NCIS Duty & Service D/s {randomname98766789 & AnnaBeth Belle}


Dec 17, 2016
It was late and, aside from the cleaning crew, Ellie Bishop was alone in the office. In front of her a large display screen showed the exterior of a grey stone building, three stories tall and occupying an entire city block. It was imposing, the architecture solid and outdated, remnant of a time when Civil Defense signs would have pointed into the building and down towards its multi-level basements. There were windows, though none at the ground floor, and heavy rolling shutters perched above the higher ones like a Neanderthal's brow ridges. The double, oversized doors looked to be oiled oak but were in fact merely oak veneers over hardened steel that had been cut out of a WWII battleship that had been scrapped. The building was called the Wickers building but was more commonly known simply as The Firm. Various cover stories existed about what went on inside, the most common of which was a government think tank. That was a neat cover, if completely untrue, but it kept people from discovering that The Firm was the most exclusive, secretive sex club in the Washington DC area. Congressmen and women, Senators, any number of deputy assistants and under secretaries for government departments along with the wealthy elite made use of its services. It was also, Ellie and NCIS knew, used by members of the armed service, such as Major General William Lutz of the US Air Force whose body currently lay in a chilled compartment in Ducky's morgue. He'd died inside, under suspicious circumstances, and NCIS needed to investigate the case to determine if it was suicide, homicide, or just plain bad luck. The director knew that they'd never be able to get inside with a warrant, much less with investigative questions, and hadn't even tried. They didn't want to tip off The Firm that they knew General Lutz had died inside The Firm and that NCIS was investigating it. They didn't even know that NCIS had the body. The director had them put out a false cover story that the General was missing under suspicious circumstances. If they let the family, the military, know they had it the General would be quickly and quietly interred and any investigation immediately shut down by powers far beyond NCIS'.

So they needed to go in undercover to investigate the case.

Ellie frowned at the image of the building, then slowly reached out and with a great deal of self control clicked it closed on the keyboard in front of her despite the emotions she felt; anger, fear, disgust, worry. They, Ellie and NCIS Agent Joshua Mitchell, would pose as people interested in the D/s or BDSM lifestyle and with a little bit of help from a confidential informant and some fancy computer work would be verified as having the proper bona fides to gain entrance. The problem was they'd have to go in as a couple. They were a couple, had been for almost two years. Joshua had been Ellie's first and only and she'd never wanted any other man than him, giving him her virginity and her total devotion since they'd first started dating. No other man existed romantically to her. Posing as a couple in love wasn't going to be hard. It was posing as a couple in a kinky relationship that was the struggle.

Blushing even to think about it, Ellie turned away from the display and began to pack her bag. She and Joshua were intimate, at least twice a month, and she knew he enjoyed it. Ellie did too, because Joshua did. Still she never had climaxed and they only had sex in the missionary position. Ellie knew about other ways to have sex, clinically any way, but Joshua never pushed for more and he always... finished... so that was enough. At first they'd done it every day, sometimes twice, but then work and the new of the relationship had worn off and they were pretty much on a schedule now. It was adequate. It took care of his needs, or so Ellie thought. But this case was going to require Joshua to go in as a dominant male and Ellie as a - a -

Unable to even say it in her head, Ellie frowned, mouth quirked to the side, and reached for self control to keep from doing something silly like crying. NCIS agents didn't cry. A couple of deep breaths and she was back to herself and left the office with her bag and a black duffel bag in her left hand.

Twenty-seven minutes later, two minutes faster than average, Ellie was at Joshua's apartment. They maintained separate apartments still because they weren't officially married, but Ellie and Joshua spent most of the time at his place because it was closer. Joshua was already home and she parked behind his car in the street outside.

He was waiting for her at the door and she felt his arms fold around her in a hug, then turned her mouth up to kiss him sweetly with an open mouth. "I love you," she said, one of their trademark ways of saying hello. "I'll always love you," Ellie added. "This," she said raising her left hand with the duffel bag in it, "is from Abby. She collected it from the evidence rooms and, um, her own stuff. She said it's all clean. Sterilized." As if the bag held adders instead of what it really did, Ellie handed it off to Joshua and went into the apartment. There, as she always did, she put her things away just so and then finished by laying her holstered pistol and credentials on her side of his bed. Her shoes went underneath the edge, facing out and ready to be stepped into in an emergency.

"Will you fix me a drink please, Joshua?" she called out, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I really think it will help. I also got Ducky to prescribe me some Xanax if you think that's a good idea too. Or maybe for tomorrow," she added matter of factly.

While Joshua was busy in the kitchen, Ellie returned to the living room and sat down on the couch, knees together and back not touching the cushions. The bag was on the coffee table in front of them and she absently moved it to make it sit in the exact center then stared at it.

"I can do this," she said in almost a whisper, but didn't reach to unzip the bag. Abby, once she found out about the assignment, had put together a collection of...things... to help Ellie and Joshua become familiar with bondage and dominance and submission and such. "There's manuals," she told him when he came back with her drink. "Abby put them on top. I assume, I mean, I haven't looked."
As a decorated NCIS agent, nothing phased Joshua Mitchell. No matter how gruesome a case became, he could withstand the scenario and push through. The current case was not something difficult to withstand, however. Granted, he despised how a fellow Navy SEAL had to lose his life, but Joshua was not complaining about this undercover job. Himself and his longtime girlfriend Eleanor Bishop would infiltrate the underground BDSM club known as The Firm. The city’s and even country’s biggest names in politics and military frequented the club. Nobody truly knew what existed inside of this place other than the NCIS and the consumers that attended. It was highly illegal as they did not pay any taxes or federal services that were required but other illegal acts have been suspected such as prostitution, money laundering, corruption, and now: murder.

These places gave BDSM a bad name along with other corny novels and movies. BDSM was beautiful, honestly. Joshua had never been able to establish something with another woman based entirely around BDSM but he always yearned for this chance. Knowing the common conception of the theme made him shy away from ever presenting the idea to the women he loved. He did not want to chase anyone away. This time with Ellie Bishop, he was head over heels and thought she would be the perfect submissive for himself. He loved her and wanted to show her this lifestyle was not so bad. They were exploring because of work. If everything ended well, they could continue outside of work. Joshua might not be experienced with BDSM but he has done his due research and always would keep her safety and happiness in the forefront of this mind. He wanted this to work so he needed to ensure the outcome of this situation was positive.

