Looking for Plot and Ideas!

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Feb 24, 2015
The Leaves are Falling

  • So I am Illusion, just got back from a little break and I am ready to kick in some role-plays once again. I have some plots I want to play and go over that I can't wait to do! So I am a pretty literate role-player and depending on the role-play I can write 600 words and more. I live in Canada and I am currently going to to University so my replies can vary from two to three replies a day or once a week it all depends

  • Please respect me, if you're going to be a dick to me and rude I will stop talking to you and block all messages. I have no time for that shit.
    I have a life outside of blue moon! I do come on to check messages on my phone but I don't always reply right away.
    Respect my Off list, it's there for a reason so do not try and convince me to "try" it.
    Do not flirt with me at all, It's not charming or cute it just gets really annoying because I am here to role-play not meet people to flirt with. I love to chat and make friends but that's it.
    Pm me if you are interested and when you do pm me please don't send one liners stating "I like that idea, lets role-play.". I want to know what your kinks are, if you prefer pm or thread, what you want to do, your ideas, thoughts and concerns.
    I don't play celebrities or people you know, it isn't my character.
    Don't start the rp and three posts later and drop me, not even tell me if you were busy or not. Just tell me.
    I like to role-play in threads or Pms, in that order.
    I don't care if you are female or male behind the computer! It's fine with me I just want to keep it MxF for now.

  • I will not play characters under the age of 19, I just won't so please don't ask me too.
    I also have no interest in doing anything to do with incest. It just kind of creeps me out and I just can't even comprehend it, it just won't register for me as something that is arousing or fun.
    I also prefer to play younger characters. Which means no mothers. I rarely play women above twenty-eight years of age
    I do not do anyhting with animals, werewolves are different but no dogs, cows, etc.
    I also don't like anime, I prefer real character...humans.
    No scat, no gore.
    or extreme violence between our main character.

[size=-2]Ons (I have an f-list needs to be updated though)
  • Dirty talk
    Public scenes
    light bondage
    rough sex
    light bondage
    I like to play thicker women depending on the plot, not fat but with some extra on them.

Current Cravings

[size=-2]Man in the Woods
  • This picture gave me the idea to have a man who lives mostly by himself, he stays in the woods provides most of his food, etc. I was thinking that he either kidnaps her or orders her from Russia or Syria etc. If we go with kidnapping it would go with her being held and bond, etc. I was thinking at some point Stockholm syndrome would set in. If he ordered it would be interesting as it could go a few different ways. I would like to discuss this over pm.

[size=-2]Game of Thrones
  • The first one I am really craving is RamseyxSansa, I want their relationship to be like in the show and book. Abusive, dark, and twisted. I would even like to maybe have some pregnancy involved since there has been some ideas about it being true. I would like to talk more about this through pm
  • I would also like to do something with Margaery and Robb or Jon. Maybe even Joffrey to see how that would turn out. Or other characters I am willing to try just bring it up.
  • I am picky when it comes to certain characters and pairing but please offer because you never know right? I am also willing to do something involving characters of are own from different houses or something like that.

[size=-2] Vikings
  • I really am in love with this show and I'm looking to do something with it. Either with the shows characters or even our own. And if we use our own it doesn't have to be based of this show. I just really want to do something with Vikings.we could add arranged marriage,someone getting captured and brought back, etc. I'm really opened to discussing this farther with someone who is interested.

[size=-2]Hunger Games
  • There are so many pairings to try with this and so many plots. I am more into doing something where if we do canon characters they can go in the games or just stay in the chosen district. If we do our own characters then I would prefer if they weren't in the games and just in the district, or mentors, etc. I also have read the books and if you also have then I would love to play some characters that aren't really in the movie, I also have a love for multiple characters.
    • I would like to try something where our characters meet in town, one of them in less fortunate, the other a merchant or peacekeeper. Like I said I just would really like to chat one on one with someone.
    • GalexKatniss

Real Life/Historical
  • I enjoy some modern day plots with some twists in them. I am not one for cheating on ones partner so please don't offer that.
    • Merchant x peasant
      Soldier x villager/enemy
      Arranged marriage - modern or historical
      World War II
      Princess x King from other kingdom
      Prostitute x Trucker
      Cop x Prostitute
    I would like to add pregnancy and even a dark side in these to if we could.

  • I would like to try something where a whole bunch of people get stranded on an Island, maybe after a plane crash or cruise accident. Kind of like lost. This will have a lot of plot of course but also mixed with some smut, I want to add some of my favs as for kinks into it too. So please message me and we can chat more about this.

