Intense hunger for well written & highly detailed stories. Plot based. {MxF}

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Dec 13, 2015
      • tumblr_ndjju4VgaU1sozc37o1_500.gif

          • I have been away for some time, I believe I contacted everyone, if not please do let me know. :)

            WANTED: Dedicated, detailed, passionate, and a creative writer. This person must enjoy getting caught up in our story. They must also understand a good mix of mature scenes and plot; there is nothing more thrilling than the temptation that carries through until that moment it actually happens. They must be willing to play an in depth character, give them drive and a reason within the role play. This person must be willing to plot now and then, OOC is very much welcome. This person must be willing to let me know if they wish to change something within the role play or if they wish to drop it. Lastly, they must understand that I am here to write some addictive, dark, and sensual role plays. I’m not here to find a boyfriend, so please don't come to me wanting to just get off. I'm here to write fiction; not to role play myself. Don't get me wrong, I love a good well written mature scene but just please understand it's between our characters, not us.

            About me:

            • [*]I love domineering, strong characters.
              [*]I can write anywhere from three hundred words to anywhere up to two thousand depending on what I have to reply to / inspiration. If you put a lot of effort in, I'll do the same. I want to focus on quality!
              [*]Please check my samples down below, as well as my thread role plays. I'm looking for writing similar to my own; I enjoy writing with like minded role players.
              [*]I can post anywhere from multiple times a day to once every few days, depending on work and inspiration of course. I prefer doing once a day / every few days.
              [*]I'm only currently looking for role plays over threads or PMs.
              [*]I only write in third person, past tense. I'd prefer my partner did too.
              [*]I understand that our characters are fictional and do not reflect our relationship as role play partners. Please, don't assume I'm here for anything but roleplaying only.

            What I’m looking for:

            • Respect. If you're not feeling interested in our role play anymore or if you feel the plot isn't working the way you want, please talk to me! I don't bite. I want us both to enjoy the role play. If you're not going to be able to post for an extended period of time, say a week or two, it'd be great if you could let me know. I understand that real life does get in the way, I won't hold it against you. I should also note if you let me know you don't want to continue, I won't try to change your mind, I'll respect your choice.
              Coherent grammar, and a good grasp of English. I'm no expert, no doubt I have some mistakes in this thread. I just ask that you know the difference between their, there and they're etc, as well as forming a coherent post. I don't mind a few random spelling errors but many will be a bit annoying. I take care in writing my posts and making sure don't have any errors so I hope you will as well.
              Creativity, detail and passion. I adore detail. I think it makes the role play richer. As for creativity and passion, I really enjoy reading posts that my partners have put a lot of care into. I can promise you I'll be putting effort into my character, their background and progression. As well as adding a good level of detail. I'm definitely not asking for two thousand word posts with extensive description on someone eating an apple, I'm referring to how your character does something. What are they wearing? How do they assess people? I love to read into characters, the more you give the more you get. I currently need some help improving my writing. Please do send a couple of samples in your PM to me if you can. I love to check out my partner's writing to see if we're well-matched.
              Dark, gritty, sensual, mysterious plots. I think this speaks for itself. I love sexual tension, corruption, mystery, horror; most of all I thoroughly enjoy power struggles. All of those good things. I'm especially looking for supernatural plots, but I don't mind playing humans only. Some supernatural races I like to play are; Werewolves, Vampires, Valkyries, Demi Gods, Witches, Shifters, and more I can't think of no doubt. I'm also MORE than happy to play humans in a realistic setting, please don't let the supernatural scare you away!
              Communication / plotting. Let's plot! Let's chat! I love to come up with ideas together. I do enjoy winging it but it's nice to have some big events planned. I find communication is important, especially to make sure we're on the same page with the role play and that we're both enjoying it. I should mention I don't mean we have to chat constantly, just check in now and then and of course for certain events.

            Brief ideas (Keep in mind these are very basic, we can plot them out together - my roles will be in bold if I have a preference):

            • [*]Christine Feehan's Carpathian Novels. I'd be happy with us just playing OCs. - Craving
              [*]Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld Series or 'Bitten' as you may know it. OCs or Elena x Clayton for this! - Craving
              [*]Werewolf x human / rogue werewolf.
              [*]Wife / Mate x Husband or Mates best friend. Could be two packs of werewolves, two covens. Anything really.
              [*]Pregnant Werewolf on the run x Enemy pack Alpha.
              [*]Serial Killer x Investigator.
              [*]Hunter x Supernatural creature.
              [*]Employer x Employee.
              [*]Cop x Victim of a crime.
              [*]Professor x Older Student - Older than other students, not the professor.

