StarMech's Mostly Fandoms & Others (MxF and some FxF)

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Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
Hi there! I'm Vincent aka StarMech and I come from the far away country of Chile; I'm fairly new to this Adult Role Play thing, but I'm slowly learning. I am looking for female or male partners to Role Play with; I usually playa s either so I do not mind if you're a girl who plays a boy or a boy who lays as a girl as long as we all can have some fun.

~ The Good Ol' Do's and Don'ts ~

- Literacy, although that's a given. I'm not super stingy about it due to English not being my main language so I can understand a few errors. As long as you try to improve and you can stand if I make an error myself then we are good.

-Willingness to create. I like to create a setting before jumping in and during the RP itself. So I'm open for people to PM separately and have back and forth regarding to setting, story and characters. In fact I encourage it!

- Responsiveness. I been having a lot of issues with people saying they are ready to RP and then POOF, just vanish without a trace. So please, if you're having some issue that is stopping you from playing please send me a PM explaining the situation. I also have stuff to do sometimes but I'll try to respond whenever possible.

- Patience. As I said I'm new to this and not from a English speaking country, so if I'm not the best at super detailed descriptions, or I fumble my words or be a bit erratic of posting (Of course I'll warn and inform if that happens) please be patient. I'll try my best to make it sow e all have fun and I'll never back down.

- Drawn reference. It feels weird using real people reference, and given my passion for Games, Cartoons and Anime I'd prefer we use those kind of styles for designing characters and settings.


~ What gets my gears runnin' ~

I'm not a super kinky guy in the sense a lot of the stuff I like is pretty mild in comparison. For any doubts you can check my F-List but basically I'm very fond of:

-Consensual and Romance but can do other scenarios like dub con (Is that how is it called?)
-Single or multiple partners
-A plot and decently thought setting with my smut
-Different spots to do it (even thought I'm a-ok with just a bed)
-Roughness and kinky play to a Degree

While my big turn off are:
-Everything to do with Vore, Scat, Gore and that kind of Gross Stuff
-Hardcore BSDM
-Bad Ends (I can stand harsher roughness if there's a light at the end of the tunnel but not when the end if just grim.)


~ The Role Plays! ~

For now I'm mostly interested in Fandoms over Originals, so I'll be mostly looking for that, but I do have some in case you wanna. Some have more ideas than others but the idea is to brainstorm together what'd be the best for that particular RP selected.

Also to make explaining easier I'll use terms like YC (Your Character) and MC (My Character)...


NEW - Of Villains and Heroes -

YC is a recurrent card-carrying Supervillain in a fantasy world and city. Or perhaps a newcomer to the villainous lifestyle. Either way it's the same old same old day; You proceed with you plan to struck at the royal palace, grab part of the riches and kidnap the beautiful princess of the kingdom (either something you have done time and time again or perhaps your first scheme ever being a classic) and do your getaway and confront the dashing hero as usual. However this time something odd happens...the hero doesn't show!

Sure, you have gotten away with (or not depending if first-timer or not) the princess before, but always with the hero showing up. A couple of days pass and nothing!! It's almost...disheartening!!

But despite feeling hurt of such and hiding it, you celebrate now that you can proceed to further plans. You celebrate! A bit too...much celebrations...One thing leads to another, and the next morning you wake up in your bed...with the princess nuzzled to you and naked under the covers!!

And this just marks the beginning, as a whole trail of shenanigans ends up with learning about a powerful set of treasures that will lead someone to ultimate riches and power. As such a wacky adventure begins as YC has to confront heroes AND villains across kingdoms, as well as capturing princesses and royals to continue your master quest! A story of one encounter dealing a villain with a hidden heart of gold to perhaps a new outlook on life; Heroic or anti-heroic? Or who knows...all that matters is that somehow these pesky feelings for the princess are starting to blossom...

Basically, a wacky adventure plot about a villain and his operation across wacky and varied kingdoms. Can be fantasy, sic-fi; Doesn't matter in this game-inspired crazy world. I'm also open to ideas if a artefact quest is not your cup of tea but the whole plan is to have a half-comedy half adventure story of of a villain learning more about others and himself and his feelings between him and the main princess becoming higher across the adventure. Added that with possible extra lewd fun with other princesses, heroines or characters or significance.

The foundations are there but it may require a bit of planning to for the perfect setting, characters and plot flow.

-Fantasy Adventure-

I always loves the more fantastical style of JRPGs so I imagine something like that would be lovely. As ideas come I'm interested in relationships between different roles or status.

Perhaps YC is a young prince of a small kingdom who by fate's hand is forced to travel across the land with the help of his guardian knight who, while inexperience, is obligated to protect and see for your well being. Along the way both your and MC grow a individuals as well as closer together, blossoming a passion that breaks through their respective roles now with the castle walls behind them.

