, Miss Victoria."

The greeting caused Victoria to raise an eyebrow and simultaneously snicker. "Miss? Heh. Well, that's lesson number one. Throw your manners out the window. Now. Because no one's gonna show them back to you, especially while you're in the ring. Out of? Maybe and that's a huge one. Question number one ... you even been in a fight? Or any activity with any sort of physical contact?"

... Was she being bitchy just for the fuck of it or was this supposed to be a display of tough love. She couldn't tell and that made Alisyn slightly more anxious than she'd already been prior to arriving. "Fair," she agreed, knowing that - unfortunately - she did have a point. Some of the women had even worse attitudes than some of the Superstars. "Yeah. I did Tae Kwon Do for a bit."

"Good. This won't be as hopeless as I thought."

Her eyes narrowed as she shot an irked glare, glad Victoria was turned around and thus didn't see it. Still, she held her tongue - for now, anyway - and followed the two back into the same ring she'd been so close to almost a week ago.

"Leave your shit outside and join me. We'll see how much you remember."
While Alisyn was training with Victoria, Vince was discussing what to do about her debut with the writers. Undertaker was present as well as Booker. Finally someone came up with an idea that she be partners with the Undertaker. Soon details where being hashed out with Undertaker giving some input as well since he would be working with her. Since her debut would be a couple months depending on training they set a date, tentatively, about 5 months from when her training started and about 3 weeks form the next ppv. So that would give them enough time to work on her persona and get her input as well.

Undertaker and the Dark Woods Circus would wow the crowds with other superstars. It was only matter time before the two forces would butt heads but only time would tell when they would clash.

Undertaker would butt heads with beast and the ring leader in a couple matches. This was the ground work being laid for when Undertaker and Alisyn would both tangle with the dark woods circus.

All the while while the ground work was being laid, Alisyn character and debut were being to take shape as her training progressed.

Almost 5 months passed since she and Taker met she was perceived ready for her debut and her first match with the undertaker vs Blue Beast and Chimera the Deformed Diva.

Mark would stop by and see how her training was going when he could and give pointers. Though sadly he could never stay too long. He rather enjoyed their conversations and hanging out with her and it was always hard to leave, she progressed rather nicely through her training. Vince was pleased and just as excited as anyone for her debut. Mark had to admit he was excited too.

Soon the night before her debut arrived Mark knocked on her hotel door. One to invite her out to dinner to welcome her some of the other wrestlers and to see how she was handling the pressure as tomorrow night would be her big night, he had to admit he was excited for tomorrow. A new chapter in his career and hers. This was going to be their moment. Their legacy. He half smiled as he waited for her to answer the door.


Somewhere in between exchanging blows and then respectively dodging them, Victoria had finally pressed the worst button possible. And from what Alisyn could gather, she had meant to activate her 'bitch switch', if the new Diva had a word to call it.

"There ya go!" Victoria encouraged, smirking as she noticed a very visible change in Alisyn's pace, as well as the amount of strength each attack was now starting to include. "Keep that with you at all times. That's lesson two. Lesson three ... "

Yanking Alisyn forward and trapping her head between her thighs, Victoria flashed her a smug grin. "While I did say to embrace your wrath, be mindful of it too. Otherwise .. it leads to situations like this ... "

Every time Alisyn struggled, she squeezed tighter. When the threat of losing a bit too much oxygen registered, she stopped. For a bit, it seemed like the move was supposed to be a submission one. Alisyn raised a hand and started to move it in order to tap against Victoria's leg.

Instead of being pulled and tossed back down onto the canvas like a Pedigree like she'd expected, though, Alisyn was gripped and tossed against Victoria's back.

... Oh shit!

Her brain had registered way too late the inevitable Widow's Peak was about to be executed directly onto her. Alisyn tried everything possible, from struggling against Victoria's hold to even biting her hands in hopes of breaking the maneuver.

Alas, no such luck. In one more fluid motion, Alisyn painfully fell forward onto her stomach, making her whimper and cry out in agony. A weak groan passed her lips as she stayed, lying sprawled out on the canvas.

"Hmph. I'll let you regain your breath and composure. You got three minutes; no more, no less."

Soon after her first training session, Vince gave her news she never would have expected. She had been assigned a partner, one she wasn't certain if she deserved. Regardless, it seemed Alisyn would be working from here on out with the Dead Man himself.

" ... I ... "

A nervous chuckle helped end the stammering before she managed to weakly nod. "Alright then! I guess we'll see how it all goes, huh?"

... Holy fuck. Really?! Me? With the Undertaker?

This would be huge. The only other person Alisyn had ever really seen with him before was Kane. And now, she was about to enter his life, whether his "half-brother" liked it or not.

.... In fact, that in itself was a bit nerve-wracking. Something told her an odd arc regarding an unorthodox brotherly feud may arrive in the future. The thought made her blow a few bangs away from her face as Alisyn slowly exited the stadium, eager to get a meal and shower in. Her body needed both, pretty badly too.