            Slightly thought out plots (feel free to suggest changes to these):

            • The Mating Game {Werewolf}[/u]]
              I have a modern / rural kind of plot in mind for this plot, I'm happy to discuss it though. I'm also happy to use whatever lore you prefer. All I ask is that the Werewolves are vicious, whatever their form.

              For centuries there have been four dominating packs. Their lineage is strong, blessing them with superior abilities. These families rule over lower packs, they keep a certain order. Well, aside from one specific family. They have been set on dominating the remaining families; they want power and they will stop at nothing to get it. Slowly, they form the packs underneath them into an army. Without warning they begin to dominate smaller packs, alerting the three other 'Royal' families of their movements. The Alpha of the forth family, (YC) hasn't found a mate yet. The remaining Royals begin to sense a great threat, so they fuse a plan of offering their unmated females in an effort to strike a deal to prevent further losses as they are outnumbered. Here is where it gets interesting. The daughter of one of the Royal Alpha's is in her prime, more than ready to take the reins. Unfortunately for her, she's unmated. When a werewolf finds their mate, they will sense it. It's not as simple as immediate love, but a sense of strength and loyalty. Once they find one another, it's custom that the male will mark the female and begin the process. It will not fully be complete until they lay together; once they do, they will feel a tether to one another. They will find they become stronger, joined as one. So what happens when the pairing despise one another? Will the bond be enough to force them together?

              I was thinking we could begin at a ceremony with all of the females lined up for the rebel royal pack and go from there.
              The Bite { Alpha x Bitten Hunter }[/u]]

              There were tales of beasts and hunters, such as red riding hood. There was always a vicious, unyielding beast that had to be slain. Life for MC was fairly enjoyable. She grew up in a rural town, bordering on a large forest. Through her young years she had discovered that it was clear that her family had been keeping secrets from the rest of the world. Her father told her stories of these beasts and their power, and more importantly, of how they needed to be slain. As she grew up into a young woman, the training began. A whole new world opened up for her, it was that very moment her father confessed that every tale he’d told her had been true.

              MC’s family were hunters. They were from a long line of hunters, destined to remove the world of threats, such as supernatural monsters. It was only a matter of time before they were discovered, and that is exactly what happened.

              One fateful night, screams of the townspeople roared through the eerie, silent darkness. It didn’t take long for her father to tear out into the night, weapons in hand. MC had been under strict instruction to look after her younger sister and mother. However, as she heard her father’s cries, she could no longer honour his wishes. That very choice would change her life forever.

              She fought as she was taught to, slaying several wolves in her path. By the time she reached her father, he was nothing but a corpse. This was no random attack, it was revenge. Over the years, her father had hunted their kind mercilessly. No doubt they smelled the same scent on her as they did him. Unfortunately, she was able to keep fighting for some time. Until, she felt the cold, harsh bite of an Alpha. In the lore her father had told her, only a werewolf of Alpha status could turn a human. The pain would be far greater than any other bite, and many humans didn’t live through the change.

              She was left for dead, in a pile of blood and corpses of her people. The very next morning, the air was still as a pale, bloodied hand snapped up from the macabre heap. She clawed her way to fresh air. Then the pain began. The agonising torture that would change her life as she knew it, and turn her into a target.

              It was unexpected that she would survive. Since that day, she has been hunting the very creature that bit her. She is no longer the woman that she was.

              I was thinking YC was the one that bit MC, then we could have them hunting one another. Maybe being forced to work together somehow.
              A deal of a lifetime { Escort x Businessman } [/u]]

              After years of working as a high class escort, MC is finally feeling the need to break away from the job that she felt was beginning to define her. It had been a simple choice to make a living when she’d moved to the city; it wasn’t supposed to be a profession of hers. Despite many of her colleague’s opinions, MC refused to sleep with the client. There had to be some chemistry there for her to even consider it. Thankfully, her jobs were usually revolving around different business gatherings, to display a beautiful girlfriend or just simply someone to join them in the city on business.

              This is where YC comes in. MC is keen to move on to study and achieve her goals, and YC is, for whatever reason, looking for a woman to take to an event or trip. It could be down to his family pressuring him to try and take a relationship as well as working hard, so he simply hires her to get them off his back. It can be any reason you like! After several days together, it’s clear something is clicking, however, she is in high demand. Maybe he’s guarded or more reserved.