Hence, he suggested they explore before entering the club. They could still pose as a couple new to the scene. It would not be a lie. Ellie would just be more comfortable being restrained, he hoped. With the help of Abby, a box of items that were related to BDSM were given. From jewelry pieces to toys to restraints and even manuals, the answers were given to the couple. Graciously, Joshua accepted the gift. While he thought about buying a few things in case he ever convinced Ellie to try, he realized how bad it would look if she found them in a hidden spot and thought he might be seeing someone else. If she ever decided to give BDSM a try, then he would buy what he needed. Their friend and co-worker had them covered. Almost ever since Ellie joined the team, Josh and Ellie were dating. Their age difference was incredible to some but overall, the team and others around the NCIS saw how in love they were. Work was never impacted negatively because of the bond. In fact, work was impacted positively every day. They worked together as an impeccable team. It was an advantage.

Joshua knew their relationship was arriving to an awkward stage. They loved each other but still lived in separate places though they did see each other every day. If not at work, then they met somewhere to catch dinner or just watch a movie. Joshua knew he wanted to marry Ellie and make her his forever. Well, this could be a gateway event into marriage. Tonight, Ellie was supposed to drop by Josh’s apartment after work. She stayed later to review some information on the case. She was running later than usual but Josh knew her well. She liked to compose herself before talking to anyone if she was emotional. This situation was emotional for sure and it was up to Josh as her lover and her dominant to soothe her. When the bell at his apartment rang out, Josh approached the door. He was wearing a dark grey t-shirt with matching grey lounge shorts and dark blue boxers underneath. The male opened the door and stood towering above the blonde. His strong arms greeted her as he returned the kiss. “I love you too, Ellie.” He answered immediately having never been shy about saying those three words. He could never say them enough. He loved hearing them as much as Josh loved saying them. After allowing the blonde to get situated, the older male ventured into the kitchen and threw together a glass of wine for Ellie. It was her favorite and plenty of bottles were kept around his apartment. Returning to the living room, he placed the glass into Ellie’s hand before sitting beside of hear. Yeah, he already knew what the bag contained. The male just mulled over how to talk with Ellie about this situation.

The first thing Joshua did was reach for the woman’s hand not holding the glass. Their fingers laced together and then brought her hand to his lips. Those rough, chapped lips planted a kiss onto the back of her hand, onto the palm of her hand, on both sides of her wrists and down on the top of her forearm to the crevice of her elbow. Dropping her arm lightly into his lap, that same hand of Josh’s traveled through Ellie’s hair slowly. His fingers lightly stroke through her thick, long locks of blonde hair. It was one of his more favorite features about her bodies even though he loved everything about her. “I understand you’re nervous, Ellie. I’m nervous too. Just remember that I love you and I will never hurt you. No matter what we do or where we go, you’re safe with me. Even when you’re tied up and helpless, I need you to remember me and remember that you are safe. The first thing we need to discuss is a safe word.”

Pausing, Joshua lightly began stroking his fingers down the side of her arm now instead of her hair before giving her a second to digest this information. “This is a word you say when you want me to stop what we’re doing. It must be something that would really kill the mood and something you would not normally say during sex. I researched examples and I think ‘pickle’ is a good word.” Obviously, Ellie shouting the word Pickle while having sex would not be sexy at all and the perfect safe word. “What do you think? The manuals will not be necessary. I’ve done my research. I’ve wanted to explore this. I hope you do give this a real chance and trust me. I think this could be a wonderful experience for us overall after the case is over. The world of BDSM allows me to express my love for you in an entirely different way. I’m sure when we start, you will enjoy it.” He murmured quietly, ending this with a kiss to the corner of her lips, waiting for a response.
At work they were strictly hands off. Even when they were more or less alone, or completely alone, Ellie and Joshua didn't so much as hold hands or brush fingers across each other's body. They didn't even hug, which had it not been for the distraction of the job and the concentration and multitasking it required, well it would have been an absolute torture. Once she'd met Joshua, had fallen in love with him, Ellie couldn't bear to be around him and not be touching. In the heat of a DC summer when the AC was not working right, they'd suffer the sweat of sleeping together, Ellie's head pillowed on Joshua's arm or chest, just to be as close as possible. It was as if their touches, their caresses, meant more to them than the sex appointments that Ellie had actually put in their shared calendar on their phones.

While Joshua talked and stroked her hair and skin, Ellie kept staring at the bag. From time to time she'd raise the glass of merlot and sip deeply, not even really tasting it but desperate for the alcohol to work its magic like her boyfriend's fingers were.

"I know you won't hurt me, honey," she said. "Just like I know that the sun will come up tomorrow. I know that here," Ellie said and tapped her head, "and here," her hand repeated the gesture over her heart, "but down here?" Palm flat on her tummy, Ellie slowly shook her head side to side, the almost empty glass of merlot sloshing side to side. "It doesn't feel good, Joshua." Setting the glass on the table , Ellie crossed her arms in front of her to grab the hem of the shirt she was wearing, a black t-shirt with NCIS on the breast, and uncrossed her arms, pulling it over her head. Beneath it she wore a plain cream colored padded bra. Ellie sighed and leaned into Joshua, dragging one of his large hands around to rest on the upper part of her back, palm flat to her skin.

"That feels good," she said into his chest, her head tucked beneath his chin. A cool hand slipped under Joshua's t-shirt and found the smooth muscles of his abdomen and stopped there. "I've been thinking about you touching me all day. I hate that we can't even hug at work." They could, really, but Ellie was such a stickler for the rules that it was never going to happen. Ever.

When Joshua finished talking about pickles and BDSM, Ellie sat still for several minutes, processing all of it. He'd learned she often needed the time to reflect, to dig into what she'd heard and what it meant when it came to their relationship. "Joshua?" She pulled her head off his chest and moved her hands to hold one of his in both of hers. "Pickle. Sure. Okay. I understand that. What I don't understand is you said that you wanted to explore this and it will let you say you love me in a different way. I-" her dark, thick brows crept together near the middle of her forehead as she narrowed her eyes and looked upset. "I love you, Joshua Mitchell. And I know you love me. We're in love," she said, emphasizing her words and voice getting slightly louder. "And I'm never going to stop loving you. Ever. But... it hurts a little bit when you say you've wanted this. Why didn't you ask me?"

