Space Jam - Taking Several For The Team (darkest_fate & Rand)


Apr 6, 2012
The bell had sounded out within the packed arena of various, colorful characters which had come to watch the game that would decide their fate. The toons knew the stakes when they accepted the stronger and, at the time, tiny aliens that had come to enslave them, but they almost certainly never expected things to go this horribly for them so early in the game. Their spirits were practically broken as players for both the Tune Squad and Monstars left the Basketball court for the halftime period, while the aforementioned Monstars were high fiving and laughing away at their seemingly assured victory.

“Heh heh! Lot of good that washed up old has been has done them!” Pound, the orange skinned leader of the Monstars boasted as the oversized team stomped off for the locker room like a bunch of walking bulldozers. “That’s right, he shoulda stuck to playing baseball! Or better yet, golf!” The comparatively small andpurple skinned Bupkus let out with a cocky chuckle, which the others reciprocated with sneers and laughs of their own as they piled on into the locker room. They were each decked out in their team uniforms, with a couple of the members going for the nearest towel to dry off a bit from what sweat they did work up, as others started to lounge about on the benches with all the confidence of a team that had this game in the bag.

“The boss is gonna be thrilled with us when we get back to Moron Mountain!” The red skinned Nawt added while toweling himself off. Sitting a couple of feet away, the towering, yet slow witted Blanko finished tying his shoes as he started to agree with a dim chuckle, “Yeah, we totally go thi-OWW!” The blue Monstar’s interruption was caused by his attempt to sit up straight, which was stopped abruptly by banging his head on the opened upper locker door of Bang. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” The green Monstar belted with a nasty glare at having his locker dented on his teammates head. This caused a series of laughs to break out from the other players, which would have kept on for a lot longer, if not for the unexpected sound of somebody knocking upon their locker room doors.

This brought a moment of silence to the team, with each of them looking to the other, until Blanko spoke up while still rubbing his head, “Uhh… were we expecting somebody?” The team was a bit on guard, realizing that the toons were often known for their loony tricks, as Pound called out to their mystery visitor, “Come in…”
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