The Maiden Knight and the Daemon Horde (WH40k) (PlatemailBikini and Kaybee


A piece of armour for the most discerning people.
Dec 28, 2016
The Warp. The swirling unending sea of raw chaos that lay just behind the face of reality.
The Vile Garden of Nurgle. Home to every disease ever known and more, where the Dark Grandfather of Sickness holds court in a rotted mansion.
A Burning Wake. A barren, purified scar that now throughout the realm of death.
The Maiden Knight, the result of thousands of years of labor, and the countless souls of the most devoted of Isha's warrior-priestesses.

For so long, this amalgam of souls have burned it's way across the Warp, slaying all in it's way, deamon, cultist and lost soul alike. Now They stand at the gates of Hell itself, ready to do whatever it takes to free the Mother Goddess. With a sickening groan, the door opens ponderously, rusted hinges creaking.

Inside waits something not even the wisest of Farseers could have foreseen. A horde of Slaneeshii deamons, a wriggling, writhing mass of vibrant flesh violently indulging in each other. An endless cacophony of lilting, unnatural moans filled the air as every kind of imaginable carnal horror took place. Worst of all, the souls of fallen Eldar were scattered about, enduring mind-searing agony.

Closest to the entrance, two Keepers of Secrets thrust their tree-trunk sized cocks into the ruined holes of two once-proud Eldar warriors. Their eyes are rolled back, their bodies twisted and broken to accommodate the rabid deamons. With a ground-shaking roar, one of the Keepers reached their climax, their fuckpuppet's face twisting into a shattered mask of confusion and horror, her mind broken long ago. With each hard thrust into her gaping cunt, the deamon shoots another load of tainted spunk, filling her, pouring out around its cock and causing the eldar's belly to expand horrificly, the dark magick of She-Who-Tirsts keeping her from ripping open.

Others were not given the same protection, judging from the piles of vaguely humanoid meat being devoured and ravaged by hordes of deamonettes.

This was impossible! Why would the oldest and the youngest ever work together? How could the spawn of She-Who-Thirsts even exist here? No matter, They must succeed, even more so now when unimaginable suffering and degradation surely awaits both Them and Their goddess should they fail.

(Just tell me if I need to pull back on the Grimdark, I started out by going full throttle.)
Time flowed unpredictably within the warp and only those beings born into the place could truly understand it's nature. It was purest chaos, flowing forwards and backwards at the same time, where nothing was certainty beyond the realms of the gods.

When the Maiden Knight stood at the garden's gates, she stood in defiance of the odds. Countless dead demons lay in the great avatar's wake, yet as they'd died, the path she'd blazed had become clear, and it was not so hard for the dark prince of pleasure to realize where she must be going. A thousand souls kept from her grasp by those fragile little constructs housed in that beautiful shell.

Nurgle had been all-too-willing to grant them access in exchange for a portion of them since so many went to she-who-thirsts to begin with, and more to test his many gifts upon would be greatly welcome.

Against one god, there could only have been victory. Against two, there was no hope for anything but failure.

The Greater Daemons did not even bother to cease their thrusting, as they leaped at the Maiden Knight, two arms continuing the work of bracing the mind-broken warriors against their ravaging while the other four reached for her, some swinging blades, others simply grasping, reaching, groping, tearing coverings and teasing flesh with both pleasure and pain. Blows that would fell any mortal could not fell the Knight, and so they held nothing back, surrounding her, trying to lift her up and impale her.

Meanwhile, hot on the greater beings' heels daemonettes and nurglings alike surged around the Knight, plucking at the hundreds of soulstones they could reach, and for every hundred or thousand that failed it was inevitable that the occasional one would succeed, plucking a crimson gem away and crushing it to manifest an untainted Eldar Warrior's soul, each one of whom was instantly swarmed by more shrieking demons...

(Hope my writing is keeping up, your style is interesting...)
If the Maiden Knight could laugh. It would. The wretched slaves of She-Who-Thirsts assaulted Them as if They were some common Avatar of Khaine. They were the Pinnacle of War. The Scion of Ynnead, forged by Vaul himself, the revenant of Kuernous, come to rescue his beloved. They swung their sword, an arc of warp-fire burning what foul daemons were not cleaved in twain by the blade itself. With the first wave of daemons pushed back for a moment, They adopted a proper fighting stance, eons of experience guiding Their senses as they scanned the room.