Over the next five months, she was given more and more details as they were decided upon. Finally, the entire plan was relayed and ... wow. It was quite the stunt that was being asked from her.

"You want me to what?!"

That had been her exact reply to Vince when the CEO explained she would be 'brought back to life'. Earlier in the day, she had been given a drug. To be more exact, it was the equivalent of what Juliet from Romeo and Juliet downed in order to feign a death-like appearance. It wasn't surprising that there was indeed a way to look and act deceased; Alisyn had just never heard of it before now.

"Twenty-four hours," she muttered, "That's how long it'll last. It ... it'll just be a really long nap. Oh god ... "

Supposedly, there would be medical personnel on standby. That was all well and good but ... if her own body would put the act up, per se, then how would they know if something went wrong? That was what was scaring her the most. Simultaneously, it was also true to confess the parts involving being put in a coffin were just as nerve-wracking - if not more so - than pretending to be dead.

"Fuuuuuuuck ... "

Her head tilted back as she took a long, deep breath in an effort to calm herself.

Slow down. If nothing else, Mark will be there. He can give them a signal if it really gets that dire.

Nodding to herself, Alisyn couldn't help but smile. Oddly enough, the rumor she'd heard about most wrestlers and their attitude off camera had been mostly true. Even Victoria, whom had given her many tough training sessions, wasn't doing it simply to be a bitch. It was more or less "tough love". By their fifth session together, Alisyn had seen Victoria wasn't actually all that bad of a woman.

The same principle held true to the Undertaker. In fact, she had grown fond of Mark over the past months. Although she felt pretty certain it was simply a professional relationship, a very selfish part of her couldn't help but wish it was more.

... Maybe it was for the best that things stayed casual instead of shifting to intimate, though. She'd already get one hell of a target metaphorically placed on her back the moment she was declared to become the Phenom's soldier and advocate.

If they became more than co-workers?

... That target would only get bigger before smaller, and that was already assuming she did well in her career.

After a while, he and some of the other Superstars assisted Victoria in her physical training routines. As tough as the addition of men had been, Alisyn knew and felt it had definitely helped out.

Kinda wish Mark had helped improve my mental strength though. I dunno if I can do this ...

Sneaking one last peek at the drug which had come in liquid form - Alisyn sighed before setting it down, slowly unwrapping the towel from herself. Alisyn had recently finished showering, knowing she would be picked up for ... not quite a date, per se. It was, as Mark put it, more like an official welcoming party now that she was about to make her debut as a Diva.

What an entrance this'll be ... she mused, going through her wardrobe as quickly as possible. Her head tilted as she stopped to stare at an ... interesting outfit. Was it a bit too much? Maybe not.

Her very technical and logical side insisted it would make the most sense to wear the same outfit she had last been seen in. The most subtle of hints about her being treated had been mentioned on television to the audience. Only her parents and friends knew she was actually okay. Otherwise, it seemed Vince was allowing them to get the faintest of ideas regarding her possibly reappearing. The exact details, though, had obviously been omitted.

So ... if we're going to pretend you've been kept hidden away and preserved for this long, you may wake up in something he would choose for you anyway, not what everyone last saw you in.

Plus, it'd make things easier to just wear something for both her debut and the party.

Nodding to herself, Alisyn turned so her back was facing the large vanity mirror hanging in her hotel bathroom. As the towel fell from around her body, she grabbed a smaller hand mirror and angled it so she could admire a prop. It had been something Alisyn got about a month after she found out she would be working with the Phenom; his own symbol, which she'd had tattooed onto her back.

... Yet for some reason, she had never mustered the courage to tell Mark about getting the tattoo. Why was beyond her. It was in an appropriate location and it'd make the act that much more convincing.

But ... it felt just as ... wrong? No, not quite that. Taboo? Maybe. Sorta.

You're over-thinking again. This is just a professional relationship. Nothing more, nothing less ...

It was probably linked to that very concern, not wanting to give off the wrong impression.

After staring for a few more seconds, she slipped first into a set of black lingerie, followed by her corset and jean outfit. Alisyn barely finished slipping into a pair of black heels before hearing the knock upon her door.

... So much for having time to second guess my appearance ...

"Be there in a sec!" she called out, grabbing the last prop - a black cloak - which wouldn't be needed until after the party.

Draping the black fabric hastily over her right arm, Alisyn hurried toward the door, grabbing the vial with the 'sleeping potion' contents in it. Whilst keeping the small, glass container held tightly but gently in her left hand, she opened the door with her right.

"Hey Mark," she greeted, barely fighting off the urge to blush in front of him, particularly because of the outfit he now saw her in. "If you wanna come in for a bit, you can. Otherwise, I'm ready as I'll ever be to head out."
Mark was surprised, to say the least, Alisyn looked... great. “well shall we go then if you're ready?” he smiled “you look great by the way.”

as the two walked, Mark was debating how frame his question after a little bit he finally said “so how you feeling? Tomorrow is your big night.” he asked he had no doubts that she was nervous but everything was set and backup plans were made in case anything went wrong though that shouldn't happen, still it paid to be sure and make sure she wasn't having second thoughts.

