Trust [TWD - randomname98766789 and Blinking Blue]

Blinking Blue

Jan 15, 2016

Mei Seung was absolutely, inarguably and unendingly, done with this shit. Done with the exhaustion, the throat scratching thirst, the stomach cramping, painful hunger. There was nothing left in the world for her, but she'd figured out pretty quickly she couldn't stop moving. She didn't know how. She'd tried to consider killing herself, but realized pretty quickly that it just wasn't a possibility for her. She had no desire to end it, no matter how much of a struggle of every day was. She just... what was it one of her coworkers had said? She just kept on keepin' on. It was all she had.

Her dirty brown hair was pulled up into a tight bun, because she just hadn't been able to bring herself to cut it all off. She'd liked her hair. But long and loose? That was a great way to end up with a cold, rotting hand tangled in it. The old fashion standards had died a long time ago with all the people who cared, and she hadn't thought about how she looked in a long time. There was a faint, splattered bloodstain on her sleeve that Mei had tried hard to get out, but then eventually given up on. It wasn't like it was all that noticeable under the dust and dirt, and she was so used to it that she barely noticed it anymore anyway. It wasn't like she had a lot of options for clothing. The jacket and jeans were both thick enough that the human teeth of the biters couldn't rip through, and that had saved her life on more than one occasion. Or at least saved her limb. Mei had heard that chopping off your limb above the bite could keep the infection from spreading, but she hadn't thought about it much, at least not long enough to make a decision. She should have. These were the kinds of things a survivor should have already planned out.

The store looked empty. The windows were dirty but not bloody, which was a decent sign. She rapped on one sharply with a knuckle and waited, watching for a moment. Nothing inside. At least, nothing that had heard the noise or could respond to it promptly. The door was unlocked - of course - and she pushed it open, stepping into the silence. The smell of death hit her immediately, and Mei wrinkled her nose in distaste. The reason for it was obvious; there were three bodies lying on the floor. They weren't moving and she moved towards them closely, kicking them over one at a time. She could see the holes in their head, and just kind of shoved them out of the way, so that if she had to run, she wouldn't trip over them. From what she could tell from decomposition, they'd been there a while. Not walking, just lying there. Someone else who'd been The door was closed behind her, and the woman started into the store, footsteps soft as she looked for something that wasn't rotten.

Not long ago, Rick Grimes’ group of survivors arrived at the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Apprehensive at first, the majority of the group were assimilating hastily into the new lifestyle. From the minority that almost abhorred the conformity and normality of the community, Daryl Dixon was the most prominent. As Rick’s right-hand-man, the redneck discussed everything with the former sheriff. Daryl’s distaste was dually expressed before, during, and after the decision was made to explore Alexandria. Surprisingly to Daryl, Rick began relaxing into this new safe haven. Daryl’s prior experience with a self-proclaimed “sanctuary” or safe-haven was nearly fatal. The experiences at Terminus deterred the group from believing Alexandria was truly safe though the memory was almost forgotten by most. How did these people trust so easily? Trust was an area Daryl struggled with for his entire life. It took years before he trusted this group but they were his family now.

Rough around the edges, Daryl never showed a hidden soft side. Carol found that side most of the time and everyone knew it existed. Still, in the eyes of everyone, Daryl Dixon was the neighborhood redneck badass. Without even trying, the male won popularity over the people of Alexandria despite being mute for the first handful of days. Though he would not openly admit this to anybody, the male began looking at this community with a new perspective. Despite this newfound, confusing emotion and viewpoint, Daryl enjoyed his privacy and freedom.

Being locked inside a safe-zone was fantastic during the apocalypse yet Daryl felt it was imprisonment. As a boy, he spent most of his time outside with his older brother, Merle. Essentially, Daryl was never a home body and enjoyed being in nature. Walkers hampered his ability and opportunity to hunt for pleasure and enjoy his alone time but it was better than nothing. Daryl refused to be locked inside forever. Recently informed of his job at Alexandria with Aaron, Daryl felt ambiguous about the situation. His head needed to be cleared and supplies were needed.