              So, after their meeting she continues on, trying to secure enough money to downsize and apply to school. On one specific evening, MC is hired to attend a rather high brow charity ball. Her date is nothing but an egotistical asshole, which leaves her contemplating leaving; until she sees YC. I was thinking he could offer her a place to stay where she would be looked after while she goes to school. Or maybe he offers a large sum for her to travel with him on a business event. Either way, there’s a deal on the table. He doesn’t know much about her, or her past. It’s definitely going to catch up with them.

              We can change the timeline or simply remove some bits, let me know if you’re interested but with changes.
              Professor Dilemma {Human - Modern} - Taken[/u]]
              Finally, MC gets the chance of a lifetime. She had given up her studies (we can decide on which class you'd like YC to lecture) to take care of her family. Despite being a model student, her life began to take a turn for the worse. MC ended up working as a waitress, earning as many tips as she could to support her family. After all, she didn't have higher education to will her into a well paying job. However; her grandparents recently passed, leaving their fortune to her alone. Her direct family had simply abused her kindness, so in an effort to gain her life back, MC decides to take off to a new state and begin again. In an effort to be wise with money, she gets a job at a local coffee shop while enrolling for several classes to achieve her degree.

              However, as much as she would like to believe the hard times are in the past, she would be wrong. As she begins her classes, she notices that one of her professors is particularly hard on her (YC). At first, she thought he was simply demanding. Now, she's not so sure. MC is curious and has a rather determined attitude. Instead of simply letting it flow off of her, she takes it upon herself to give him the same amount of flack he's giving her. Every other professor she has seems to be approving of her, even helping her catch up various topics due to her lack of education in some time.

              Here is where she gets creative. Irritated by one professor's complete dismissal of her work, she sets off on a mission to find out what his problem is. One particular day, she finds that once she arrived early for his lecture, that his office door was open. So, of course, she slips into the office and begins searching for notes on his students. As one would think, YC is close to catching her. However, before he can actually catch her red handed, a colleague of his manages to. Without a word he whisks her off to his office and offers her a rather vulgar deal. Blackmail. Searching through a professors notes could be seen as cheating, therefore she'd sacrifice her education. He's offering to allow her to continue, if she gives him what he desires from her, when he desires it. Now the question is, does YC know about this professor and his sly deals? Will it be enough for him to help MC?

              We can always change the way this works, but I'd like to explore the relationship between our characters and how tense it can become. If he saves her ass, then it would almost be their secret. Not to mention they'd have an enemy on their hands, so if / when they do get involved, blackmail is never far away.
              Ashes to Ashes {Supernatural Elements}[/u]]
              Life seemed to be going well for our characters. They’d met, formed a relationship and eventually moved in together. It was safe to say that they didn’t live in luxury, they struggled to gather enough for rent some months, but they got by. They were happy. One fateful night, YC is caught in a cross fire. This could happen because he’s at the wrong place at the wrong time OR maybe he was involved in some other activity to help pay the bills… Either way, he dies. Now here’s where it’s get interesting. Ever seen The Crow? The only difference here would be that he doesn’t pass on, he comes back for good. The idea would be that he finds MC again; this could be months or years later, and hunts down the people who took his life from him.

              This is only a starting idea, so we can plan what happens next. Maybe he has to fight to remain living, or maybe there’s issues of MC trying to have moved on. Then we could add some more twists and turns. Please feel free to offer ANY changes at all, I know this plot is based a lot on YC so do let me know if there’s something you’d like to do differently.
              Untamed {Werewolf x Bitten Werewolf}[/u]]

              For centuries Werewolves have been living alongside humans in secret, like many other supernatural races they do not wish to be discovered. The laws of their kind were first developed by the pack wolves. In their society, Packs are naturally stronger as they have larger numbers, therefore they are the ones who generally own land and set the rules. It has been known that the Pack wolves will enforce their rules, such as no killing humans and risking exposure in any way. It’s in their very nature to be part of a pack, for survival and procreation. Some werewolves are born, some are bitten. The born werewolves tend to hold a higher status, and tend to be stronger, faster creatures.

              In modern times, it can be hard to keep track of all the mutts, or ‘lone’ wolves. Generally, they’re not a problem. However, sometimes, when a wolf is turned they can’t handle the change they will lose their mind. Females are far more likely to end up dying during the change or simply being driven mad before it has completed. It’s safe to say, a female werewolf is a rare thing.