She knew why. She wasn't comfortable with sex, never had been. Ellie would have sex with Joshua, but just that. Just normal straight forward no nonsense sex. Nothing kinky. Well once, on his birthday, she'd let him turn her over onto her hands and knees and he'd gotten behind her like a dog, but she'd been anxious the whole time and that had kept her from enjoying it even the little bit she normally did.

"It's because of me, isn't it? I'm sorry, honey. I am. I want to be so good to you, and if this is what you need to love me? If it is? I' it for you. Not just for the case but for you."
Hurting Ellie was the last thing Joshua ever wanted to do. This fear led him to not divulge his deepest fantasies to her. After Ellie finished speaking, it was the man’s turn to speak his part. With one hand gently caressing her face, the other hand rubbed across her bare abdomen. She looked so damn beautiful. Before talking, the male pressed a sweet kiss to the blonde’s lips, holding the kiss for a couple seconds before pulling away.

“I never told you I wanted this because I was unsure of how you would take the news. I know it took a lot for you to give up your virginity to me and I appreciate it so much. I love you, you know that. I know you love me. I was just afraid of how you would react. I know that most people think of BDSM as something negative and creepy by most. The last thing I wanted to do was chase you away. I love you, Ellie Bishop. Even if you told me you never wanted to have any kind of sex with me again, I would stay with you. Doing this is not the only thing I need to show that I love you. I don’t NEED this like I NEED you. This is just something to spice up our lives, it is something I really wanted to try and have fantasized about. God, I’ve probably spent more hours this past year fantasizing about you and BDSM than I have spent doing anything else. I want this but not if you are uncomfortable.”

Hopefully, what Joshua just said cleared up things for the blonde agent. Her happiness was his priority for sure. Nonetheless, he wanted to state his case. The male would try every tactic possible to convince Ellie to try BDSM with him now. It was imperative for the case and hopefully it would continue after the case was over. Something inside of him just knew if Ellie gave this a chance, she would love it. This woman was always in control of every aspect of her life. It would probably be difficult at first to give up control but they loved each other and she could experience sex and life in general from a new point of view.

Pulling back from her body, Joshua pulled open the small box on the table. The paper manuals were set aside because, as he said, they were not needed. “I will start off slow with you. I will not jump into anything heavy right now. I will make sure you ease into this world with me. That’s why tonight we will start off with the basics. I will restrain your hands and give you a few lessons about what I want you to do.” Those lessons would include her being willing to touch and kiss at work. It was something that bothered Joshua. Everybody knew about their relationship but they did not exactly act like a couple on the job, even alone. It was absurd in Josh’s opinion. Again, he respected what Ellie wanted. Now, he would suggest his own ideas he wanted to see implemented.

Regardless, the male acknowledged Ellie agreeing to try with him, not just for the case. With that in mind, he reached inside the box and removed some handcuffs. These looked like their standard handcuffs used for arresting criminals. Joshua thought handcuffs were sexy. “Baby, I will just cuff your hands in front this time. Put your wrists together for me.” Joshua even helped guide her hands together, balling her fingers into fists as they were a few inches away. Slowly, the cold, metal cuff latched around her left wrist. Then, the right wrist was quickly cuffed. It was tight enough to keep her restrained and lightly dig into her skin but loose enough so no marks would be left and it should not harm her. Once Joshua had cuffed his girlfriend’s wrists, he pulled back from her to watch for a reaction. Their eyes locked together and then his eyes glanced to the handcuffs on her wrists. After a few seconds passed, he decided to ask her how this felt.

“What do you think about this, Ellie? I think you look sexier than normal right now.” The male murmured, a light smile on his face.
Uncertainly, but trusting in Joshua, Ellie put her hands in front of her. It helped that he took them in his own and folded her fingers in towards her palms until they made a fist. Ellie's fingers were cold in his hands, and her face was pale, but still she allowed him to position her, to ready her for what was to come. Despite his gentle and slow pace, Ellie flinched when the hard metal first touched her skin. It wasn't the first time she'd been handcuffed. That had happened often in training when they took turns being the suspect or detainee but that was for work, duty. This was, well it was supposed to be, erotic. This was where she was supposed to feel a rush of something and it was going to make Joshua happy. She wanted to make him happy, more than anything else in the world.

Looking straight ahead, Ellie sat absolutely immobile although her pulse rate was elevated and her breathing more shallow and rapid than normal. Slowly, without saying anything, Ellie pulled outward until the short chain between the cuffs were taut. Still she continued pulling and Joshua could see the muscles in her arms tighten, coming into smooth relief under her skin. There was no way she could possibly break the links nor could she slip out of the cuffs because Joshua had expertly fastened them with the experience of a veteran agent. As Joshua watched, Ellie continued to pull against them, but steadily and without jerking.

"Off," she said, the word stuttering out through tight lips in a pale face. Her breathing rate increased and she turned her head to look right into Joshua's face. Her lover. Her beloved. Her first and only.

Abruptly, before Joshua could react, Ellie shoved backwards with her feet and her side of the couch slid across the floor. Bolting up, Ellie almost fell onto her right side before regaining her balance and scurried towards the key rack. There, alongside his, hung her keys and nestled amidst them was her handcuff key. Ellie reached for it, but her arms were shaking so much she couldn't get the coordination necessary to hold them and ended up knocking the entire rack off the wall. Keys and hooks fell in a clatter to the floor and Ellie followed, dropping to her knees and scrabbling through the mess. Blonde hair fell around her face, hiding it from Joshua.
Slowly, Joshua approached Ellie. The male stole the key from her grip and shook his head. Still silent, he gripped Ellie gently by her arms and raised her back up before walking her towards the couch. “Don’t do this, Ellie. You did not even give this a chance. I know this is going to be difficult for you, but I love you. I am here. You don’t have anything to fear.” He whispered lightly into her ear. However, Josh knew it was easy to tell her she should not be afraid. It was not so easy for her to reciprocate that feeling.

