Imperial Intelligence (Alpha and Kaybee)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
As Director of Imperial Intelligence Ostric Fel's job was to track and eliminate threats to the Empire before they became too big to deal with. At least that's what his job was on paper. In reality he spent most of his time being yelled at by various governors, admirals and even the occasional Grand Moff because several of his top agents had a very bad habit of causing massive amounts of collateral damage every time they went into the field. Ostric had hopped when he stopped putting terms like 'search and destroy' or ' terminate with extreme prejudice' in briefing dossiers it would have curved the amount of carnage being caused but if anything it had just made worse.

"...If it was simply an intelligence gathering operation, WHY is there a smoking crater in the middle of my city Director Fel?!" Some governor on the Outter Rim who's name Ostric couldn't be bothered to remember bellowed over the com.

Ostric pinched the bridge of his hooked nose with one long fingered hand, "Agent Kessler determined there was a high risk target in the compound governor, and he took actions to terminate the target. My agents are trained to asses these kinds of situations and act accordingly. The man in question was known for several bombings against important Imperial installations across the Outter Rim and we had good reason to believe he planned on bombing your office next. So with that in mind was it really so wrong of him to take action?"

The governor paused for a moment, the hologram of displayed on the desk hand his jaw hanging open, "Well...I suppose not...But....But did he need to call in orbital strike to accomplish the task? Are your agents not trained to operate with SOME form of discretion?"

"When the situation calls for it, yes. But there was not enough time for agent Kessler to formulate a plan of attack and so he took the most direct and effective course of action."


Ostric sighed, "Governor it is unfortunate that events had to transpire the way they did. But I think you will agree, that for the safety of the Imperial citizens under you care as your own well being agent Kessler did what was best. Good bye Governor."

With that he ended the call and slumped back in his chair, weighing the pros and cons of just firing Kessler. The problem was that Kessler was damned good at his job, even if his mean's weren't conventional. And firing him meant he would be a security risk, and given his limited skill set it was very possible he would end up an enemy agent.
Of course that would be easy enough to fix, he could just have Kessler killed but he had a feeling it would loose far too many operatives to make it worth wile. He sighed and keyed the interior com on desk, "Sherai, page agent Kessler and have him report to my office for a de-brief on the Dantooine operation."


If you where to ask anyone at random who the greatest agent in the Imperial Intelligence Agency was, you where get a different answer from each one you asked. However is you asked Garret Kessler who the greatest agent was, he would be say the greatest spy in Imperial Intelligence, no, the whole galaxy, was, well, Garret Kessler. No one could tell for certain if Kessler was an extraordinarily gifted agent or just extraordinarily lucky.

Not that any of that really mattered, the fact of the matter was the the man had one of the most impressive operations records in the agency.

Kessler was in his early 30's and stood an even six feet tall with broad shoulders and a neatly kept head of dark hair. He strode down the hallways of the Star Destroyer Watch Point, the IIAs mobile base of operations, a smug grin tugging at corner of mouth. Director Fel wanted to see him for a de-brief, no doubt to tell him how awesome a job he had done on the last op. After all it wasn't every agent that took out an entire cell of rebels in a single orbital strike.

Yeah, it was good to be Kessler.
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