Looking for a male parnter

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Dec 18, 2016
North Carolina
Hey all so I've gotten settled in here on this site and have finally come up with some pairing ideas that I enjoy. If there's something on my list that you like then send me a pm or email me! I'd be happy to try and work something out to get a role play going. For those who might not like my pairings but would like to try role playing with me, go ahead and message me as well!

Below I also have some plot ideas that we do not have to go with at all but I have some plot ideas that don't go to my pairings also so make sure to check those out as well!

Me x you ¥-the more there are the more I'm craving it but I'll do any of the ones listed below.
#1~ Target x Assassin
#2~ Slayer x Vampire
#3~ Princess x prince (another country)
#4~ Princess x Royal Guard¥¥¥
#5~ Runaway x Rich guy
#6~ New Girl x Bad Boy¥¥¥¥
#7~ Waitress/Secretary x Boss¥¥¥¥¥
#8~ Good girl x Bad Boy¥¥¥¥
#9~ punk girl x Preppy boy¥¥
#10~ Nurse/Doctor X Patient (can be reversed)¥¥¥
#11~ Human x Werewolf

This list will be updated as I see fit.

#1~ I play the role of the target in idea one and you are the assassin. After finally tracking me down and studying my daily interactions you're ready to make you're move, except you hesitate for a moment; something an assassin should never do when facing an enemy. In that moment of hesitation the assassin has changed their mind, instead of killing the target why not keep them as a slave for their own pleasure? No one has to know about it after all.

#2 A slayer who had been searched for this specific vampire for years finally finds him, at least she thinks she does. When she suddenly gets all turned around in the forest with that same vampire screwing with her head she may never get home. Taking a risk she dares the monster to come out and fight her one on one, a mistake that may cost her her life.

#3 after having her country threatened to be annihilated the king sends his only daughter to the enemy's homeland, not to lead troops or to scope out the land but to be the princes new personal servant and possible wife. The princess will of course know this but what she won't know is how exactly she will be serving him during the time he has to decide what her future role will be.

#4 From the day the princess was born to the day of her eighteenth birthday she has always had the same person at her side. Her royal guard, someone who is barely older than her but so devoted to her protection. Though that hasn't stopped either one from noticing the other has grown to be rather attractive but they never dared to cross the line that was drawn between the Princess and her Guard. Until the day they hear she is to be wed.

#5 A girl who had been beaten and abused in her house for years finally runs away and collapses on the street, bleeding out where a wealthy man finds her and takes her to the hospital. Since she has no money to pay him back and she has no place to go hes willing to allow her to stay with him and in return for his kindness he demands she 'work' for him.

#6 Being the new girl in school means you know absolutely no body and don't know who to avoid. So when the new kid finds herself partnered up with the schools bad boy she doesn't know just how dangerous this simple little project could turn out if she doesn't keep her curiosity at bay.

#8 Her father is the towns sheriff and he's known as trouble. After being arrested again her father cuts him a deal since he's got a kid his age. Live with him and his daughter for the rest of the school year to keep him out of trouble or go back to jail. All the while his goody two shoes daughter knows nothing about this deal, until he shows up on her doorstep with his things.

Could you imagine what would happen if an all boys university is told in the middle of the semester that they are now required by the state to allow girls to join their ranks as well? Whether my character plays the very first female teacher or first female student (Or maybe even both) is up to you. But beware, the student is a feisty one!

Twin sisters decide it would be fun to go on a camping trip in the summer time with their boyfriends. This can lead to a willing swing party vibe or a going behind each others back vibe. Either way for a whole week they are all stuck out in the middle of no where with only each other to keep them company. Well, and the wild animals.

Two packs are constantly in a battle for more territory in a mountainous setting known for it's harsh winters. These aren't your average run of the mill wolves however. These are werewolves. Humans born and bred with a lycanthropic gene set that allows them to shift into their large dire wolf form. When one pack suddenly decides to make a bold move and invade it brings an alpha and an up and coming alpha head to head. But will they be able to finish what they started when they realize they are mates? Or will their alpha pride be to much to handle and cause to much damage?
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