Figuring out how to make this easier, Joshua pulled Ellie into his lap, situating her so they were facing each other and her legs straddled him. Additionally, their crotches were pressed together. “Do you feel that, Ellie?” He whispered, rubbing his crotch against hers slowly. An erection was forming against his shorts already and they had not even touched yet. Hopefully that would help her understand how much he enjoyed this. If that was not enough convincing, Joshua decided to kiss her again. This kiss, however, was going to be long, heated, and passionate.

With both hands resting on the blonde’s waist, Joshua leaned upwards and pressed his lips firmly to hers. His tongue immediately poked and prodded inside of her mouth, pinning down her tongue. Usually, their kisses were equal dominance but tonight, Joshua was taking over. After pinning down her tongue, he massaged all around the insides of her mouth. His fingers lightly massaged her bare skin and his head tilted to the left to further deepen the kiss. One hand exited from her waist to slide her cuffed hands underneath his shirt. Now, both her hands were pressed against his rock hard, warm, muscular abdomen. Hopefully the familiarity of that touch would soothe her.

Then, both hands returned to her waist and slid down onto her rear, giving her ass a squeeze. The kiss did not slow down either. He intended to make the kiss so intoxicating that the blond beauty had no choice but to forget about the handcuffs and only think about him. “I love you, Ellie. You’re doing great.” He whispered against her mouth, continuing to make out with her after using that brief statement to grab some oxygen before continuing to kiss her again. His eyes remained open, gazing deeply and lovingly into Ellie’s, finding himself lost in those gorgeous orbs again while the kiss strengthened.
Open-mouthed, lips reddened by the deeply passionate kissing, Ellie stared at Joshua when they finally took a break. When he let her take a break, she realized. So deeply involved in kiss had Ellie been that she wasn't even sure how long they had been involved. She tried to turn her wrist up to see her watch, only to be reminded of the handcuffs by the motion.

Confused, head going someplace new and mysterious, Ellie couldn't quite figure out the disconnect between what she wanted to do and what she was able to do. Joshua's eyes caught hers and they were darker than normal, full of a passion never before witnessed between the two of them. It was emphasized by the strong, possessive grasp his hands had on her butt, holding Ellie to him. They pulled Ellie down until even through her jeans she could feel the hardness of Joshua's cock. It felt like it was bigger than normal and from time to time it twitched where it was pressing into her crotch, making Ellie jump a little.

"I - I don't know what time it is," she said, voice confused. "Joshua, what-"

His mouth covered hers, rejoining them in a kiss. Ellie whimpered then felt Joshua breath in from his mouth, stealing the air from her lungs before returning it in a heated warm burst that swelled her chest. Joshua had taken it from her then given it back bigger and stronger and hotter than she could ever manage on her own and Ellie was bouyed by the action. Against his abdomen her fingers squirmed, touching his bare flesh but not knowing what to do.

When Joshua broke the kiss again, Ellie left her eyes closed and rested her forehead against his. "I love you, Joshua. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay," she repeated, reassuring herself. "I can do this because you'll take care of me."

Opening her eyes, she looked into his from just inches away. "Promise me you'll take care of me, Joshua. Promise me with all your heart and all your love that you won't leave me helpless if you're not there to protect me."
Promises should never be made unless certain the promise could be kept. It was wise advice Joshua’s father once said and he lived by that motto. Thankfully, this was a promise he could keep and would uphold for Ellie. “Ellie Bishop, I promise you with all my love and all my heart I will never leave you alone and helpless. If you are tied up or handcuffed or restrained, I will be beside of you. You will feel me kissing you, caressing you, and hopefully inside of you.” The last remark was followed with a flirtatious wink.

Ideally, their time together would not be entirely focused around assuring Ellie. He feared the arousing aspect of BDSM would lose way to Ellie’s fear and inexperience. To him, Ellie was the most beautiful woman on the planet. Despite this, she was impossibly sexier handcuffed. If the erection was not enough to show his arousal then his dark, lustful gaze should be enough.

Unapologetically, lust was a primary emotion of Joshua right now. However, the male did not only lust Ellie. This version of lust was accompanied with overpowering love which also shone through in his eyes. While Joshua’s fingers slipped to the front of Ellie’s body, his lips were pressing against the blonde’s neck. Just like most women, Ellie had some special spot around her neck where it seemed more sensitive to his kisses than other areas.

Joshua attacked this sensitive spot while his fingers unbuttoned the button from her jeans and slowly pulled the jeans down her legs. The material would get caught in the crease of her knee against her thigh because of this position but his intentions to rid her of clothing became clear. Nonetheless, Joshua continued kissing Ellie until he felt satisfied with his job. Gently, the blonde was placed down onto her back, Josh climbing on top. Without removing her jeans yet, Joshua did pull off his shirt. His ripped, hard chest, abdomen, shoulders, and arms were revealed. The male was sculpted and every bit of a dominant someone could want. Again, he placed her cuffed hands onto his muscles, this time on his chest. “Do you feel better now, Ellie?” The dominant whispered quietly, one hand cupping her face sweetly, hoping to continue soothing her.
Even though her bra and panties were still on, Ellie felt horribly exposed. Cuffed at the wrists and softer but just as strongly restrained by her jeans shoved down to her knees, the young NCIS agent was effectively immobile. Then Joshua climbed on top of her and pinned her to the couch.

He crouched above her like a god settling down onto a sacrifice, something out of mythology. Ellie's heart swelled with love for him. Joshua was the most handsome man she'd ever seen and he'd pledged to be hers and to let her be his over and over again. It was never trite, never routine with him. Joshua meant it every time he said it and Ellie know most couples didn't enjoy the bond they shared.

"Yes, Joshua," she said then, surprising herself, turned her head against his cupped hand and sweetly kissed his palm. "I feel better but, I don't know how I should feel, love." Looking up at him, she frowned until he kissed it away but it almost immediately came back. "I know you like this. I can - well - I can feel it. In your erection and in how you kiss me. Oh, Joshua, you are kissing me so differently tonight. It's so different." Arching up, she pressed her lips into his, tongue meeting his and tasting his mouth. Ellie's fingers twisted against Joshua's chest, feeling the hard muscle underneath his skin and wanting something to grab onto.
“Sweetheart, there’s no right answer.” Joshua answered in response to how Ellie saying she did not know how to feel. “At the end of the day, I just want you to feel happy and satisfied. I know you probably feel different right now and that’s okay. We’ll work on it.” Taking liberty, Joshua pulled Ellie’s jeans down the remainder of the way leaving her clad in only those sexy bra and panties.

