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Predators and Prey (M\M, non con, slavery, Sci-fi, mature)

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Oct 14, 2016
What I want in a Writing Partner

-I like reliable partners that won't post a few times then vanish or disappear with out a trace for lone periods of time. Its very frustrating to put work into an RP only to have a partner vanish. That being said there are times were I am slow due to a combination of RL issues, that doesn't mean I have lost interest in a RP, I just have issues to deal with.

-When contacting me, pique my Interest. I find it rather disheartening opening a PM and there's a one line response to my request thread. Tell me why you are interested in my plots. Tell me if you have any ideas to add on it to it or have an RP plot I maybe interested in.

-I only play through threads. I do not play through PM and may make an exception to play over IM but details would be sacrificed at the cost of a quick reply

-Character first, not fetish first

-I lay almost nothing but M\M scenarios and I play almst nothing but male characters though I will on occasion play a female. I do not do futa or traps

-Don't care what gender or sexuality you are, I will play with any one.

- Don't make me think of the entire plot, please. That's incredibly frustrating.

-I play switches for the most part. I don't like playing a purely dominate or purely submissive character with the exception of a few and don't like playing against a character that is pure submissive or purely dominate.

-When it comes to smut, I don't do pure smut or smut heavy stories, there has to be plot. I refer a 50\50 or so ratio

-I tend to let my partner know if I don't like the way the story is progressing or if I have questions or suggestions. I really want a partner who will help move the story alone and add to it instead of making me do all the work and just responding to the posts instead of pushing the plot forward. I also want a partner who will communicate. As for grammar, as long as I can read it, that's all I care about.

-I strongly favor AU's and Crossovers.

-I like to write Rape scenes. As in full on rape, no 'she\he ends up loving it'. If I am going to write a rape scene or have my character involved in one, then I refuse to have my character enjoy it if they are the victim.

-Never use the 'but I don't know anything about the fandom' excuse around me. Most people simply refuse to try to understand anything about a fandom and rather make up excuses for not wanting to try. You're voluntarily restricting yourself as a writer.

Things I am interested in

-Five Nights at Freddy's. I'm a huge fan of it
-Bioshock Infinite (I have a Songbird headcaon)
-Titanfall 2
-Darker plots and themes
-Sapeiant robots
-Torture (just no killing my character or removing limbs)
-Obsessive Relationships
-Slavery\Pets with the one being the 'pet' being unwilling and not being 'and she\he\it grows to love it' type
-Anthros, real anthros, not humans with animal ears and tails
-gore (with in reason)
-Abuse Of Trust
-non con
-Forced oral (watch those teeth)
-an actual plot
-sapient robot x human

Things I have no interest in

-the typical victim falls in love with the rapist or grows to enjoy it
-over-sized body parts
-excessive cum
-purely smut or largely smut based RP
-Purely submissive characters, also known as door mats. A character that just lays there and allow other characters to do what ever they want to them is a massive turn off
-Monster boys\girls
-Humans with animal ears and tails
-human only RP
-any school based
-wanting my character to insta trust yours
-sue\stu OCs
-anything school based



General Setting: Modern, FNAF AU

Kinks Bondage, rape, Master\slave, torture, gags, toys, shock collar, abuse, obsession

Characters Male human, male anthro cyborg, NPCs

What I'm looking for: A dominate male human with an obsession with my male character.

The Plot: I'm basing this off a fanfic I'm writing that involve obsession. Mike (you can change the name) has a very unhealthy obsession with a certain mascot at a local pizzeria that he works at as the night guard. The owner is shutting the restaurant down due to competition and due the bad condition of the building. Despite the fact the mascots are high end expensive cyborgs no one really wants them so the owner hires Mike to destroy three of them during the night and make it look like a break in. The owner collects on the insurance and Mike (again the name can be changed) is paid off with the object of his 'affection'

Humiliation is the name of the game. Lots of it. Treat him like an animal, put a collar on him and walk him and what not. Non con,bondage, and more.

My character will not simply roll over and accept his fate, far from it. Its going to be an uphill battle the whole way.

