Feudal Fantasy (Zell and Angel-chan)


Dec 9, 2012
The sounds of a raging battle could be heard outside the castle's walls. Aron, the king of Lotus watched though the windows of his castle and see the chaos before him. Lotus is one of the four known kingdoms and tonight the kingdom would fall. Some how those of the Scarred Lands, a barren wasteland which is home to thief's and banished dishonored fools, have some how come together to form a powerful army. Aron still wasn't sure how they gotten the weapons and armor, for that matter he wasn't sure how their leader have such power to over come him.

What he was told, the man leading this army was named Aizen which he could not recall the name from anywhere of the four known kingdoms or does he know why this man wish's to bring ruin to his kingdom. Aron stood ready to defend his kingdom and join in the fight but he had to make sure of one thing before he does, and that's to make sure his daughter leaves in case he fails. As he was in his own thoughts the doors slide open behind him and he knew right away who it would be, his daughter along with her chosen body guards.

"There is no doubt our kingdom will fall and there isn't much time either. You need to go to the other three kingdoms and warn them, at lest one should listen to reason and do everything you can to make sure this doesn't become their fate. Gather a force of your own and retake our home." he said and turn to one and only daughter "I am sorry to put such a burn on your hands but as it stands you will be our kingdom's last hope." he give her a sad smile "Now go while you still have time." he told her once more before he turned and headed to join his soldiers in battle.
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