To even the playing field, Josh raised his hips and slipped down his shorts, leaving him only wearing his boxers. It felt as if she was searching for something to grab so Joshua offered a solution. With his fingers, Josh freed his cock from the confines of his boxers, pulling the waistband down below his length.

Grabbing Ellie gently by the forearm, he pulled her hands to his cock, wrapping both hands around his massive girth. Right hand on top, left hand on bottom. Joshua was a massive man for sure. Much longer and much thicker than the average male, he also knew how to use every inch expertly. He did not think just because he was big meant he did not need to do any work.

“Feel me, Ellie. I’ve never been so aroused in my life.” He admitted truthfully because he was not stretching the reality at all. In return, he slipped two fingers inside of her panties, pressing those fingers onto her clitoris. Lightly, the male began rubbing circles onto her mound of flesh at a controlled pace. “I love you so much Ellie. I’m not going to leave you. Focus on anything good right now. Whatever positive thing you can think about this situation, think about it baby.” He murmured, hoping that if she just found one positive thing, it would lead to more.
Holding Joshua's cock was so awkward with handcuffs on. It wasn't just the size of it, and Joshua was truly blessed in that area, it was the way she had to remember to keep the inside of her wrists facing each other so her fingers and palms could wrap around Joshua's girth. Ellie had touched him before, especially when they first started dating and she hadn't yet surrendered her virginity to him, but that had been different. She'd done it because, well, she didn't want to think about him going off unhappy and leaving her for another, prettier, girl. So she'd touched Joshua, given him handjobs, but always felt like it wasn't what he really wanted.

Now her love was telling Ellie it was exactly what he wanted.

"I, I am happy? That you're liking this so much and that I'm making you happy," Ellie answered, her hands still on Joshua's cock. "You know I love you and your happiness means everything to me."

Taking a deep breath, Ellie began to rub her cuffed hands up to the tip of Joshua's cock, then back down in the long, slow trip to the base of him. She felt him push a little bit when she hit the bottom, like he wanted to go deeper. Again she repeated the slow stroke and this time saw the tip ooze out a drop of precum. It was hot as she captured it on one thumb and Ellie used it to lubricate the bottom of Joshua's cock, making her motions smoother and easier.

Blushing heavily at how she felt about being made to do this, Ellie couldn't look into her lover's eyes. She tried, she really did, but each time there was something so intense, so in control in Joshua's eyes that her own slid away. Like she was unable to challenge him.

More precum emeerged and Joshua's cock was getting quite slippery. It made squishing noises in her hands and the links of the cuffs chimed counterpoint as Ellie increased the pace.
Arousal began increasing with each stroke of Ellie’s cuffed hands. Did Joshua love the power dynamic being the dominant and Ellie being the submissive? Of course, he did. Even more than the power dynamic, Joshua just simply loved how Ellie looked. With her hands cuffed together, she looked helpless and to him, helplessness increased sexiness. No matter what she did, she was not escaping the handcuffs without his help. That was hot to Joshua.

Furthermore, the cuffs just looked good aesthetically, like she was always meant to have handcuffs on her wrists while giving him a hand job. Joshua was not afraid to let his appreciation show. With a smile on his face, he began releasing loud moan after loud moan. The closest hand to Ellie reached over to tangle through her hair slowly as she stroked him.

Pre-cum was starting to spurt out now and coat her fingers. At this point, he was no longer able to speak words to Ellie. All he could do was moan. He hoped that showed just how he liked this. His hips continued bucking uncontrollably against her cuffed hands. Hearing the chain rattle was also such an erotic sound. It was hard to explain but it just made him feel incredible. He was torn between closing his eyes and concentrating on these sensations or keeping his eyes open and watching her cute, cuffed hands stroke his cock.

Finally, he decided to do both, switching between open and closed eyelids though the moans never stopped. “Baby… I-I’m getting close he breathed out.” Clearly, he was approaching an orgasm much faster than ever before. If not already obvious, that should be a clear sign that this was incredibly arousing to the male. After only a few more strokes, his orgasm reached. He would like to tell her to catch him with her mouth but that was something else he figured they needed to work up to before doing. For now, a few spurts of his semen discharged from the tip of his cock, coating her fingers and hands again, even spurting so far up her forearm as well. Joshua was sure this was the best orgasm ever and the loudest moan he had ever made accompanied the orgasm, a look of pure euphoria on his face.
Ellie was restrained and Joshua was so much stronger than her. Not that he'd ever hurt her, but viewed objectively Ellie was absolutely helpless in this situation. So why did she feel a rush of... Well what was it? Not control because that belonged exclusive to Joshua. All he had to do was push her off, or grab her by the back of the neck, of just lift her cuffed hands off his cock and end the scene. So it wasn't control but maybe power? The power to make her man happy in a way she'd never done before. Satisfaction, then. Satisfaction in doing something Joshua wanted from her that she'd normally never do unless he took control and directed Ellie to do it. So, why didn't he just ask?

Distracted by the thoughts, she absently kissed Joshua as he lay back panting, a little of his semen spilling onto his bare chest from where it lay like sticky thin frosting on her hands and arm. "I love you, Joshua Mitchell," Ellie said and then awkwardly stood up. It was odd not being able to use her hands as a coordinated pair to balance and push, and she didn't want to get his cum all over the house. That would be a real mess to clean up.

Since they were already dirty and needed to be washed anyway, Ellie hooked her pants with one foot and lifted them up to her waist like a crane standing on one lef, then held them with her cuffed hands and went into their bathroom. Joshua heard the sink begin to run. After washing her hands and arm thoroughly, getting all of Joshua's rather large amount of cum off them, Ellie rubbed up against the towel on the rack to get dry.

