MLP: Fucking is Magic - Discord's Delightful Dickery {darkest_fate&Rand}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The swirling cutie mark hovered almost directly over Twilight's castle. The princess of friendship frowned as she looked at it, studying it curiously. Nearby she could hear her assistant and dragon-boy spike shifting and climbing up to look at it himself. Spike had just hit full maturity, which sometimes made him a little difficult to handle, though Twilight still loved him anyway. Dealing with his crush on Rarity, however...

"That's definitely the castle, right?" she asked. "It seems like it's indicating right here. I would almost expect to see it glowing right above us," she fluttered her fingers before bringing them down to stroke her chin. Spike was already asking if she needed to contact them or anything like that, but Twilight shook her head. "We should definitely find it out though," she focused, magical energy shining at her forehead. They sometimes called her people "unicorns," which she thought amusing. Well, technically speaking, Twilight was an "alicorn" now: she could produce the feathered wings on her back and actually fly. That had come with the whole princess of friendship business, as had this castle and these assignments.

"Um, Twilight?" the voice caught her attention, and Twilight saw Spike looking up at her again. The dragon-boy was adorable and would probably always look young to Twilight, who had helped him hatch. He pointed a clawed finger, and Twilight's head swiveled, seeing a semi-familiar face coming into view. "Is that..." her brow furrowed as she stepped forward. "Flash?" Twilight's eyes narrowed. "Wait, is something... off?"

Twilight approached slowly, purple magic swirling about her horn. She was, of course, wearing her usual around the castle wear: a purple tartan skirt, kneesocks that matched her cutie-mark, a white blouse with a deep purple vest over it, and a string tie about her throat. Technically her mark would show just above her haunch, near her bottom, but she kept all but the bottom tip of that hidden with the skirt. Said skirt shifted as Twilight approached. The light seemed to shimmer, and Twilight was already waving her hands, readying a revealing spell.
To the blind eye, what Twilight Sparkle was seeing just outside of her castle walls had indeed been Flash Sentry. The young guard looked every bit the same as he always did, with his current garments consisting of a rather casual wear which included a pair of jeans, white shirt and black jacket, as opposed to the royal armor which he’d often wear when seen on duty. His blue hair was fairly messy, but in that ‘stylishly messy’ way that girls often liked on a guy. Similarly, the Pegasus wings that he often had out when working were gone for the time being, thus giving an unobstructed view of the young male who stood outside of Twilights castle for an unknown, yet seemingly nonthreatening purpose.

The truth, however, was that ‘Flash’ had been there under a unique arrangement organized with the assistance of a certain Chaos God. A Chaos God which watched on through a small portal window, unseen anywhere near the not-what-he-seemed guard’s location, while relaxing in a floating position that replicated somebody laying back on a couch. “Hmm. Personally, I do not know what she sees in him.” Discord mused while tossing back a handful of popcorn that was suddenly levitating at his side; chewing upon the mouthful and swallowing it down while adding, “Buuuut, I suppose it doesn’t really matter for somebody with your talents, does it?”

An amused chuckle slipped from the chimera dragon’s wide mouth, as he informed the changeling, “Now, look sharp, ‘Flash’. It seems like our royal-ness is on her way over to see if anything’s wrong.” With that, the changeling awaiting Twilights appearance would no longer be able to hear Discords voice, but the chaotic being would still be watching the entirety of the unfolding events. “Now this is a lesson that should prove… very entertaining.” He considered to himself, as the straw of a large soda came up to his lips on its own, which he promptly began to slurp loudly at while his eyes remained glued onto the scene.

