Ben 10 - fun with the Omnitrix (Alexis x MellowYellow)


Nov 30, 2016
Gwen was walking down the quiet suburban streets with a bit of a troubled heart. It had been awhile since she had seen Ben. No supernatural crises to take care of... No strange conspiracies or unexplained phenomena. Things had almost been, well, normal. And she hated it! It seemed that Ben only gave her a call when the shit hit the fan. Well, she wasn't going to wait around anymore. Time away had given her a chance to think things through, and it was high time she told Ben how she really felt. No matter what he might say.

But what if - "No! No, no." She said, stopping in her tracks momentarily. "You're braver than this!" She said, only half believing it as she walked up to the door of her cousin's house. She reached up and rang the doorbell, and had to fight the urge to flee as the ding dong of the chime rang through the house.
It had been over six years since the alien watch had landed in Ben's lap (or on his wrist, to be more accurate) and much of the intervening time had been spent using the myriad transformations for the sake of fighting alien threats and weird menaces... and generally just having fun, as any young man would do if he was handed the keys to one of the most powerful weapons in creation. And he always had Gwen at his side.

When the doorbell rang, the athletic brunette opened the door about a minute after and found himself looking at the busty redhead. "Oh, hey Gwen," he greeted. Dressed only in a dark shirt and some deep blue jeans, he still managed to cut a youthful and handsome figure. "Something wrong?" She had that look on her face, and that look usually only came up when something big was going on.
Gwen ran a hand through her red hair, clearly distraught by something. She wasn't doing a great job of hiding her discomfort. She wore a thin flowery dress that hung about midway down her thighs, with a simple pair of pink sandals. All in all it had quite the summer-vibe, and it really complemented her reddish hair. "Yes - wait, no!" She said, waving her hands in front of her. "No, nothing's wrong, Ben. No alien menace or anything like that." She chuckled awkwardly. God, this isn't going well. "You mind if I come in?" She said, pushing her way past him before waiting for an answer. "I just wanted to talk."
"I-" Before Ben could really ask what was up and get a grasp on the situation, his ever lovely cousin casually waltzed in. Ben sighed. That was Gwen alright, headstrong. And a little impatient. "If it's nothing major, then I don't mind," he replied, closing the front door and following after Gwen deeper into his home. His folks were off on vacation, so it left them with all the privacy Gwen wanted. "So what's on your mind?" Just talk? No, he doubted that with how tense she looked.
Gwen made herself right at home - it did feel like her second home after all, with all the time she'd spent there over the years. She grabbed herself a glass and poured some water for herself. She took a few big gulps and set the glass down beside the sink with a soft gasp for breath. She turned back to Ben. "Sorry, throat was kind of dry." She said, walking back towards Ben as she talked. As she spoke her hands were quite active, emphasizing her words. "Look, I've got to be honest with you, but I have no idea how you're going to react." She could feel herself beginning to blush, the heat rising to her cheeks. Just got to power through! "I like you Ben! Maybe even love, I don't know. I know we're cousins, but I can't help it. We've spent so much time together these past six years, and I just can't deny how I feel anymore." She trailed off, fiddling with the front of her dress as she waited for him to react.
Gwen was usually the smarter of the two of them, but right now she was fumbling and awkward and seemed to have no idea how to broach... whatever was on her mind. Ben watched her closely, but never could have imagined what she had to say. "W-whoa, seriously?" Ben asked. He looked quite stunned, but not offended. Being honest, the two of them had known each other for so long and had grown up so close that... well it was hard to really regard her as just a relation. "If I'm being honest, I've always kind of felt that same way about you. I dunno how to explain it, but... Hell, maybe since we were kids I've had a crush on you."
Now it was Gwen's turn to be stunned. "You're kidding?" She blurted out. She was quiet for a moment before she began to find the whole thing rather historical. He felt the same? For so long? She began to laugh, covering her mouth to try and stifle it. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She managed to say before the laughs took over. She managed to contain herself and smiled at him. "I had no idea you felt the same way, Ben." She sighed, suddenly feeling as if a great weight had lifted off her shoulders. She hadn't realized how sore she was from holding this secret inside. It was such a relief to have it out there. "I should have told you years ago."
Ben managed a small smile. He felt a little relieved himself. It was one of those things he had on his mind for some time, and in his free time his thoughts would occasionally drift off toward Gwen and how he felt about her. It was troubling, a minefield of complicated emotions. But at least now Ben didn't have to worry about her rejecting him. "I'm glad you did. I kinda thought you were... out of my league. And my cousin too. So I uh... never really thought to actually ask you out." That and they would need to be quite careful to ensure they didn't get caught in the act.
She was a little shocked by that one, and her jaw dropped slightly. She had been so fond of him, she couldn't believe he didn't realize what a catch he was. "Are you kidding?" She said, walking up to him. "I thought you were out of my league." She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "You're the one who has been defending the planet for the last six years. Honestly, I'm just happy you let me tag along for so long."
"Being honest, and don't let this go to that big head of yours, but I needed you to get me out of trouble plenty of times. Cause, you know, you're usually smarter than me," Ben said. He regarded Gwen briefly and smiled, before he reached out and took Gwen's hands in his own, admiring the soft texture to her skin. "Question is, where do we go from here? If we're gonna date, I'm gonna really need to put my back into it."
Gwen gave his hand a little squeeze, rubbing her thumb along the back of his hand. "You do have a nasty habit of getting yourself into trouble - well us really if we're being honest." She said, teasing him. "I have an idea of where we can start." She pulled his hand towards her, bringing him with it, and kissed him on the lips. That first kiss was incredible for her! Her soft red lips - still slightly wet from the water - pressed up against his for the first time... It was perfect!