With his crossbow and hunting knife by his side, Daryl hopped onto his precious motorcycle and left Alexandria. The supply runners often coordinated and plotted the next supply run so Daryl veered off-course and began searching through a town just west of the settlement. It was dangerous because the area was not scouted yet the older male figured keeping on the same path as the runners would lead him to depleted resources. Because of pride, Daryl Dixon never returned home empty-handed. Nothing about this town alarmed him until he decided to check an old grocery store. It was one of many stores in the same strip mall area. All hell broke loose when the metal door was pulled open thanks to Daryl’s strength and a swarm of walkers piled out into the parking lot. “Fuck!” The brown-haired male cursed, falling back onto his ass. It was impossible to fight off the creatures so he jumped to his feet quickly and took off in a sprint around this store towards the next unknowingly heading towards a dead end with the presence of another human being not far away.

The store didn't have a lot she wanted. Mei took the time to open and eat a single energy bar she'd found underneath one of the shelves, but that was about it. Pasta sauce she'd just... drink, she supposed. It wasn't an appealing thought, but neither was starving to death. That one was distinctly worse, so drinking pasta sauce it was. Not here, but later.

She saw the man coming, and the walkers behind him. Her immediate thought was that she should just go back in the store, close the door and go out the back, let him deal with it. Whatever he'd done, he'd been the one to fuck up and she didn't have to have any part of this. But he looked clean and decently fed, she realized, and that meant he had somewhere. Which meant he had people. She remembered when she'd had people. Her dark brow furrowed, and Mei sighed.

Fine. Fine, she was doing this. Somebody deserved to have a good day today.

"In here. Back door." She spoke quickly, gesturing through the door she was currently standing next to. Walkers weren't smart, they wouldn't know to go around. She stepped back inside, closing the door behind her but leaving it unlocked and moving towards the back of the building. He could follow if he wanted, but she was gettin' out of there. Sure, it could be a trap, but he'd have to decide if it was worth it or not. Pretty much everything could be a trap these days. Mei just wanted to do one good thing today. Probably her one good thing for the next month, because she was not leaving any of the still good supplies in the store. Then again that was because there were barely any and if she didn't get 'em, she'd probably die.

She heard the door open and close, and silently found a spot behind a shelf. "Door's in the back. We can go one at a time and hope the other doesn't shoot us in the back, or just get going." That was probably the better option, really. The undead were already slamming into the windows, making the glass rattle. It wouldn't hold up forever. Not very long, even. Too many of them, too much force. And they didn't care about glass cuts, they wouldn't be slowing down. Mei hadn't gotten out her gun until this point, but it was in her hand now. She wasn't even thinking it was for the walkers, the biggest chance of use would be because of the dude she'd just let in. Humans were just as dangerous, if not more so than the dead these days. Then again, people had always been pretty dangerous. She just met a whole lot less good people these days.

((I was thinking the back door might have something jamming it, so they'll have to either fight their way out or manage to break the door, whichever.
Though fighting their way out would involve tactics since there's more than they can face head on))
Chances of survival were dimming for Daryl Dixon. Being a realist, he needed to get the hell out of this place. The last thing he expected was to be assisted by another human being. However, a feminine voice called out to him and with a whip of his head, the male’s brown eyes landed on a woman peeking out of a nearby store. It could be a trap leading him to his death but the walkers were getting closer. Perhaps he would be able to maneuver his way out of this one so he took the risk. He was unable to debate long about his choice because of the impending horde.

Inside, he was careful enough to ensure this woman did not kill him immediately. Though she kept her gun withdrawn, Daryl kept his hand on the crossbow while gliding towards the back where this strange woman was directing him. Following her to the back of the store, Daryl kept dead silent and only nodded from time to time. Already, the walkers were banging loudly on the glass. It would shatter at any time. He would have to take the risk of not getting shot in the back. However, another problem would be encountered.

The door was jammed shut from the outside it seemed. Daryl could not push it open even though he used all of his strength. Time was running low and Daryl frantically looked left and right to find something, anything they could use. Finally, his eyes landed on a metal cart. It was not a shopping cart, but it looked to transport items from one place to another in the store. It would almost remind him of a laptop cart except heavier and obviously not used for laptops. "Hey, come here and help give this a push. Maybe we can ram the door and knock whatever it is back there off. Or at least we can get the door slightly open and find something to pry it open further." Daryl shouted over the commotion, feeling their options were quickly running out of time as it was.
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