For his part, Thorax was a touch reluctant at deceiving Twilight, but Discords offer of a chance at feeding upon the love of such a powerful source as the Princess of Friendship was too tempting for the rehabilitating changeling to pass up. Of course, the slight magical ‘boost’ to his appetite by Discord didn’t hurt matters. At the sound of Twilights footsteps approaching from behind, the male awaited until she was close enough to pull off the act, as he suddenly turned to face the book smart cutie and ‘accidentally’ stepped right into the Princess enough to knock her off her feet. “Oh, Princess! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there.” He quickly apologized, then offering up a helpful hand while flashing a familiar smile as he added, “We’re making a pretty bad habit of this, aren’t we?” The coaching by Discord would prove useful, as Thorax rather perfectly mirrored the way the pair had met literally bumped into each other in the past while offering to help her up.
The spells didn't seem to quite want to stick, which was enough to get Twilight's guard up. Generally speaking when spells didn't stick something fishy was going on. That often happened around either creatures that just sort of avoided magic or warped it. Still, the person in front of her did look like Flash, albeit a little bit more like the one Twilight had met in the alternate dimension as opposed to the one who often stood as a guard (these two were very similar though, mostly dealing with the whole balance of magic and wings and a slight change in preference toward pop musical numbers).

This Flash did accidentally knock Twilight down. The princess went tumbling, landing on her butt, her skirt flashing up for a just a moment to show a flash of pantie (white with stripes of pink and purple, naturally). She quickly brought her hands down to pull the skirt into position, flushing a little. Sometimes she swore it almost felt as if she had hooves, like she were actually a unicorn instead of just part of the whole Equestrian subspecies and all. Twilight looked up at the boy who offered his hand, taking it and pulling herself upright.

"Yes, I suppose we are," Twilight glanced at him, feeling herself flushing slightly. He did look like Flash, and well, Twilight couldn't help but find that face pretty darn cute and all. She did manage a nod as well, before smoothing out her skirt. "It's good to see you! Though if you're remembering that is... are you from the other--" her brow furrowed, looking up at Flash and studying him carefully. "So, wait," she pointed at him, 'why are you here, exactly? Shouldn't you either be back in Canterlot High? Or serving as a guard in my sister's palace, depending on which one you are. which Flash, I mean." Twilight paused, considering. "We really do need a system to determine which is which. I mean, there is the whole thing you were mentioning, which helps, but it would be really useful if you would just show your wings or do something would fully confirm that you are, in fact, you."

Twilight paused again. Wasn't she just worried about something? Something involving magic. Magic being twisted. She studied Flash again, tapping her fingers to the side of her head as she examined him. He looked right, save for the whole not being where he(s) was/(were) supposed to be.
“Why does she always have to overthink things?” Discord mused from his location with a light sigh as he watched on with a touch of concern at ‘Flash’ potentially blowing his cover this early in the game, while a small smirk appeared on the corner of his lips at noting, “Cute panties, though.” It was already tricky enough to use his magic without drawing Twilight’s immediate attention when it came to throwing Spike off her trail, as the currently lost dragon wandered around the castle, trying to find his bearings, after having lost track of his friend despite following right after her when she went to check on Flash. “Oh, don’t you worry your little head. Your friend will be fine and I have plans for you yet.” The Chaos God said with a chuckle while watching the smaller ‘screen’ monitoring Spike, before returning his full attention to the current stars of his show.

Thorax tried not to stare too much, but it was hard not to at least take a small peak at the flash of panties from the tumbled Princess, before returning his full attention to the lovely face of the girl standing in front of him. There was a touch of nervousness, which he managed to hide rather well, as she questioned on which one he might be, which caused ‘Flash’ to let out a small chuckle while admitting, “True. I guess I never think about it since I’m… well, me. But I can see how it might be confusing for others.”

The suggestion of doing something like showing her his wings to help confirm his identity was a relief for the changeling, who knew that mimicking such an ability was well within his current abilities. “Oh, you mean wings like… this?” The young male said with a sly smile as his arms extended outward at his sides slightly, while a soft, yellow light emitted from his back to allow for a pair of long Pegasus wings to extend outward. Clothing wasn’t a concern for a Pegasus when it came to potentially constricting their wings, as the large pair flapped a few times after fully revealing themselves through his jacket. It was almost kind of angelic in a way, especially given the almost glowing shade of orangy yellow that his wings took with the light hitting them, as ‘Flash’ tilted his head slightly while asking, “Do these help at all?”