What I am not looking for:

-female main character
-typical victim that ends up loving or liking being raped.
-a partner that doesn't contribute or push the plot forward
-mutilation, killing of my characters, limb removal
-No futa, no traps.



General Setting: futuristic , FNAF AU

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M,kidnapping, experimentation

Characters Male human, male anthro cyborg, NPCs,

What I'm looking for: Human male or human female, NPCs

The Plot: The last clear memory your character has is driving home, they wake up in a small while titled cell, empty save a small very uncomfortable bed. An hour latter someone comes to let you out, a man in a white lab coat. Turns out you are in a research compound. You have no rights, no personal possessions, nothing. Your character is escorted to a larger cell, two beds, same white tiles, small open shower room that is separated from the main room by a wall.

There is no privacy what so ever.

But your character is not alone at least. Even though your character's room mate is every bit as unhappy about being at the compound, there's nothing either of them can do. For now.

This RP will involve a lot of experimentation, both physical and physiological. Your character may be forced to do things to other characters and the like. You will be paying a victim as well as a researcher

What I am not looking for:

-Purely submissive characters
-typical victim that ends up loving or liking being raped.
-a partner that doesn't contribute or push the plot forward
-mutilation, killing of my characters, limb removal
-No futa, no traps.


To Catch a Viper

General Setting: Sci-fi, Titanfall AU

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M, M\F, kidnapping

Characters Male human, Human male, Sapient AI

What I'm looking for: Dominate human male

The Plot: Viper is having a shitty day. A very, very shitty day. In fact he's having the mother of all shitty days. First he fails in his mission, his Titan is attacked and severely wounded, his jump-kit fails causing him to suffer two badly broken legs when the ship he's on blows up and now, he's been kidnapped.

Not that his fellow Apex Predators are coming back for him. No they left him behind to be captured. It can't possibly get any worse can it?

My character belongs, well belonged to the Apex Predators. A group of highly skilled and sought after mercenaries that know no mercy and no ethics. They are routinely hired by the IMC to slaughter civilian targets. They have a very large price on their heads.

Your character can be a merc, military, former military, the details can be worked out latter. The general idea is for your character to capture both of mine, the means of how are not that important. What is important is what your character will do to mine. Turn him in for the massive price on his head, provided your character can even get to a major Frontier settlement or maybe your character will be more interested in something like exacting revenge. Or a slave? If you choose to go down that route, be warned my character will not just fold over and give in. Not by a long shot.

But your character does have leverage. For you see Viper has a partner. One that is very, very important to him. In fact they are linked to each other via a Neural Link. They can communicate using it and what one feels, so does the other. She's a Titan (Sapient Ai) and her chassis is far, far more resilient then a humans and is capable of taking quiet a bit of punishment.

Viper can be a male or a female, it won't matter to me since it doesn't effect the character as a whole. Vipers companion will remain female. I also will not dump my characters partner. I find human character only RP very boring and its canon that he has a Titan partner.

What I am not looking for:

-Purely submissive characters
-typical victim that ends up loving or liking being raped.
-a partner that doesn't contribute or push the plot forward
-mutilation, killing of my characters, limb removal
-No futa, no traps


Snipper Canyon

General Setting: Sci-fi, Titanfall AU

Kinks possible rape, possible bondage, M\M, M\F

Characters Male human, Human male, Sapient AI

What I'm looking for: Dominate human male or female

What I'm looking for: Someone to play male human that is a dominate or a switch, preferable another soldier on either side. Given how harsh the environment it, a character with survival skills will be important.

The Plot:Basically my character is a long distance scout, she was abandoned on a harsh planet since they wont waste resources retrieving what they see as a replaceable scout meaning they have to survive in a hostile desert crawling with enemy forces, mercenaries and more while trying to avoid capture. Its only a matter of time before they are spotted or have to leave the general safety of the cave and venture deeper into the Maze for resources.

Set on an original planet that is largely desert, scrub-land and canyons and has harsh daytime and nighttime temperatures that will push characters to their limits. 100 plus degree day time temperatures, 20 and colder nights, a lack of resources, scavengers and more are constant threats to the characters. They will be forced to work together.

This will NOT be a smut heavy RP. There will be smut but this is a more character drive RP and smut won't be the focus of the RP.