She sat down on the closed toilet seat and stared at the shiny chrome bracelets binding her wrists. These she didn't like at all. Handcuffs were for criminals, which was one of the reasons she'd freaked out at the beginning. That was a bit of truth and a bit of untruth she knew but allowed herself to believe it. Bending over, she picked her discarded jeans up and slid her finger inside the seam of the rear most belt loop. There. A sliver of velcro held the seam closed instead of the stitching and Ellie fished out a handcuff key, the top part cut way to make it slimmer. That trick was courtesy of her time as an NSA field agent. Her mentor had been ex-CIA and thought Ellie needed someone to tutor her in field craft, especially the kind you didn't read in books. The hidden handcuff key in most of her duty and casual clothing was just one of them. It was a little awkward but she managed to unlock one and then the other and set them on the edge of the sink with a little clink, then rubbed her wrists. They were red where anxiety had made Ellie pull at them.

Borrowing Joshua's robe from the hook behind the door, she donned it and walked back into the living room with a warm wet washcloth that she handed to him to clean up his mess.

"So that's it?"
After Joshua reached his orgasm, he responded to Ellie’s declaration of love with his own “I love you, too.” Looking at her with nothing but love in his eyes, he could not wait for what was going to happen next. Maybe he could cuff her hands behind while they made love. Maybe he could cuff her hands to the bedpost while they made love. For sure this was going into the bedroom, right? Well, his hope began dwindling when Ellie stood up almost immediately after he finished. He watched the blonde walk straight to the bathroom and start running the water.

Groaning to himself, Joshua felt his blood boil only slightly. He knew Ellie did not mean to upset him but Joshua was disappointed. He was looking forward to cuddling and kissing her while she was still handcuffed but she could not clean off fast enough. Shaking his head, the male just waited for Ellie to come back out. Maybe she wanted to clean off the cum and she would be ready to explore again. However, when she walked out he noticed she was not wearing handcuffs and she was even dressed. Her body was covered and she gave him something to clean off himself. Doing so, he had no idea how to respond to her question.

Did she just ask him if that was it? Well, it looked like she made that decision already. Trying to not let his frustration show, he just smiled softly at her and nodded his head. He was patient, sure. But every man’s patience had a limit. It did not help that she was basically teasing his deepest fantasies. Handcuffs were sexy but they were just the tip of the iceberg. He assumed wrongly the night would be full of exploration but she could not get the handcuffs off fast enough and clean up.

“I mean, I guess that’s it. You seem to want to be done since you’ve taken off the handcuffs and gotten dressed before I even rode out my orgasm. I suppose I will shower now.” He answered, leaning up for a kiss. He tried to not sound disappointed but it was clear. If she would have done this later on in their relationship, she would be punished. He did realize it was illogical and wrongful to punish her now though. She was still learning and she did not know any better. He would explain it to her later but he just stood silently from the couch and went into the bathroom.

He figured showering together was out of the question too so he took a quick, five minute shower like normal and then cleaned up around the bathroom from her jeans to the dirty clothes bin and placing the handcuffs back into the bag. Once doing that, he found Ellie back on the couch as he reluctantly pulled on a pair of boxers and another bathrobe he was wearing. “I guess we should get some sleep then. We have a big day tomorrow.” He pointed out but sleeping was the very last thing he wanted to do. Nonetheless, he stood and offered his hand to Ellie so they could walk to the bedroom.
Not understanding why he sounded disappointed, Ellie watched as he walked out of the room towards his bathroom. Waiting until the shower was going, she quietly opened the door to the bedroom and laid his robe across the back of the chair at the small computer table in the corner. They usually both left their laptops on it, plugged in so they'd be ready to go. Ellie was sitting cross-legged on the couch, dressed in a long green cotton sleep set when Joshua came out. Her eyes immediately looked up from her phone where she'd been cleaning up work email and searched his face. Yes, disappointment. Hadn't she made him climax? And worn the cuffs! Just like he wanted. Why was he so upset then, even if he was being great about not arguing. Ellie's heart was torn and she wanted nothing more when Joshua held out his hand to take it and follow him to bed, there to sleep touching him all night.

She did take his hand, but after a brief squeeze and a wan smile, Ellie withdrew her own.

"Go ahead," she urged and held up her phone. "I'm just going to finish this and will be along shortly." She didn't look towards the bag which was what Ellie was really going to be doing later. Those books had to have the answers to why Joshua wanted what he wanted and why he felt let down. Ellie never wanted to let him down.
Nodding his head slowly, Joshua kissed Ellie’s hand before she pulled away. “Alright. I’ll see you soon. I won’t sleep until you’re there, though.” He said to her, wanting to have some fun cuddling with her before bed. That was the highlight of his day, cuddling with the blonde before bed when they stayed together which was often. From there, he turned and approached the stairs, climbing upwards until reaching his bedroom.

Once inside, he slipped out of his robe and dangled the clothing over the door. Then, he approached the bed and plugged his cell phone into the charger and checked any important emails or texts one final time. He crawled in bed and watched TV for a while, watching some sports talk shows until he heard Ellie moving around downstairs.

After that, he just decided to turn on the low lamp light beside of him so he could read through one of his books before bed. As he waited, Joshua simply let his mind wander. Tomorrow, they would have one more chance to explore before being thrust into their undercover situation. They did not have to go into work tomorrow. They were just checking in at a hotel near the club and getting all set up with the team. Then, the day after tomorrow, they would actually infiltrate. He hoped to wake early with Ellie and have a good breakfast then jump into things again. He had no idea if that plan would work out though. He would just have to wait.
Ellie was surprised to find that the books were all professionally published. She'd expected some cheap imprint, or something typed up on Word and printed at Kinko's but Amazon and the ISBNs let her find them online. Using her work purchasing card, it was for the case after all, Ellie downloaded them to her cloud then put the books back into the bag. She tried not to look at the other items in there but did note there were a lot of things that were black and others that were shiny. Zipping it back up, she put the bag by the front door where they could grab it in the morning and went into the bedroom.