There was always a sense of love around Twilight due to her status as the Princess of Friendship, but the attraction she had toward Flash Sentry had only made it that much easier for Thorax to pick up on it. As such, even while they stood and interacted like so, it was possible for the changeling to begin to feed, just a small bit, upon that love. A somewhat risky move, but while this could normally give away a changelings identity within moments, Discord had done some meddling (as he is want to do) with Thorax’s magic so as to make the feeding process a lot more… pleasant, for Twilight. The affects would be subtle at first, but she would definitely feel it, as a heightened sense of arousal flowed through the feeding process and her skin slowly became increasingly sensitive.

Sensitive enough for even the rubbing of Twilght’s own clothes upon her skin to bring about those pleasurable feelings within, let alone sensitive enough for what was to come next, as ‘Flash’ suggested, “Or maybe you need to touch them to be certain they’re real?” With that, the blue haired male stepped in closer, with his wings coming forward from either side of his body, until the feathery feeling extensions of himself folded around Twilight’s shoulders and to her back like a pair of arms. They rubbed slowly along her sides, letting her feel their touch where skin was exposed, while rubbing her through the clothing otherwise, as he stepped in closer until their bodies were inches apart. “As for why I’m here? Isn’t it obvious?” He spoke softly, finally getting around to answering her earlier question, as the taller figure gazed downward into her wide, beautiful eyes, while keeping his body so temptingly close to her own without adding any further direct contact, “I came here to see you, Princess.”

Letting those words settle into the air around them, the changeling slowly moved his hands to rest upon her hips. Not to pull her closer or even hold her in place. No, she would have plenty of chance to pull away on her own if she really wanted, as the male began to move his face in closer to her own. Close enough to feel her breath upon his skin. Close enough for Twilight to feel his own breath lightly brush along her lips, with his mouth seemingly intent on following suit, as the continuously feeding figure slid in closer to seek out a kiss.
"Well, yes, you're you and you'd know when you're you and when you're not you, but the rest of us don't have that advantage," Twilight pointed out, tapping her hands to her chin again. She did realize that there was the potential for this Flash to be someone else entirely too: changelings playing around or Discord playing with shapes or any number of magical spells or what have you. But the guy did seem to know Twilight already, which was certainly a step in the right direction. Then came the wings, which Twilight noticed, nodding.

"They do look about right," she said, stepping forward. The shimmer matched pretty good, but Twilight swore she could see something else hovering just about it. Like, maybe a shimmer of green or something? Twilight looked back at Flash, noting that the wings kinda made him seem almost angelic. Weird to think about that, and it was making Twilight flush a little just thinking about it.

Still, she had to check. Thus, even before Flash had started, Twilight shifted. Her vest and clothes slid along her body, and Twilight swore she felt them caressing her flesh quite nicely. The intelligent (nerdy) unicorn didn't exactly experiment with too much sexual activity or anything, though she had read about it. There had been some warming moments during reading, and she had ground her legs together, but it wasn't enough to really give her too much of an idea. But she did know that the clothing across her chest and even her panties felt a little off. "Definitely going to touch them," Twilight said. But as Twilight moved to touch, she felt them flitting about her sides instead. The touch made her shiver ever so slightly. Flushing, she batted at it.

"Well, yes, I did figure it was that. It was either that or you came here looking for Cadence or Shining Armor or maybe Spike, though I don't think--" Twilight saw the hands moving now. She tensed as they touched her hips, freezing, eyes widening. She'd done something like this before, when she'd visited Equestria High and all. Now he kept coming closer, and it didn't take long for Twilight to figure it out.

A finger intercepted his lips. "That's really flattering and all, but I really hope that you didn't just come here to try and do something like that. Plus, I'm quite busy and I really don't have time for that sort of thing. It's nothing to do with you, promise," nodding, Twilight reached down, pulling a hand a little off and moving aside, fingers templing. "Now, is there maybe some sort of problem? Oh," she turned to look at him, "do you have a friendship problem? I think that this map, it shows us where to go to help people and all. It came with the castle. Anyway, this map, it had my mark above the castle, so maybe you have a problem and it's telling me to help you?" She smiled up at him, convinced that she'd figured it out. It all added up, after all.
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