Beyond the initial attackers, none of the daemons had even seemed to notice the intruder, so caught up in their brutal revelry were they. In the middle of the floor, right between the legs of the remaining Keeper, sat a daemonette and furiously slammed a bleeding, broken soul down and down again onto it's fat cock. They could feel some of Their spirits recoiling and losing hope as they witnessed the Eldar's eyesocket being penetrated. Blood and pureed brains dripped from the ruined skull as the Daemonette redoubled her efforts until finally, which a crack heard all the way to the Maiden Knight, the back of the woman's skull gave in, splintered bone and flesh flying everywhere as the vile daemon howled in ecstasy, cumming ahrd and sending a seemingly endless stream of spunk flying into the air, where it eventually fell back onto the still twitching corpse.

The daemonette casually tossed the broken shell of a woman aside where she was quickly pounced upon by lesser deamonettes that began tearing into the perpetually bound flesh of the soul with jaws and cocks, quickly covering the Eldar wholly in their own forms as a wriggling mass of flesh built up over her. The first daemonette simply grabbed one of the errant souls torn from the Maiden Knight.

Asheris Proudcaller was her name. She had been a great hero in life, a valiant soldier into the end. Now she was held down, screaming and thrashing as the Daemonette wildly and relentlessly forcefed her cock up her rear hole, the sickening sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking as the torturer mercilessly raped her virgin hole apart. With the size of that cock, it was arely three-quarters in but it had to have at least reached half-way up her guts.

A sudden scream of danger jolted the Maiden Knight from Their trance, but it was too late as the remaining Keeper had re-positioned, and was currently grappling Them from behind. The poor cocksleeve it had been wearing had been left on the ground, where a Fiend had mounted her, shoving all three of its cocks up the braindead thing's cunt.

The Keeper would only relinquish her hold on one toy if it knew it would soon find another. And it did, with two arms holding the Knight in place and the other pair brutally kneading Their giant tits, breaking the insignia They were wearing and crushing another soulstone. In aone smooth motion the keeper used a single finger to bind the soul to it, impaling her all the way through with said finger at the same time as it rammed its life-endingly-huge cock right up the Knight's exposed ass. They could not scream, but inside Their mind waves of pain washed over everyone as a thousand eldar virgins experienced the pain of a tree-trunk shoved up their butts deep enough to enter their torso and break their hips from the inside.
They died in droves, but this was a heart of daemonic power and for every one that fell a hundred more clawed and scrabbled and scraped to take it's place. Drawn by the beacons of each untainted soul forced from it's soulstone. Daemonettes jockeyed for space, the lesser ones not caring how many cocks were crammed into a hole so long as they could stretch it far enough to get them in too, the greater ones crowding the others out by sheer girth alone as they forced their hulking poles into those too-tight orifices, taking sadistic pleasure in the screams as they pushed the warrior women beyond the limits of what their bodies could hold with every thrust.

As more souls were released, fewer and fewer daemonettes made it to the Maiden herself as they fell upon their new captives. As holes filled up and bellies bulged sickly with oversized members some of the warp-spawn simply made new holes wherever suited them, while others settled for other pleasures, biting, licking, clawing. Wicked talons carved Slaaneshi runes into soulflesh, sealing the unwilling remnants of dozens upon dozens of once-proud virgins into a new eternity as toys of the thirsting creatures in the warp.

The centerpiece to the horror and debauchery though was the Maiden knight herself, stomach distending in a way no living creature could ever survive as the Keeper of Secrets ravaged her rear. Its six arms crawled over her body, mauling breasts, tearing the Knight's clothes and twisting the chains and metal of her adornements into new forms perverting their symbols, grasping her arms to try and keep her from escaping the ruinous embrace as all the while it thrust remorselessly into her, drinking in the screams of those ten-thousand souls while it's mouth whispered corruption into their ears, blasphemous litanies of surrender, of endless pleasure, of servitude to she-who-thirsts...