What I'm not looking for:

-Purely submissive characters
-typical victim that ends up loving or liking being raped.
-a partner that doesn't contribute or push the plot forward
-mutilation, killing of my characters, limb removal
-No futa, no traps


The Mercenaries

General Setting: Sci-fi, Titanfall AU

Kinks possible rape, possible bondage, M\M, M\F

Characters Male human, Human male, Sapient AI

What I'm looking for: a human male or female that either running from something or someone, potentially an abusive relationship

The Plot: The plot for his one is pretty open

My two characters, Wash and Walt are former Militia turned mercs that help people. They focus on any one that needs their help like those running from abusive relationships, kidnap victims and the like. Your character may have been in an abusive relationship and is on the run and turned to them for help.

Keep in mind that Walt and Wash are not rapists nor is their odd silent companion so any rapes that occur will involve other characters.


Predators and Prey

General Setting: Sci-fi, Titanfall AU

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M, kidnapping, torture, dark themes

Characters Male human, Human male, Sapient AI

The General Idea:

This RP deviates from a moment in the game were BT and Cooper have stolen the Ark weapon from the mercenary group called the Apex Predators but the ship is going down and going down fast. The last clear memory Cooper has is his friend and companion, BT using his own body as a shield to protect him. After that, everything is a hazy dull blur of memories, the shriek of metal tearing, the roar of flames followed by voices. He wakes up in bed in what appears to be a med bay,thinking the Militia had found and rescued them he relaxes.

The truth can't be further from the truth. It wasn't the Militia but the Apex Predators that got to them first. After getting the Ark weapon back and sending it to the IMC, the leader, Blisk, decided to keep both Cooper and BT. After all his contract never stated anything about killing either one, just the retrieval of the Ark weapon.

Blisk admires the pairs tenacity, stubbornness and strength and can't think of a better pair of trophies. He wants to break them both, not completely, after all he wants some of the fire to remain.

Even if they do escape, they will have to deal with the trauma they have suffered on-top of having the Apex Predators hunting them

What I'm looking for: Someone to play Jack Cooper or Blisk and any needed NPCs. You don't need to know much about the fandom. I'm looking for male main characters, no submissive.

What I'm not looking for:
-Romance with the captors
-futa or traps
-victim grows to like it cliche, victim falls in love with captors cliche,
-submissive characters

Deal of a lifetime

General Setting: Sci-fi, Futuristic,

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M, kidnapping, torture, dark themes

Characters humans, non humans, Sapient AI

The General Idea:

Takes place in Shanty Town. The deal of a lifetime is just that, the deal of a lifetime and only a fool would ever dare pass it by. The deal can be anything from delivering designer drugs to a night club to being offered a job at an elite nightclub but never being given the details. And its not just your character, one of mine have been offered a similar deal. But like anything that seems to good to be true, it is.

Being offered a job the nightclub means the night club owns you. Exotic 'dancers' are commonly subject to all manner of abuse and even rape. The only way out of a job with one of the elite club owners is to escape and even then the nightclub owners don't like their property running away and will stop at nothing to get it back.

What I'm looking for: Someone to play at least two characters, any gender, any sexuality


Story ideas for Shanty Town\Runaways universe

Mutually Beneficial

General Setting: Sci-fi, Futuristic,

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M,M\F, dark themes

Characters humans, non humans, Sapient AI

The General Idea:

In Shanty Town, nothing is free but a mutually beneficial relationship is almost always in the best interest of every one. My male human character doesn't like being weighed down when it comes to relationships and fears commitment so he enjoys no strings attached sex. He also works as a drug runner for a nightclub so your character could have a no strings attached sex with him in exchange for designer drugs but such a relation ship will be rocky and difficult since designer drugs can have nastey side effects. And then there's my characters partner to contend with


General Setting: Sci-fi, Futuristic,

Kinks rape, bondage, M\M,M\F, dark themes

Characters humans, non humans, Sapient AI

The General Idea:

A wealthy exotic nightclub owner who has some very....exotic tastes. Your character is being blackmailed into something awful and turn to my characters to help get your character out of Shanty Town but it won't be cheap. Or easy
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