Mark smiled as they chatted about her big night Mark giving her some pointers before they hopped in a car and started off to the restaurant. It was somewhat fancy though it didn't have the suit and tie dress code bullshit. Mark still was dressed semi-formal. Button up shirt and black jeans. He also wore a bandanna around his head. They got to the restaurant and were seated with Rey, Booker, Sharmel and Batista all at the table. They along with two members of the dark wood circus looking completely different from when they were performing, the mouth or Jason was still in a suit and tie though it didn't clash with itself and wasn't as bright. Chimera or Mary was more casual, wearing a similar outfit to Alisyn though Chimera had a leather jacket over everything.

Chimera waved and hugged Mark and Alisyn “so this is the new girl. I look forward to working with you. I'm Mary” she smiled. “this is Jason. And im sure you know the others by reputation. Mark pulled up chair for Alisyn as everyone sat down. Chit chatting about tomorrow. And some other things. They were excited to see Alisyn's big debut, especially Chimera and Jason. Soon the waitress came and asked for their orders. Mark ordered the salmon dish and everyone placed their orders

“what will you have hun?” the waitress asked Alisyn who seemed to be looking over the menu. Once She made up her mind The waitress took the menus and left to let the cooks make their meals.

Coming back with drinks Mark stuck to water for now while most everyone had soda. Jason was having a nonalcoholic fruity drink along with Chimera. Mary then spoke to Alisyn “So Alisyn how does it feel with your big debut coming up? Knowing your first match is against the dreaded dark woods circus do you have any concerns going into the match?” using a spoon as mic and talking like an excited and concerned news reporter.

... Makes sense. We are supposed to be at a welcoming party so ... yeah. Of course he'd choose 'head out' now over 'walk in' ...

Fighting off the urge to roll her eyes at herself, Alisyn merely nodded, patting the pockets of her jeans quickly to make sure everything she needed was there. Wallet? Check. Keys to her place? Check. And since she had her outfit for tomorrow on, check.

Well, here we go ...

Her cheeks immediately flushed a deep red as Mark complimented her appearance, "Thanks," she replied, her voice fighting to remain stable. "I uhhh ... sorry. I swear, I'm more graceful than this, be it in my actions or words usually."

As the door was shut behind her, she slid the vial into the pocket of the black robe, not wanting to give any outsiders the wrong impression of what she was truly holding. Turning her head over, Alisyn silently studied Mark and felt her own grin appear. "You look really nice too." She almost went on to add he always did, even as the Dead Man but stopped. It wasn't really 'wrong', per se, but this was meant to be a casual outing. So shouldn't things, including topics to speak about, remain more casual? It could have come off too easily as an attempt to flirt, and that was mainly what kept her from including that last extra bit.

Thankfully, Mark gave her a reason to forget about her own inquiry. She needed to answer his. He wasted no time in tossing over the million dollar question, it appeared.

"How?" she repeated, biting on her lower lip for a few seconds before nodding, "I'm fucking terrified. Part of me's been asking myself what I'm thinking of and if I'm insane for even considering doing this. But... it'll be awesome. And it will definitely be worth everything, going off the assumption this works like it's supposed to. So, I'm trying to think about that; my debut, the effects of my career over risks that are supposed to be really rare."

One percent may only be one. But it was still a number that wasn't zero, hence another reason Alisyn was so anxious.

"... Truthfully, just as intimidating as the thought of being in a coffin for so long is, there's something a bit more. And... I don't mean this in a bad way. Far from it. But .. I was honestly shocked to even hear I'd get a partner. I truthfully expected to be a solo Diva. So when Vince told me I would end up with you, I was blown away. It's just .... well ... few people work with you, let alone on a regular basis. Most partnerships I've seen you have are short-term. Typically also with Kane for a tag-team match. But this .. is going to be permanent. I'm a bit ... well .... I'm hoping I don't let you down."

It wouldn't only be her wins and losses that would become his, as she'd been told by Vince when hearing what he wanted her to do. Alisyn wasn't sure if the CEO planned this out or not, but her pride would be very much on the line also. There weren't many things that could make Alisyn fret about something like her sense of pride; however, ruining her own reputation or - worse - someone else's was definitely one way to do that.

Any and all tips were greatly appreciated and tucked away into the corners of Alisyn's mind. From the remaining walk to the car ride, she took turns either listening to Mark or answering any questions he gave her.

When the car stopped at the restaurant, Alisyn left the cloak inside, simply because of what it was hiding. She knew not everyone had the information on her debut and, as such, she wanted to keep it a surprise from anyone who was still left in the dark.

Somehow, Booker and Sharmel weren't surprising to see. Batista and Rey Mysterio were for a few seconds, before she reminded herself of their alliance. They were really good friends, particularly because of a common comrade they shared. Eddie Guerrero.

So nah. It makes sense ...