              A pack that live in the rural area of North Dakota find themselves in a very difficult position. A woman had been trespassing on their land, unknowingly during a hike, and ended up coming across a mutt. This mutt was crazed, wild to the core. The creature attacked her without a second thought. Left to die, a pack member that came across her had to make a choice (this can be your character or simply an NPC). Turning a human wasn’t taken lightly; the choice had to be set in their mind as the offered a bite that was unlike any other. The change can last from a few hours to several days. It consists of high fevers, cold shakes, and of course, agonising pain.

              Much to their surprise, she survives. Not only does she survive, but she wants to find exactly who attacked her. For the time being, she agrees to remain with the pack to work alongside them to face the mutt that could have exposed them. Only to see that this mutt has far more cunning than they expected.
              Forsaken {Banshee x Vampire}[/u]]

              For centuries, Witches and Vampires were forbidden to mix. For as long as time, Elders of each race looked after their own. Each species had their own rules and laws as punishment for disobeying the most sacred of laws; keeping their bloodlines clean. YC and MC somehow found their way together, it wasn’t easy, but they began to feel for one another. They became inseparable. They thought that had managed to keep it secret, but someone in their ranks had seen a display of affection between the pair. From that moment on they were doomed.

              They were found one night, dragged from their home by several armed guards of their respective races. The lovers were kidnapped and taken to a very remote location. MC was torn from the mode of transport first. She was fastened against a large plank of wood atop a pile of countless logs. YC was thrown down onto his knees before the wooden pile. The Vampires seemed to be more lenient due to his worthiness to their ranks; but they had agreed that he needed to observe her death as punishment.

              She vowed to curse every single soul, she told them that she would be back to kill every single one of them. The fire began to burn her skin, causing the skin to bubble and blister. Her wails filled the landscape. The moment the fire engulfed her; it could be seen that her hues misted over a pure white before her life essence left her body.

              Hundreds of years later, in a modern setting, YC is walking the streets of NY, or some large city, and keeps thinking he’s seeing a very familiar face as he notices reflections pass him. Little did he know, the very same woman he’d seen burn and collapse as life left her, had began to crawl from her shallow grave, her body healed, her memories faded, and her powers transformed several months before he began to see her wherever he looked. MC appears in the city; she is simply drawn there. One night she ends up in a bar with one of her closest friends of her new life; how will it turn out?

              If she were discovered by current Witches in power, she would face consequences. YC could end up trying to pick her up at the bar and take her home to hide her, only to realise she has no idea who he is.
              A love once Lost {Witch x Werewolf}[/u]]

              It all began two decades ago. MC’s Coven moved to a rural area (whichever country we like; we don’t even have to specify) nearby a peaceful town in hopes of settling into a rather human way of life. However, unknown to them, the war was only just beginning. At the time, the pack nearby (YC’s) decided along with the coven it would be best to join forces against the wild rebel groups that were gathering force. Some supernatural beings believed that they should be in control and take over the human world. They believe that they are above human laws.

              Once the threat was dealt with, the coven took their leave. By this time, our characters had a firm bond, so much so that they’d spent a good deal of time with one another. It felt strange to be apart, traumatic even. (I’m planning for the coven to have remained there for seven years, they would’ve moved when MC was roughly fifteen, so left when she was twenty. Feel free to pick YCs age).

              After all these years, the witches had been moving around, their coven slowly breaking down as they tried to find a peaceful home. Everywhere they went it seemed that trouble was following them. Eventually, they find their peaceful home, even if they are a smaller coven, it was worth it. Just one year after they’ve settle, they get a call from the pack alpha (this could be YC) that there has been an attack on their pack, by another coven. They need help in fighting back, as they are outnumbered against reckless witches. So once more, the coven pack up and head over, as they feel they have a loyalty to the pack for helping them before.

              MC begins to wonder if YC is still the same, she hopes to reunite with her childhood sweetheart. Only to find that he has moved on, causing the situation to turn somewhat awkward.

              We can discuss about their relationship, maybe how YC is feeling. We could also have both characters move on then realise how much they missed one another. It can go either way really!
              I'm no hero {Nurse x Soldier}[/u]]

              One night on a late work shift MC is called into the ER to deal with an emergency. An off duty solider rushes in carrying his friend (YC), who needs immediate attention. MC swiftly gets to work on dealing with the emergency. After he is stabilised she makes her way out to talk to YC about his current state when she sees a fight breaking out. (Could be someone who beat him up who was also brought in or something along those lines). Soon enough, they begin to talk and form a friendship.

