1. Ash vs Evil Dead
Gory as all hell and real over the top comedy but good lord is Kellie ever hot. Love to have some naughty fun with her. As one would expect, this RP would have some kinky stuff. Such as puppet Ash actually succeeding in fucking her up the butt.
2. Dredd
Talking about the more recent movie, not the Stallone one. All kinds of ideas for the sexy Judge Anderson. From romancey stuff to pure smut.
3. Resident Evil
Played all the games and seen the movies, cg and live action. So obviously, lots of possibilities.
4. Fictional girl in the real world
Self explanatory. We pick a fictional female character, be it live action or animated like cartoon or videogame, put her in the real world and naughty times ensue. Plenty of possibilities. From cheesy romance to a smut filled sexual adventure.
5. Incest
There's only two pairings in really interested in. Older sister x younger brother and father x daughter. I do have quite a few plot ideas for said pairings.