And perhaps because of the fact they were new, it even made sense to see two of the Circus wasn't too amazing after dwelling on her logic for a few seconds.

However, what did throw Alisyn for a loop was the abrupt hug from Chimera. That she definitely hadn't expected. Alisyn hadn't met many women who were ... friendly. Especially to new people.

... Why the fuck does it matter? she mused, forcing herself to sit down as opposed to shoot a slight glare when she returned the favor and gave Mark an embrace.

"Hey everyone," she finally greeted, chuckling softly as she waved to everyone. "It ... it definitely is a pleasure. Oh, and Booker? Don't fret too mcuh. Really, I am fine. If anything, you using me as a shield kinda helped. You took most of the hit after all."

The half-tease was simultaneously a sincere statement. But it made Alisyn feel less awkward and, if she heard correctly, even Sharmel got a few chuckles out of hearing her words.

Good. No sense in making everyone nervous ...

Tempting as it was to order alcohol, she abstained, simply because Vince hinted it wouldn't be a good idea. This liquid was one of the many, sadly, that didn't have a good chemistry with liquor. So in place of what she really wanted - some wine - Alisyn instead ordered a Pepsi for herself.

"Yeah. I do know the others, though not only by reputation. I've been watching for quite a while so names and stuff, I do also know."

Because that didn't totally sound a bit creepy ...

Alisyn hid her embarrassment - tried to anyway - as another soft laugh passed her lips.

"Ummm ... probably fetuccini alfredo. Thanks."

Nodding after reassuring herself something lighter would be the smart way to go, Alisyn handed her menu over. Plus, carbs could last in a person's body for quite some time. She felt pretty confident that by the time the drug wore off, Alisyn would have a considerable amount of the carbohydrates still left over to aid out in giving her energy, which would definitely help for the tag-team match.

"So Alisyn how does it feel with your big debut coming up? Knowing your first match is against the dreaded dark woods circus do you have any concerns going into the match?”

" ... You're not trying to get a lead or something, are ya?" she teased, smirking over towards Mary. "Well ... actually pretty good. Victoria wasn't the only mentor I had, and most of them practiced the same concept of very tough love. So despite not usually being a violent person - or at least someone who uses any sort of fighting method in their daily lives - I feel much better. Certainly more trained and disciplined compared to five months ago."

She probably needed a bit more training, but not too much. If anything, that could always be done on a later day.

"If you're gonna play 20 Questions with me, I guess it'd be your turn, Mary. So ... I already hinted I've been into wrestling for a while. What made you intrigued with the WWE in the first place?"

Whereas Mark could easily freak people out via psychological warfare, she used it not to scare others, but tried to manipulate a situation in her favor. Mind you, Alisyn didn't usually resort to such a measure. However, now seemed like one of the best times to use that tactic so ... why not?
Mary laughed “ah curious are we? Well I just might surprise you deary.” Mary then thought a moment and said “tell you what. Lets make a bet you pin me in that ring tomorrow i'll tell you a little about my past in the mean time ill keep you chomping at the bit.” she giggled. Jason then said “sorry she like to keep people in the dark and be secretive. Don't take it personally. You don't want to know she made me bet on to learn her past. Hardest thing i've ever done.”

soon the food came and everyone started eating and discussing the upcoming matchs rey and Batista had a tag team match against Eddie and Chavo. Booker T had a fatal four way match match against the Hurricane, London and a mystery guy for a shot at the intercontinental title At the upcoming ppv.

Mark then said to Alisyn. “i'm sure you will be fine. have confidence in your skills and training. I am really interested in seeing what you can do.” he smiled as he ate.

The night wore on and everyone was having a good time. when they finally finished dinner Booker T and Jason and Mark paid for the meal and tipped the server. “alright Alisyn you get some sleep. Tomorrow your big day I wish you luck” chimera said as she, Jason and Booker and Sharmel soon stood. chimera giving Alisyn a hug “don't disappoint me” she whispered in her ear. Batista and Rey also stood “see you tomorrow and good luck” Batista said and shook Alisyn hand. Mark shook hands and waved goodbye to everyone.

“so what do you think of them?” he asked as they soon were the last to leave the table after Mark finished his water and they started walking towards the car. Mark was curious on what she thought of her coworkers.

Mark could tell Alisyn would go far win or lose tomorrow she would become a legend just like him. It warmed his heart to the next generation with their energy and passion slowly taking over for the old guard. He smiled tomorrow was going to be awesome.

Alisyn couldn't help but tilt her head slightly as Mary refused to outright reveal what had gotten her so interested in the WWE. Was it that big a deal? Apparently, the answer was yes.

"tell you what. Lets make a bet you pin me in that ring tomorrow i'll tell you a little about my past in the mean time ill keep you chomping at the bit.”

" ... Alright then. Just remember, you asked for it."

It still threw her for a few loops. In the end, however, Alisyn decided to play along. Even she had her own skeletons that she was keeping hidden away in the deepest corners of her closet. If Mary was the same and really wished to keep her motives a secret for now, so be it. Even if the bet hadn't been made, it would have been revealed eventually. No one could keep that sort of information away. Not forever.