Truth be told, Gwen could be a little hard to figure when it came to relationships and all things pleasurable. He hadn't known if she would be open to kissing him so soon but... well, Ben didn't mind. Her plump lips were quite soft, and there was a pleasant fruity taste that accompanied them. A soft, modest moan left him, and Ben held to her for a few minutes before he had to pull back for breath. "Not that I'm implying anything, but my folks are gonna be out of town for the next week and a half. So we have this whoooole house alllll to ourselves." Ben grinned wolfishly and winked at his gorgeous cousin.
A wide smile broke across Gwen's face and before Ben knew what was happening she had wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug. She pulled him close, smothering his face in her breasts in the process, and actually lifted him into the air for a moment. "Oh, this is perfect! We can spend all our time together! Really get to know the new us, you know?" She set him down and pushed him back at arm's length. "What do you think? Can I stay here with you?"
"Whoa!" It was easy to forget how damn strong Gwen could be, and Ben swayed a little on his feet as she set him down. He grinned eagerly and led the way from his kitchen and into the living room. Left to his own devices, he had set up some chips, cans of soda and beer on the coffee table. "Hell, if your parents are okay with it, then I don't see any trouble. Course, for safety's sake, we'll have to share a room." He gave his cousin a teasing wink.
She grinned at him coyly, sending a little wink his way too. She plunked herself down on the couch and helped herself to a root beer, cracking it open and taking a sip. She did the same with the chips, tearing open the bag and diving in. It was already like home! "Actually, I'm glad you brought these out." She said before shoving a handful in her mouth. She munched a few chips hungrily before saying, "I was so nervous before I came over here, I haven't eaten anything all day. I didn't realize how hungry I was."
"You stress way too much," Ben replied. As if that was anything new. Ben tended to be more relaxed about life, to the point where it was easy to call him lazy and irresponsible. And Gwen was... Gwen. He sat down beside her and lifted up a half-finished can he had been having before she arrived. "Besides, cousin or not I'd ave to be gayer than gay to say no to you. You're a bombshell," he casually said, his free arm falling over Gwen's shoulders.
She sipped her drink, not knowing what to say at first, blushing again. She liked having his arm around her, and she leaned into it, resting her head against his chest. She looked up at him, cradling the pop in her hands. "You really think I'm a bombshell?" She said, already knowing - more or less at least - what he was going to say. But hearing him actually say these things made her feel warm inside, and happy.
"Uh, yeah? What guy doesn't like redheads," he rhetorically said. Of course, most guys who liked redheads weren't likely to automatically be into their own cousins, but their relationship was unique. Ben took a casual sip and let his nose rest in the silky red tresses of his cousin's hair. "And I mean... the things I would do to you, it'd make some people faint thinking about it," he idly said. And he had had plenty of time to fantasize.
She licked her lips in anticipation, having had similar fantasies herself. She took a sip as well, and rested her other hand on his leg, giving his knee a squeeze. "And what, exactly, would you do to me?" She said, not daring to look up at him. She just let him nuzzle into her hair, savoring the smell of her.
"Well, I haven't actually done it with anyone, for one thing. Never found the right girl before now, buuuut," he trailed off, as if to keep her in suspense. If her hand stroked up further on his thigh, then she would no doubt find something thick and hot waiting for her, starting to strain into the denim. "Well, for one thing, I was hoping to stick my head between your thighs and give your ass and pussy a taste. A nice, looong taste. And after getting you worked up enough I was hoping to pin you down and fuck you senseless." He grinned wolfishly,a nd eld up the omnitrix wrapped around his left wrist "Maybe even... 'experiment' a little while we're at it."
She swallowed the dry lump that was in her throat, and licked her lips again. It felt like it was getting hotter in here all of a sudden. She let her hand stroke his thigh a little bit. "You really want to eat me out then?" She said, as her hand suddenly felt his hard cock through his jeans. She spread her legs slightly, and with her other hand lifted her skirt up, revealing the soft skin of her thighs. "It feels like you're already excited." She said as she stroked his cock over his jeans. She leaned her head back to look at him, leaning in to kiss him again while she played with him.
The young hero smirked at her nervous offer, and welcomed her lips for several hungry seconds. Gwen wasn't a prude, it seemed. Then again it was hard to be prudish if you were willing to date your own cousin. "Eh. I guess I could go for a fresh drink," he said. Ben moved around in front of Gwen, setting his can on the table in passing. He knelt down in front of her and gripped her panties, slowly sliding them past her knees. "Wet already huh?"
Gwen quivered with excitement as he pulled her panties down. She moved her legs apart and set her hands on his head, playing with his hair. "I can't help it." She said, biting her lip. She gripped his hair tightly pulling his head towards her crotch. "I just want you so bad, Ben." She said as he pulled his face in towards her pussy. She was indeed very wet for him.
The young man flashed her his pearly whites. "Well, we'll have to give you what you want. And then you give me what I want after," he confidently said. He leaned in until he could wear Gwen's thighs like a pair of earmuffs. His tongue ran quickly along her pussy, from end to end, capping it off by giving her clit a light flick. He moaned softly at her taste, and was soon vigorously licking Gwen's slit.
Gwen moaned, feeling his tongue slide into her pussy. She let out a soft gasp as he licked her clit, clenching his hair even tighter. Her legs wrapped around his head, her smooth thighs pressed up against his cheek. "Oh god, yes!" She yelled out. "You're so good at this!" Her hips began thrusting into him of their own accord as she really got into it.
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