Thoughtful as always, Joshua had left a bedside lamp on so Ellie could make her way into the room without stubbing a toe. "Hey," she said quietly, then lifted the covers and slid in beside him. Ellie wormed her head under his muscular arm and felt it slide across her as she pillowed the side of her face against Joshua's broad chest. He was warm as always, like a human heater, and she put her left leg over the top of one of his to get even closer. Looking down towards his feet, Ellie rested her hand on his stomach and made idle circles. "Sorry I was so long. I just wanted to look at those books. I downloaded them so I can search them and read them whenever I have a spare moment but I wanted to come to bed with you, Joshua."

Turning her head briefly, she kissed his chest and then rolled her head back. "Joshua? I'm sorry I let you down. I just don't know about all of this. You know you were my first so everything I've ever done has been with you. And I've never seen you like this before. You're...different. I know you liked it, you liked it a lot. I'm just worried because you never told me before and I've been making you unhappy without knowing it. I'm sorry," she repeated.
Again, Ellie misunderstood their situation. Thankfully, Joshua was the most patient person and could calmly explain the situation to his girlfriend. His free arm lightly draped over Ellie’s waist, his hand dangling off the side of her body. Joshua situated his head until their faces were inches away from one another and their eyes were at equal level on the bed. Before speaking, the older male nuzzled his nose against Ellie’s. The look in his eyes was calm and loving, nothing showing disappointment or frustration any longer. It was unfair for Ellie to blame herself for anything. Nobody was to blame. Joshua was more than happy with her. This did not mean he was unhappy. She failed to understand this.

“Listen to me, Ellie. I love you so much. You should not blame yourself for anything. You have never made me unhappy. Just because we’ve never experimented with this does not mean I wasn’t happy. You know I love you more than anything in the world. You are not here just for me to have sex with you, alright? That is something I want you to understand. My happiness was always high because of you, Ellie. I can’t thank you enough for being mine. Besides, I never told you what I wanted. You would never know and that is not your fault. I don’t hold anything against you so please don’t do that to yourself. The only thing we need to do is focus on the present. We will explore this and not worry about the past. That’s what I want, baby.”

Genuinely, Joshua hoped this was enough to make Ellie see the light. The male was never upset with her. Not before, not now. Nothing was her fault. Joshua ended his statement with a passionate kiss to her lips, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth slowly. The smile spread onto his face as he hoped she could feel the emotion behind the kiss. His hand dangling off her waist planted firmly into her abdomen, slowly tracing random patterns on her slender body. This could be an exciting, new chapter of their lives if Ellie can let go of the past. She was creating a problem where there was not one.
Joshua's kiss still lingered on her lips. Nodding, eyes tragically dark with emotion and her love for the man holding her in his arms, Ellie didn't trust herself to speak so simply nodded. She buried her face in his chest so she wouldn't have to look at him and he wouldn't have to worry about her. Joshua said, like he always did, that he loved her and that his love was the greatest for her over anyone else. He said she shouldn't blame herself, that she never made him unhappy, but that wasn't the same thing as saying she had made him happy. Oh, he said his happiness was high, as if you could quantify a qualitative item, but was it high enough? Had she, had Ellie Bishop, done everything she could and that Joshua deserved to make him as happy as he was in love with her?

"I'll be right back," she said into his chest, then kissed his skin before getting out of bed. Without turning on the lights she went through the dark but moonlit apartment, knowledge of where things were making her footsteps sure. They only faltered when she neared the coffee table and the bag. Biting her lip, Ellie took a deep breath and took advice from Lady MacBeth, mentally screwing her courage to the sticking place. Reaching into it she took out the handcuffs and laid them down, the links clicking like metal cobras. They stayed behind as she took the other contents of the bag to their bedroom.

With it held in both hands in front of her, dangling just below her knees, she walked to Joshua's side of the bed and stood there. "Turn on the light, please," Ellie asked and waited until he did so. Without looking at him, her hair down and half hiding her face, she motioned the bag towards him and then let it fall back against her legs. "I want to try something else, Joshua. Tonight. Something that you want to do with me."
Joshua wondered where Ellie was going. Instead of prodding for answers, the male kept silent. When the female returned shortly, the lamp beside of the bed on the nightstand was quickly flicked on. It might be a smaller item but the entire room was dimly lit from the object. Standing from the bed, Joshua approached the door slowly. Reaching down, he swiftly removed the bag from her fingertips and settled the handle into his left hand. His right hand reached for Ellie’s hand, pulling her towards the bed. “Just sit down on the edge of the bed, my love.” Joshua commented calmly, placing the bag beside of her as well.

“The first thing I want to do is see you without these clothes again.” Beginning with the outer layer, Joshua began stripping Ellie back down. He took his time, gently massaging the muscles in and around her neck and shoulders. If she had pulled on other lingerie earlier then he kept those pieces of clothing on her body. If she was not wearing any bra or panty then she would be nude at this point. The taller, older male discarded her outer layer and dropped those pieces of clothing onto the ground again. When those pesky materials were subtracted from the equation, the dark-haired male turned all of his attention right back towards Ellie.

“First, I want to thank you for being willing to try this with me again.” Joshua began, his mind running through the items he recalled inside the bag from his first inspection. “I love you, Ellie. I will go slow. I want to bind your hands with rope this time. I also want to tie them behind your back. Inside of here is special bondage rope. It is made of silk and feels comfortable on the skin. Before I bind you, I want you to feel it. When you feel comfortable enough, give it back to me and lie on your stomach, crossing your wrists together behind of your back.” As stated, Josh placed the dark blue, silk bondage rope into her hands, waiting for her to inspect the material.
Ellie had worn panties but no bra, as Joshua soon revealed as he romantically stripped her while caressing and kissing per body as it was revealed inch by inch. Ellie found herself almost floating from the calm of it, from the way Joshua seemed to be not at all impatience or following a formula that had begun to develop between them as a prelude to sex. When his thumbs found tension knots in her shoulder and pressed with confident strength, Ellie groaned at the mix of pain and relief that Joshua brought. She started to pull away when he first pressed on the tense flesh, but his fingers held her shoulders and her body in place and he murmured his love, his protective love, in her ear. On the verge of sleep, body and mind floating, Ellie was slowly brought back by her wonderful man and she listened without the earlier anxiety as he told her what would happen.