"i'm sure you will be fine. have confidence in your skills and training. I am really interested in seeing what you can do.”

Any anxieties that had been taunting Alisyn faded for the time being. A smile crossed her face as she looked up and bowed her head in appreciation to Mark. "Thanks. I'll definitely give it my all."

Alas, the dinner came to an end, whether anyone wished for it to or not. As Alisyn got up, she stretched, feeling pretty confident and satisfied overall. She waved farewell to everyone, save for Mary who gave her another hug and even whispered some ... encouraging words. If one could call them that.

"don't disappoint me”

"Right," she murmured back, pivoting on her feet after reciprocating the hand shake Batista initiated. "See you all tomorrow!"

It wouldn't be until they got back in the car that it rapidly dawned on Alisyn what was about to happen. Suddenly, the air around her felt just a bit colder. A slight shiver trailed down her body. Wrapping her arms around herself and rubbing along her shoulders, she grinned up towards Mark. "They're all .... very interesting. Things will get better when I actually see them in the ring, or locker room area at least."

Whether Mark had subconsciously driven faster to the stadium or the drive had just been that short and Alisyn didn't notice before didn't matter. Ten minutes later, they arrived back.

The tremors Alisyn had been trying to hide for so long finally became more obvious. Slipping into the black cloak, she looked up nervously at Mark for a few moments before taking a long, deep breath and beginning to walk inside.

"I've known Vince had a flair for the dramatics but ... heh. I can't quite say I expected this sorta thing to happen to me."

Slowly - almost reluctantly - her hand lowered into the pocket of the cloak and retrieved the vial. Swallowing nervously, Alisyn glanced down and stared at the contents. Her breathing began to quicken. It wasn't exactly to the point of hyperventilating, but it was definitely faster than usual.

" .... I think the main thing comforting me is knowing you'll be near me. Otherwise ... I'd be a lot more scared."

Her head lifted as Alisyn forced herself to look in front of her. Soon, the two were inside the stadium and nearby the ring. At its side was the coffin she was to 'rest' in for the next twenty-four hours.

"I can hear my inner thoughts questioning my sanity once again. The fuck am I doing? What if this goes wrong? Things similar to these inquiries and more have been racing through my mind for quite some time. And yet .... "

A nervous chuckle passed her lips as she stared at the casket.

"I've already waltzed past the point of no return, to an extent. I've already agreed to be your partner, and a good majority of the Superstars and Divas know we'll be co-workers. So ... no sense in causing any confusion."

Another deep breath resounded from Alisyn's lips. A semi-shaky hand rose, pulling off the top of the vial, and placed it nearby her lips.

" .... Before I do this, I wanna thank you. For everything. You've been an amazing mentor. Hopefully .... you can keep helping me out after I wake up. Since ... I'm not going to be conscious for quite some time ... take care of my body while I'm sleeping, will ya?"

Her empty hand lifted, pulling the cloak in front of her to cover the casual outfit consisting of jeans and a corset she was wearing, aiding in creating a much more Gothic appearance.

"Thus with a kiss, I die indeed ... "

Even if not in the literal sense, it was true enough. She would wake up not as Alisyn, but the Phenom's Advocate.

... Or so she hoped that would be the case.

Tilting her head quickly backward, Alisyn downed the liquid, not wishing ot lose the courage she'd been clinging onto in order to go through with this task. "Ngh ... " It seemed to work quick enough, luckily. The vial fell from between her right index and middle finger, breaking into pieces as the glass container fell on the floor. Alisyn's body seemed to instinctively fight, something Mark would notice as her eyes first went through several REM cycles.

The fight wouldn't last long though.

Within one minute - maybe even sooner - the young woman slumped forward, landing against Mark's chest. A quick lift of her head would easily show that Alisyn was definitely in the very deep sleep thanks to the potion.

Now .... it was time to make the last preparations. After that, all everyone could do was wait and simultaneously hope for the best to happen.
“Don't worry. Your in good hands Alisyn. I'll see you tomorrow.” Mark smiled as he soon caught her as she slumped forward. Mark would pick her up and lay her in the casket and looked at her sleeping form. “your gonna go far and you going to do well.” he finally closed the casket after about 10 minutes of watching her sleep. He silently prayed this would all go according to plan.

Soon Smackdown arrived and everyone buzzing with excitement as Undertaker been teasing about Alisyn for quite some time. Now the time for the show to start was here kicking off with undertaker coming with his Graveyard Symphony being accompanied by his druids and Paul bearer along with the casket that Alisyn laid in.

The Undertaker brought the lights back on and Paul handed Taker the urn and taking a mic in his free hand. The Undertaker spoke. “about 6 months ago I made Booker T to rest however he took someone else with him. I can not let his cowardice cost someone their life before their due time.”

