Seeking a vicious male character for a specific plot. {mxf}

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Dec 13, 2015
Hey there;

I've been craving this plot for a long time, so I figured I'd throw up a specific thread here. My F-list & other threads are in my signature, so if you need to find out more you can do so there! :) If you want to discuss changes please feel free to do so, this is just exactly what I'm craving right now but I understand that it may be too rigid.


  • Don't contact me if you're going to flake. Honestly, this is one of my biggest peeves. It's mainly because I feel like I make an effort to let my partners know if I'm not going to be here or if I'm done with the role play. It's mutual respect we all deserve, just be honest! If someone tells me they just don't want to continue, I'll respect that. I won't ask you to continue, I'll most likely wish you well and thank you for giving me your time. I understand sometimes life gets busy, I won't rush you. I just like to know if you're done with our role play so I can move on and get others going. I don't mean to be callous, I feel that's just how it is.
  • I give what I get. Yes, I tend to prefer longer, more detailed posts because it's my personal preference. I adore getting lost in the detail. If you're not interested in details and writing fairly long posts at times, I'm not your girl. I won't say word count matters so much to me, I know there's a big thing about 'quality over quantity' which is perfectly valid, but a certain level of detail does come with longer posts depending on the plot progression. If you're wanting to write a slower paced role play focusing more on interactions, I'm game! I just want, and crave detail. I want to be blown away, just as I want to blow you away. So if you get less detailed posts from me than other role plays I'm in, it's usually because I put in more effort if I see someone is doing that for me. Again, I'm not trying to be harsh but the more effort I get, the more I give.
  • I need a bit of bite. If you're looking for me to play some kind of domineering character, perfect. I usually play strong willed women, supernatural or human. The one thing I'm not looking for is timid or shy characters to play opposite. I thrive on writing conflict, so anything with two characters butting heads to hunting one another or being forced together somehow is perfect for me. Of course I play other scenarios, but for some reason I love having that volatile fun around. I also love drama and plots that cause conflict along with a few other elements sprinkled in.
  • Give me some umph! If you're looking to roleplay with me, you should know I love to plot. This doesn't mean I want to discuss the plot constantly or completely, but I want to get a firm idea of where we stand and what we want. This is so I can write tailored to what you want, and vice versa. If there's something you're not enjoying I'd love for you to tell me. I don't think a good role play can be created without honest communication. I won't take it personally, I just want us both to enjoy it as much as we can. It's supposed to be fun, after all. So please do come to me with ideas, not just 'I am up for roleplaying', give me something to think, yeah, this person is serious about kicking something off. This also refers to just posting me an idea without telling me anything about yourself, or why you contacted me. If you give me something like your name, what drew you to contact me, and various ideas or interests you have, then we're golden! You know, just something that we can actually use to begin our discussion. I really don't want to feel like it's a job just to find out what you're looking for.

Plot(this is simply the beginning - I have several brief ideas for the current time):

Alpha Werewolf x Hunter

Hunters were born when the discovery of supernatural beings were discovered. They were headed by several families that continued the lifestyle of hunting monsters A specific family ended up on a beautiful patch of farmland, raising their oldest daughter in the ways that they had been taught. On one fateful night, the history of their kills came back to haunt them. An attack from a pack they had acted upon began to sweep through their town; by the time dawn broke, the father had passed, the mother was with the youngest daughter as the oldest began to join the fight outside, despite her father's wishes.

During the fight, the oldest daughter (MC) discovered her father's corpse. From that moment on it was a flurry of blood, swift hits and a relentless adrenalin rush. It came to an end as she met her match, the Alpha of the pack (YC). The fight left both of them with wounds, but it was ended by a bite. What wasn't expected was that the hunter would survive. In most cases, a bite will kill a human. The infection becomes too strong to fight. However, a bite from an Alpha can turn a human, but it's very rare.

The Alpha assuming she was as good as gone, left the scene. Two days later, something unimaginable happened; she rose up, changed forever. Despite her new identity causing her to break the hunter's code, she still had a mission. Revenge.


  • The Hunter's code has several important parts. The most important is that if a hunter learns they are compromised, they must take their own life rather than turn into a monster.
  • Alpha Werewolves are the only type of Werewolf that have a chance to provide the gift of their curse.
  • Alpha Werewolves are stronger than their kin, they are born into their alpha roles as opposed to claiming them. It is simply a genetic bonus, in a way. There are Werewolves that lead packs as Alphas, but aren't 'true' Alphas.
  • Hunters are descendants of many generations that have been trained in martial arts, self defense and various weapons training. They are willing to do anything to protect the world from supernatural beasts.
  • Werewolves have two forms, human and their animalistic side. Their animal side reveals as a large, vicious wolf. It could pass as an abnormally large wolf, however, if they were seen by a hunter it would be blatantly obvious.
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