Variations could be made of MC being a younger knight and YC being an older one tutoring her while they adventure; Or maybe the young prince and his beautiful mage tutor start getting closer together.

The roles of YC and MC can be switched around if you please.

- Currently having one of these in progress so the likeness of accepting another is slightly lower. I will if you have a very cool idea for it -

-Teacher & Student-

I'm very keen of this kink so I'm open for ideas. Maybe a mature but nice looking teacher is having feelings towards one of her students and slowly the two start getting closer and start a secret relationship. This one can always be mixed up with the other ideas.

-Magi Tech World-

YC is an Adventurer or a Mechanic in a fantastic world of magic and technology; Maybe the land became more barren and desolated with survivors taking to secluded colonies, or maybe the world below is of an ancient civilization lost in time. Whatever the case may be, one day YC stumbles upon a deactivated but advanced robotic female who he managed to repair. MC, this magitech robot, becomes loyal to him and the two start a nice friendship as they adventure together and something else may blossom.

- Currently having one of these in progress so the likeness of accepting another is slightly lower. I will if you have a very cool idea for it -

-Fantastic Visitor & Defender-

YC is a regular boy/girl/man/woman living in the city in what seems like just a regular life. However, everything changes when a mysterious lady/lad appears in a burst of light into your apartment. At first glance you can tell she/he is from somewhere else entirely. Maybe he/she is a humanoid alien from outer space, or a magical creature from a land of fantasy. Regardless, she/he seeks refuge and in your good will you let him/her stay. His/her mere presence not only eventually call this fantastical elements to reveal itself into the world, but also a mysterious power within you starts to grow.

A mixture between slice of life and adventure as a ordinary boy/girl meets and eventually falls for a fantastic girl/boy amongst the evil that hunts him/her.

Fandom Ideas

-Pokemon Adventure-
I have been in a very big Pokemon mood since Sun & Moon came out so I'd love to do a Pokemon Role Play with someone.

It could be either the adventures of two Trainers (YC and MC) or maybe YC being the star while I am in charge of the world and its NPCs. I'd love to create a region alongside someone, making its characters and locales as well as using characters from across the series if needed.

When it comes to the smut it can be just between Trainers and Humans, or maybe making it so Gajinka Pokemon exists. I could also do something with the life and times of specific game characters too.

-Smash Time-

Having a bit interest in this one. A Role Play based on the universe of Super Smash Bros. I'm open to ehar your ideas but I do have some of my own, lately been thinking on using Pit myself and have him engage with other characters but I could use any other you want...

- Maybe centred on one specific pairing between the MC (Pit, Link, a FE character, etc...) and another Nintendo/Smash Girl (I'm keen on Samus, but others are also a fun choice).

- Maybe said MC has multiple encounters with different Nintendo/Smash Girls as they all coexist together.

- Or maybe an inverse; With a Female version of a male Nintendo/Smash character (Honestly I could see a girl Pit the most) ending up in ridiculous and smut-filled situations with multiple male Nintendo/Smash heroes.

-Or just be a series of tales of the lives of the multiple characters together, switching between multiple pairings.

This could be Slice of Life or a Grand Adventure; And ever involve characters that aren't in Smash but have been in Nintendo consoles at least.

-Animal Crossing: Sweet Living-
This is a weird idea I had lately. The world of Animal Crossing but with it's animal inhabitants resembling humans with animal features rather than full on animals. However I'm also very fine with the anthro characters too.

The story of the new mayor (YC probably) arriving at a village and the daily life of him or her with his/her new home and townfolk, prying into their more intimate lives with eachother...

-Kingdom Hearts Lewd-
I have tons of interest on this too. Usually with KH it's always MxM stuff so I'd love to see more stories with FXM and maybe FxF. I'd need more brainstorming on this one but I guess something involving the original characters together or Sora having fun around the world. Kairi, Aqua, Xion, Namine, anyone!

Fandoms in General

A list of other Fandoms I'm into, as well as the previously mentioned. Have a story for it? I can help. Now these ones I have very few ideas but that doesn't mean they are low priority, but rather I wanna hear your ideas for a good story. The ones with * are up in priority with the ones above.

I'm open to hear your ideas!

-Super Smash Bros *
-The Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild had really hyped me up to do something with TLoZ)
-Monster Hunter
-Final Fantasy. IV , VI, VII (Although not very knownful), IX, XV, FF Tactics Advance / A2 (Big fan), Crystal Chronicles or Crossovers of any number.
-Disgaea *
-Animal Crossing *
-Kingdom Hearts *
-Mega Man
-Kid Icarus *
-Splatoon *
-Super Mario Bros
-The World Ends With You *
-Shantae * (very interested if you know the game)
-Fire Emblem Fates
-Most Nintendo properties, really
-Kill la Kill
-Nier: Automata
<More to Come>
You can also ask fandoms you're into of games, anime or western animation to know if I'm into them.
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