The casket was opened and there laid Alisyn seemingly dead. The druids started chatting as Taker continued “i will resurrect this woman and she shall be my apprentice, my advocate. Where I go she will follow and were ever we go broken bodies, broken dreams and graves will be left in our wake.”

taker then placed the urn and made Alisyn hold it and joined in the chanting watching after a almost 3 minutes of chatting Taker was getting worried but Alisyn soon stirred and rose. It took all of Mark power to not to break character. “Behold my darkness and power have risen her. Rise Alisyn! Rise, fight and do whatever necessary to achieve victory in my name and the powers the be!”

then the Dark Wood Circus came out. The mouth soon speaking “Well well seem the mighty deadman has called for back up. Whats the mater Taker? you scared? Well you should because later tonight chimera the deformed diva and one other member of our great circus will face you and your new friend in that ring. And when we are through with you, you will....” the mouth paused smiling and mocked the Undertaker “rest. in. peace.”

The Undertaker was mad but before he could speak the mic was out his hand and Alisyn spoke The Taker smiled she was doing well.

Tazz and Cole were soon excited as confirmation for the mixed tag match as one of the main events was made.

As both parties glared at each other before the lights slowly dimed and blacked with The Graveyard symphony playing as the lights came back on with Taker, Alisyn druids and paul bearer gone. Leaving The Dark Woods Circus on the ramp and soon they retreated to get ready for their match.

After five minutes the first match soon got underway. A singles match between DDP and Kurt Angle followed by a divas match with Victoria and Woman's champion Michelle McCool for future shot at the title at the upcoming ppv. It soon got to the three main events after the first divas match of the night. Tag team with Rey and Batista vs Eddie and Chavo. Rey and Batista won earning tag team title shots. The Fatal four way for the intercontinental title ended up a victory for the hurricane pinning Paul London and then the mystery man which turned out to be Randy Orton, Landed an RKO onto the hurricane. Now preparations were being made for the Undertaker and Alisyn vs the dark woods circus match. Soon it was decided that Blue Beast would be with chimera.

Mark soon knocked on as Alisyn was getting mentally prepared for her first match. “you ready? It time to put that training to good use.”

The concoction had indeed worked its magic. It wouldn't be until the next day - minutes before Smackdown started - that Alisyn even realized her thoughts were beginning to work, which thus meant the potion was slowly but surely wearing off.

... Oh shit! It's too soon! Fuck, fuck, oh god ...

Her arms tried to lift and wrap around herself, but alas, Alisyn had no such luck. The potion had a lingering effect somewhat akin to being put under via anesthesia. As such, her muscles weren't able to move as quickly or something as she would have wanted.

Oh shit! Oh god, now what?!

Her mouth opened as Alisyn's instincts screamed to call out for help. But .... no. That would ruin everything, especially her 'rebirth'. Instead, she gulped and forced herself to try to stay calm.

Mark's probably nearby. Take another quick nap. This time, you'll be ready to 'wake up'.

Nodding to herself, Alisyn's body wasted little time in heeding her own advice. Almost as quickly as her eyes shut, she fell back asleep. It wouldn't be until a few seconds after she registered her body - hands to be specific - being moved and something being put in them that she began to stir. Thankfully, the chanting from the druids kept a weak groan hidden from the audience. Slowly, in a very similar manner that the Phenom himself would do, she sat up, setting the urn carefully down.

"Behold my darkness and power have risen her. Rise Alisyn! Rise, fight and do whatever necessary to achieve victory in my name and the powers the be!”

"Of course," she answered, bowing her head respectfully as Alisyn managed to pull herself out of the casket. "From this day on, you have my utmost loyalty, Master."

Anything else she would have said was interrupted by the Dark Circus. And indeed, the Phenom would notice that she was actually rather irritated. There were just some things that Alisyn personally felt should not be disturbed. Her 'introduction' to the WWE franchise should have been one.

But no. They had to come and steal the show.

Typical group of clowns. Ugh.

Yet, what really made her speak wasn't the fact her spotlight had been stolen, but hearing the Mouth dare to try to mock the Dead Man. Without offering any warning of hint of her actions, Alisyn took a hold of the mic and held it close to her lips. "You will not speak ill of my Master, nor will you steal anything from him! I will gladly take those words and force them down my opponent's throat. You all will see tonight that it will be you who will .... rest. In. Peace."

Some could argue easily enough that Alisyn may be acting a bit hypocritical. However, with the Undertaker having declared her to be his soldier and advocate, she liked to think otherwise.

A theory Alisyn had often wondered about was soon proven true. A trap door opened and allowed them to escape underneath the mat. The lights dimming and music belonging to Undertaker's "Graveyard Symphony" allowed for them to easily retreat back to the locker rooms.

Suffice to say, one of the very first things Alisyn did upon arriving in her locker room was stretch her body and joints out. After looking and feeling as if she truly were dead for an entire day, her body needed a gentle reminder on how to function again. So, the warm ups greatly helped out. Knowing she would be out in the ring soon enough, unfortunately, restrained Alisyn from having a full meal. On the plus side, she could feel her plan with choosing pasta for carbohydrates had worked out slightly. Compared to how exhausted she could be, Alisyn wasn't too tired.