The rope was very heavy, much heavier than she expected for its thickness would suggest for a rope made of cotton or synthetic or that scratchy fiber. It also felt smooth but with a distinct texture from the way it was woven. Ellie found her hand stroking it, going both with and across the lie of the strands. How would it feel against her skin? Against her back, or her wrists, or...around other places? Unlike the handcuffs it felt almost warm, like a living thing, and though it was no doubt strong it was also gentle, like Joshua. She could, would, do this. She would make him happy.

"Yes, Joshua," she finally said and handed the rope back to him. A pause, and then before she turned Ellie slipped her panties down and then pulled out one leg at a time, keeping her thighs pressed together. She scooted backwards on the bed, gave Joshua one more look of love and courageous anxiety, then lay down on her belly as he'd told her. It took several false starts before she crossed her wrists and left them crossed behind her back, just above the swell of her buttocks. Ellie's toes clenched like little fists, a sign of her tension, but she didn't move.
When the nude blonde turned over onto her stomach, Joshua patiently waited for her wrists to cross. After Ellie succeeded and complied, Joshua leaned down to press a kiss from his rough lips onto her soft face as another sign of assurance. After retracting his lips, Joshua squeezed her hands and fingers with his own before applying the rope. Slowly and meticulously, Joshua began wrapping the rope around her wrists beginning at the top and pulling down with more force than usual when he reached the downwards part of the wrapping. Every length of rope was pressed firmly against the last strand during each rotation without any space left in-between. Joshua lost count how many tutorials and videos he watched on tying someone up. It served him well as his work was being well done but not without error. The male had to stop a couple times to readjust the rope after going off track. For the most part, though, he did well and felt pleased.

Soon, only a few inches of the rope remained. It was enough to finish off the binding with a knot. Slowly, Joshua looped the strands of rope together and tied an intricate knot. This rope was made of something stronger inside though the fabric outside was soft. The knot was tight but ideally, it should not feel too tight on Ellie’s wrist. The extremes of bondage hazards like cutting off circulation was certainly not a danger here. It should feel barely tight but impossible to escape if she tried, which he hoped she would struggle and give him a show. Again, Joshua wanted to do so much more than only this but he knew to take things slow with Ellie so he was content to stop with the bondage.

“Tell me the truth, sweetheart. How does it feel physically? How does it feel emotionally? Can you struggle for me? I want to see if you can get loose.” After asking these questions and making his comment, Joshua propped himself up onto the bed, lying down onto his side and facing her. His dark eyes ran up and down the woman’s body for a moment before landing onto her hands, hoping she would do as he asked and hoping that this felt fun to her.
"It's snug," she said, then turned her head to the other side from where it had lain too long against the bed. The line of a wrinkle in the sheets showed as an imprint on her skin but would soon fade. Ellie flexed her wrists, causing a slight shake in her body but utterly failing to move them within the silken bindings of the rope Joshua had expertly applied. When she pulled one way it tightened up, discouraging her from continuing. When she pulled the other the same thing occurred. Only when she relaxed did the ropes bind instead of clamp down and she soon learned not to move out of that position. "I can't move them," she said and then began to pull at them again. Unconsciously her left foot raised, bent at the knee, as if the air would give her the necessary leverage to wiggle free. "I can't," Ellie repeated, voice a little tighter and she struggled some more with them. As Joshua watched the muscles in her back, her butt, her thighs and calves, and especially in her forearms bunched and slid and strained. Each struggle made her skin glisten with effort and it took on a healthy glow from the exertion. The more she struggled, the faster Ellie breathed. "Joshua," she called out. "I can't get loose. Joshua!" it was just on the edge of panic, but somehow her lover knew it wouldn't crest and fall over but would instead continue to build in a scary but very arousing way. Against the bed Ellie could feel her nipples hardening and rubbing into the sheets, their cotton caresses bringing little gasps of shocked delight. Worse, her mons did the same thing and she felt a dampness between her legs that shouldn't have been there.

Good girls didn't get aroused by being tied up. It was wrong. It was...dirty.

As Joshua watched Ellie's body contorted tightly, every muscle rigid as she put her all into the impossible task of breaking the rope. Of course she failed and when her energy was spent Ellie lay trembling but otherwise still on the bed. A fall of her blonde hair obscured her face and fluttered with the heavy breaths she was letting out. "Joshua," she said, but this time it wasn't a demand, it was a cry for his touch, for his comfort, for the safety of his ability to protect her while she was helpless, and eventually to release her from the bondage.
Ellie struggled and was unable to escape. Good. As expected, Ellie panicked. It was going to be difficult for the blonde at first but Joshua was there for support and love. Reaching down, he assisted the blonde to sit on her knees. They faced one another and Joshua reached one hand to grip her bound hands with one of his. His other hand pressed into her hip and shushed her slowly. “I know, baby girl. That’s good. You are unable to escape. That’s the entire point, Ellie. Don’t fight it. I want you to embrace the feeling. You are helpless but I am here for you baby. You will not get hurt.” Joshua reminded her, squeezing her hand again and pressed a kiss to her sweet, soft lips. The male trailed his hand back up towards her core. Already, he could see her sweet pussy lips glistening from arousal. The male thought it was a sexy sight to behold.

“You look so sexy like this Ellie. I love seeing you helpless. The rope looks so good on your wrists. I love you so much.” Joshua whispered before leaning down to press a kiss to her lips again. He slipped his tongue inside of her mouth and started rubbing her clitoris slowly, pressing two fingers onto her core. He wanted to make Ellie wetter and make Ellie want to have this more than before. He hoped she would start looking at this helpless situation more as in that she was helpless and was scared but as in being helpless and aroused. For that reason, he could not untie her yet. She needed to get used to the feeling. Besides, he was here beside of her, touching and kissing her harder than before, slipping his fingers inside of her now this time, still holding her hands from behind.

“I cannot untie you yet, Ellie. You need to get used to this. I am here for you. You are going to be alright.” Joshua assured her, nuzzling their noses together before pulling back from her completely and watching her struggle. “Keep struggling Ellie. Struggle and kiss me.” He whispered, now pressing their lips together and reaching down to start squeezing her hands and keeping her close. “I love you so much Ellie. If you could only understand how sexy you looked. I hope you feel sexy. Keep struggling. Embrace the feeling.” He whispered again, trying to reiterate his statement from before.
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