Yet Nurgle had stake in the souls within as well, and he was not about to let Slaanesh take all of them. The Avatar was no living soul that he could inflict his gifts upon but the soulstones within and upon it were, and so the creeping surface of the garden rose up. Thick vines of sickly-green corruption twined their way up the Maiden Knight's legs seeking an opening through which they could access the core of her and -finding the most obvious and convenient one between her legs- they pushed inside her, three thick tentacles digging deep into the avatar's 'womanhood' while two more twined higher still and sought access to her mouth. Slaanesh influence was clearly influencing how they went about it, but ultimately, their goal was their own, seeking out the souls within the Knight and claiming them in the name of The father of sickness...
Pain. There was nothing but pain. A thousand souls shrieking in horror and suffering. The Maiden Knight's sensors overloads, forcing every soul to see and hear and smell the depravities happening around them as well. Ragged, rent flesh hung from the massive rotting chandeliers, each body part still containing a fraction of a soul, their existence reduced to nothing but horrific decorations. On the far wall the still-wet skin of a young eldar maiden hung, screaming for mercy as two daemonettes used the bloody insides as cum rags. Somewhere in the room, a mortal champion, one of the Mon'keigh Sororitas twisted into a perverse exaggeration of beauty, her skin a stark pink, her hair as yellow as a sun, her barely-covered breasts larger than her own head. She was yelling insults and abuse at an eldar, forcing it to eat out a daemonette's ass. Somewhere else a band of cultists were roasting another eldar alive for eating, raping her mercilessly and filling er to the brim with tainted sperm as she slowly cooked.

Then, finally the Knight registered the Throne. If They could kill the Gods, this would all end. With renewed purpose and will, the Knight gathered strength and started to fight back. Biting down on the tentacles filling Their throat, They lumbered forward, breaking free from the Keeper's grip. As first the vine, then the Keeper's penis simply slid out of Their holes, They felt a sigh of relief wash over them as gallons and gallons of cum came pouring out of Them, shrinking them down to their normal stature as well as washing away any minor pursuers in a deluge of warp-cum.

They raised their sword, building up speed as they entered a full, on charge against the gods, trampling and knocking about deamon's a captives alike. For a split second, a seed of doubt took root. Some of Them had fallen to She-Who-Thirsts' foul allure. Without a second thought they were expelled, a hond-full of utterly corrupted eldar souls happily joining the frenzied orgy below, adding to the cacophony of screams and pleas with their own lustful groans and wanton begging: "Please mistress, fuck my guts out!" "I want to die forever impaled on your fuckpole!"

What remained of Them shut out the disturbing sounds, focusing only on striking down the two gods.
The Keeper of Secrets wasn't willing to give up it's prey so easily but the Knight gave the daemon no choice as it slowly stepped forwards. Putting one foot after another, step by step, the Knight dragged herself off the tentacles and daemon-shafts, stalking forwards as fire flared around her, ignoring the twisted seed gushing from her body. Daemonettes and Nurglings died, swept away in the tide of corrupted cum or burned to a crisp by sheer proximity to the wrathful construct, and as she charged a corona of flame flared before her, turning souls and Daemons alike to ash in her charge.

In her wake, a trail of ash and a handful of freshly-turned Eldar, corrupted by sheer proximity and subsequently ejected from the Avatar in her charge. They crawled desperately towards the daemonettes as they closed behind her, eagerly welcoming their shafts even as the sheer size of the many penetrations broke bones and twisted organs out of place.

Slaanesh rose from where they sat and took a step forwards. Unlike the Eldar souls who even after mere moments of exposure were beginning to bend and distort under the prince of Pleasure's influence, Isha was a goddess, and just as her body had resisted Nurgle's countless diseases down the ages, so to had it resisted Slaanesh' corrupted touch.

She was unmistakeable as Slaanesh dragged her to her feet and held her by the neck from behind as they rammed themselves into both her holes at once, interposing her body between them and forcing the Knight to screech to a halt as the goddess' belly bulged with the warp-god's countless shafts. The Maiden Knight was a god-killer, created for the singular purpose of slaying these beings, and as easily as she could kill Slaanesh, she could also kill the very goddess she had come to save, and with how close the prince of pleasure held her, there was no blow that could take the life of one without taking the life of the other in turn.

"See how she wriiithes..." Slaanesh taunted, other greater demons were circling now, closing in behind the Knight as Slaanesh advanced on her, holding Isha up before it, making the knight watch as every step made those divine poles shudder and flex inside his captive's swollen belly, tears streaming down the helpless Goddess' face as she stared helplessly at her would-be saviour. Every moment the knight hesitated was another moment for Nurgle's corruption to start creeping it's way up her legs again, another moment for the greater daemons behind to close in on her, for the lesser demons to reach her again.

And with every moment, Slaanesh drew closer, and the souls animating the Knight began to fall before the vision that was the prince of pleasure ravaging their pure goddess.
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