It was, however, more than enough for her to resort to eating an energy bar while waiting for her tag match with the Undertaker to arrive.

Before then, however, she took the time and effort to watch the other matches play out. Alisyn silently observed, keeping her head lifted up as she stared at a nearby TV screen in her locker room. Upon finishing the last bits of her snack, Alisyn deftly tossed the wrapper away and gave her full attention to the screen. Only when she heard the knock on her door did she stand up, pulling the hood back up and opened the door.

As she'd thought, it was indeed Mark.

"you ready? It time to put that training to good use.”

She nodded in an affirmative motion, smiling as her faux red eyes - turned into their new hue thanks to a pair of contact lenses - looked up into the Undertaker's. "Definitely!"

I'm pretty sure I am, anyway ...

Naturally, she was a bit nervous. But she was trying to concentrate on the more confident, slightly arrogant emotions swimming through her.

After all, if you got through the ordeal with sleeping in a coffin, you can easily handle another Diva.

The fact it wasn't Victoria made it that much more of a relief, as her mentor would definitely be tough. Not that this wouldn't be true for Chimera. The members of the Dark Wood Circus, however, were all wild cards and because of that, she didn't really know how to gauge or measure their strength. Hopefully, her training would be better than anything the new group had undergone.

Or at least good enough, anyway ...

Nodding mainly to herself, though also to the Phenom, Alisyn took a deep breath before straightening her outfit out.

Here goes everything and nothing, I suppose ...

She would wait for her new partner to take the first step. Only after that did she begin to follow beside him, slowly making her way towards the ramp. Step by step, she felt herself getting closer and closer to making her official debut as the Phenom's Advocate. The thought made a ghost of a smirk appear across her face and Alisyn's heart simultaneously race.

I really need to thank Booker for trying to use me as a human shield. I don't think I would be here if it weren't for him ...

Mark smiled and then they started heading towards the ring. Their opponents already there. Blue beast and chimera where warming up ready for a fight, with the mouth hanging around on ringside. The ring master and the twins joining in on commentary. The three having tea as they waited for their foes entrance.

Soon the graveyard symphony hit as The Undertaker and Alisyn soon slowly walked down to the ring.

The air and tension was thick. as undertaker and beast started the match.

They both locked up neither making the other budge. Two more times they locked up seeming equal in power. When they broke the third time Undertaker delivered a big boot to the beast. Dropping him and soon the match was on power moves where used Taker even using old school on Beast. Beast would land a spin buster and about to pin the deadman when taker would sit up. Beast was obviously getting frustrated. When the mouth jumped up on the ring apron, Distracting the Deadman. Beast heard Chimera call for a tag and beast obliged hitting one last cheap shot before tagging in Chimera.

Jumped into the ring as taker tagged Alisyn in. Chimera caught Alisyn and landed her finisher Deformity, then mouth started and chimera started taunting the deadman. Chimera running her thumb over her throat mocking the Deadman. When suddenly she was rolled up, she barely kicked out at two.

In the mean time mouth ate a boot to his face then beast and taker started fighting outside the ring.

Beast was then thrown into the rest of the circus. Knocking the twins and ringmaster down. Beast was then given a Last Ride through the announce table. The mouth tried to deliver a super kick only to get caught and choked slammed onto beast and the rest of the circus. Then taker watched as Alisyn started putting chimera through the ringer.

Chimera tried her best but soon the match was done with Alisyn' finisher and chimera was pinned for the one... two.... three... Taker and Alisyn were getting their arms raised in victory as the ring master and twins looked on. Chimera was out cold beast slowly getting up as he helped mouth get up as well. Then the ring master smiled as he grabbed chimera and his group started up the ramp. Then the ring master took a mic and said “enjoy your victory today. It will not last.” then the circus left.

Out of the corner of her eye, Alisyn noticed the twins and ring master drinking tea with Cole and Tazz. The sight was definitely one to behold, and it took all of Alisyn's will power to keep from snickering. Now that she had been 'reborn', she was meant to act ... proper. Anything that matched the mindset ad attitude of a true soldier and advocate, basically; but nothing less. Therefore, even if Alisyn would have been justified in her reaction, it wasn't something her new persona would do.

Not while in the ring, anyway. Maybe out ... but not before then ....

Next, her faux crimson eyes - created thanks to the lovely creation known as contacts - saw were her opponents. The Blue Beast and Chimera were both patiently waiting for her and the Phenom to arrive.

It may not happen as quickly as they would want, as Alisyn's pace matched Mark's and thus she walked at a very slow, sauntering stride. Furthermore, she didn't enter the ring first. It was another part of her new identity, and more than anything, Alisyn was simply following an unspoken and unwritten rule. With her now being the apprentice and advocate to the Undertaker, he came first in everything. After all, he was her Master now. It only made sense that, naturally, everything he wanted would come before her own wishes.