[size=-2] Truck Stop Whore ****
  • i would really like to do this one, and I'd prefer her to be pregnant too. I was thinking we could multiple men in different and public places. Like in the bathroom of the diner, in the back of the building by the woods, etc. Motel the guys truck and so on. I'm thinking this would only be sort of short term but we could extend it too. With a few more ideas but this is heavily smut driven.

[size=-2]Arranged marriage***
  • We could do a variety of different things with this, I have been wanting to try a mail order bride type deal but I only have a small idea for that. We could also put this in medieval setting or rome.

    We don't have to do this idea we can always come up with something.but here it goes...

    So this can be set in a hotter country like Syria/Middle East or we can have it in another world so we can just make things up. But anyway a girl is being married off to a foreign man of the country who owns some kind a shop and knows her father. (This can or cannot happen depends on what we decide.) she has already been married off once before and her first husband who gambled far too much ended up loosing his money, not only that but he left her leaving her alone and pregnant (doesn't have to be) Now that could be one reason why she's marrying him, he's foreign and not many people want to marry foreign men and women so it was easy for her to get remarried because he doesn't care as much about her position? (Again doesn't have to happen like that I'm ip for ideas depending on what they are.)

    In that idea I would like him to be a bit older then her and I do want to mix in some pregnancy too we can arrange it to be his etc. We can also add some things happening in there country/world, war, hunger, anything to spice it up.
    I really want to give that ago but I am up for some other ideas for this.

[size=-2] Pioneers*****
  • This can be in another world or in the past but I'd like to do an rp were there's a town or village, pioneers like. No cars, no electricity, etc. So I'd also like use to be able to play multiple characters. We'd play different families and different ages, I'm also up for adding some kinky things. This could be fun, there's no many possibilities that I'm up for sharing with you guys. I might be open to doing some incest in only this plot, but I don't everyone running around doing incest. So pm me and we can chat about what we would like to go down, don't just leave it all to me though.

[size=-2] Old Fashion love***
  • I would love to do something with a newly wed couple in the 50s or 60s maybe? I'm interested in having a controlling type of man in this. she loves him and they are happy but he likes to push her over the edge and make her so embarrassing things, public things sometimes.

    And/or he's also a bit abusive and a bit of a drunk, maybe they're struggling with money or something, they could of had a kid before they were married or something. I'd just like a really rough man with a bit of a temper for something like this ;3

[size=-2] World War Two***** really want to do this, will love you if you pm me about
  • I want to try something involving this, this of course would involve a lot of story. We could go a number of ways with this, my character could be a nurse and yours a soldier, or even a Jew. Or YC is a Nazi, maybe living in a house stationed somewhere in Germany or Poland, needs a maid to clean the house and work so my character comes in? Or after a tough battle your character found himself in the woods and wounded, MC comes across him and decides to help? There are so many things we could try out with this and if you have any ideas feel free to share.

[size=-2]Anlther World War II *****
  • i was thinking king this one could be about two spies. Your character is deployed to France, Poland or Germany to meet up with my character who is your "wife.". Now we can go from there with more plot and ideas and I'm thinking her falls for her and all that but to add some drama maybe she's been helping the Germans, secretly giving them away with each step they took. Like I said I would love to talk to you further with this through pm.

[size=-2] Werewolve***
  • I have recently wanted to do something involving werewolves, were my character maybe be a werewolve or a human of lower rank to yours. Or from rival packs. I am looking for this to have some solid plot and not all of it filled with smut. I'm looking for dominance in this and rough play. I would love to talk more as I do have a few more ideas for this.

[size=-2] Images That I'm interested in
  • Dirty House wife
    ****A stay at home mom has been having a sucky sex life with her husband and they decide to spice it up?
    ***Or maybe she's a single mom, with her sons soccer coach? Etc. - but I will not play a desperate wife who throws herself at the coach and do anything for him.
    ****Maybe a guy ordered her from someplace to be his wife?
    One night stands turns into something more?
    At the Pool/Beach
    Stranded Halfling
    Pregnant Halfling
    Honey I'm home!
RE: Leaves are Falling!

Bumping as I added a few more things here and there
RE: Leaves are Falling! (Lets have some sexy fun!)

Hello. Feel free to pm me and throw your ideas around too!
RE: So Many Plots and Just Enough Time!

Bumping! Looking for some Pioneer and WWII RPs!
RE: So Many Plots and Just Enough Time! -some things added

I added more historical ideas!
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