The long-awaited bell finally rang, signaling the start of the tag team match.

And thus, it begins .... Alisyn mused, stepping outside the ring as the Beast walked in.

Admittedly, part of Alisyn was slightly disappointed she wouldn't start the match. But ... it wasn't too unexpected. And hell, maybe it'd be a smarter tactic? That was the hope and thoughts rushing through her mind, anyway.

No, no, no! Sit up!

Alisyn inwardly elicited a sigh of relief as the Deadman abruptly sat up at around the count of two, almost two and a half, from the Beast trying to pin him.

... Interesting. Trying to end it quickly, are they?

That definitely made her smirk slightly. Ah, the irony; the Darkwood Circus had tried to taunt them before the fight had started. Yet after the display they just gave, it almost seemed like the new group was actually afraid of them.

Granted, Alisyn could partially understand. The Dead Man was one hell of an intimidating wrestler.

But ... Alisyn?

Well ... she was ... how to word it?

Not useless, per se. But ... a wild card. An untested one, at that matter. As such, it was hard to say if she was a threat, with or without the Undertaker beside her.

"And there it is, Tazz! The tag has been made!"

The words made Alisyn return to the here and now as she slipped between the upper and middle ropes, her hand lightly stinging from the pure strength Mark had made seconds ago. The slight discomfort wasn't out of anger, thankfully; just a wake-up call of sorts. And quite honestly, she needed it. So if anything, Alisyn was grateful for him adding a bit more 'oomph' into the simple gesture.

"So, Tazz? Got any thoughts on what kind of fight this newcomer's gonna show us?"

If Tazz gave - or started to give - an answer, Alisyn didn't hear it. She started her part of the match by slowly stalking the Chimera, moving with her as opposed to against her. When ten seconds passed and Chimera still refused to make the first move, that was Alisyn's cue. So, she ran forward and attempted to execute a clothesline against her, only to get caught and slammed onto the canvas.

The impact made Alisyn grimace and pant.

... Heh. Guess they really are trying to end this quickly ...

Swinging her legs horizontally, Alisyn took advantage of Chimera being distracted at taunting her Master once again and swept her opponent off her feet. "I can do that too; end things quickly."

That was all she said to Chimera before moving down and quickly trying to end it by rolling her up, only to be pushed back ever so slightly as the female Darkwood Circus member took her turn to escape the attempted pin.

.... Fine then. Gotta step up the game, I see ...

Thankfully, this would be where all the training with Victoria would come in, and - or so Alisyn prayed - be the most effective. Rushing forward, she slammed a clenched fist into the Chimera's gut.

"Hey! Tazz, over there! The hell is she doing?!"

At a first glance, it would almost appear like she was copying The Undertaker's "Old School" move, albeit with an obvious alteration. Rather than holding onto one of Chimera's arms, she was actually holding the woman in a fireman's carry. And as Alisyn stood right on top of the highest rope, her grip tightened and arms raised, further lifting her up into the air.

"Oh my god, Tazz! Is ... is she going to do what it looks like?!"

.... Here it is. The 'all or nothing' moment ...

And as quickly as she'd ascended the ropes attached to the ring, Alisyn jumped off, throwing the Chimera down roughly onto the canvas. Right on her back, no less.

"Wow! Was ... was that her finisher?!"

"One! Two! Three!"

Unfortunately, the crowd and commentators would be given less answers, and only more questions. The kind that could be answered in an interview, no doubt. But it was otherwise clear Alisyn wasn't about to risk breaking her persona by explaining that yes, that had indeed been a finisher she came up with herself. Prior to now, she'd never tested it. But she was ecstatic to see it worked beautifully.

Hell, even better than I ever could have guessed, she added, kneeling beside the Undertaker as he got down in his own victory pose.

This ... feels ... amazing!

It was taking even more resolution to avoid losing her more stoic expression. Alisyn felt absolutely shocked, but certainly in the best of ways. Even with the slight interruption, her introduction to the WWE franchise had become official. And now ... she won her debut match! And to make it even more better, it was with one of the most famous wrestlers still around!

Alisyn couldn't be more happier if she tried.

... Well, that probably wasn't true. But then again, she hardly cared. She just knew one thing for sure; she couldn't wait to get to the locker rooms. Because truthfully, she wanted to revert to the happy, excited side that was silently begging to let her jump gleefully up and down.

It wouldn't be the new Diva was damn sure they were out of both eye ad ear shot that Alisyn finally spoke up, but not before closing the door to their locker room.


The biggest grin that had ever appeared on her face was now taking the place off the more serious look she'd been wearing the past ten or so minutes.

"That. Was. AWESOME! I ... holy hell. I can't believe I really did that ... "

When it dawned on her that Alisyn's legs were threatening to give away, she quickly sat down on the nearest bench, smiling proudly up at Mark. Any words that she actually could have said were getting lost and even caught in her throat. All she could do was replay those last few moments, continue to hear the count had reached three, and know it had been her who ended the match.

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