              Before long, he is deployed once more. Any feelings MC has tries to force them down to deal with his job. It’s not stable and she doesn’t want to get hurt. However, while he’s away, she forms a new relationship. MC is doing her best to forget YC, so she ends up making a mistake without realising. The man she is currently seeing ends up needing her skills. Little does she know, she’s giving medical attention to a felon.

              Months later, her relationship begins to become serious. She has no idea of the second life her partner lives. Just as her partner is planning to propose, guess who she ends up bumping into. Immediately, her partner notices some changes within her. Tensions begin to rise, especially as her partner and YC meet. YC knows there’s something up with him, he just doesn’t know what. So he makes a few calls and discovers out about this man’s history, discovering many domestic charges, rape, and various other terrible crimes.

              This is very basic, so we can discuss what to do with the rest of the plot later.
              For Whom the Bell Tolls {Investigator x Criminal}[/u]]

              For some time MC has been working in the police force, although she loves her job she feels that she’s missing out on the more important tasks and being able to make a difference in people’s lives. Soon enough, she gets an opportunity to join the homicide team, in an instant she sweeps it up. Little does she know, a current serial killer is soon going to emerge (YC). The moment the police stumble upon the killings, they’re already a few steps behind. Bodies turn up, the heat begins to engulf them as the media goes wild; they’re under considerable pressure to figure out any way to trap the killer before he kills again.

              There’s barely any hint as to who the killer could be, no DNA evidence and limited connections from the victims. MC begins to focus all her time on the case, studying each crime scene with unmatched determination. A plan emerges in her mind; she happens to be the killer’s type, petite, blonde and rather isolated in terms of friends and family. Much to her Captain’s dismay and reluctant agreement, MC begins to plot her cunning plan to set a trap. Bait.

              We can hash out all the details. Feel free to mention a different violation of crime if you prefer! P.s I also have a variation of this plot. Such as the criminal being an ex of hers and being locked up already, then the police require his help to catch a copy cat killer of his own murders.
              More to come!
            • Sample One[/u]]

              The brunette gave a muffled sigh as she stood in the rain, the droplets trickled down her leather jacket, taunting its warmth. Her fingers curled around the hood of the old beaten fiesta and lifted it, taking a quick check. Nothing stood out. Then again, Amelia had never been good with vehicles. She knew she should have sold this car by now but it had so many memories, that old tainted blue paint job, it was just another good memory. Raising her right arm, she brushed away the leather sleeve to notice the time, she cursed audibly. Her first job with a new partner and she was already running late let alone getting to the scene. Not willing to waste any more time Amelia stepped out into the road, hailing a passing cab. There was nothing more embarrassing than turning up at a crime scene in a cab but what else could she do?

              Amelia spotted the luminescent police issued lights flashing in the distance as they drew close. “Thanks you can stop here.” The driver pulled over swiftly, Amelia leaned in and passed him a note and insisted he kept the change. She slowly stepped from the cab. She was dressed in her usual suit, navy with a crisp white shirt. Her brown curls were tied up in a bun. As she drew near to the scene a few officers made their way toward her, she pulled her badge from her waistband and showed it to them. “FBI.” One woman smiled, “Your partner is already inside, watch your step.” Amelia nodded and made her way in from around the back.

              Amelia made her way into the barn and immediately saw a body propped up against a wall that divided the barn. She knelt down, carefully surveying the floor beneath her, there wasn’t any blood or evidence to step in. As she leaned in she noticed how the body seemed slumped as if she’d been thrown, it was likely she’d been moved. The body was pasty white, it seemed a few days old. The right eye socket was covered in blood, dried and crackled along the curve of her cheek. The right eye had been completely removed, there seemed to be no marks along the socket to suggest an implement was used. Amelia sighed softly as she gazed down the body. Various slashes were made, a couple of centimeters deep, the flesh pulling away from the body somewhat.

              It was horrific. The body seemed positioned in a provocative manner, her legs apart. Amelia wondered if this was for the killer or for the police, either way it was an insult to this young woman. Standing slowly, she began to check around the wreckage of a barn, maybe she could find the place where she would have been killed. As she walked through the doorway she caught sight of another body, with an FBI agent nearby, no doubt her partner. “There’s another body back there,” She called out. As she took a look at the body hanging before them she felt a rage well up inside her. This is why she took the route she did, to catch sick fucks that did this to innocent victims.

              At first glance she took note of how much blood remained, cold and dried all over the corpse. Amelia caught a glance of flesh torn from the body, glimpses of bone echoed through the horrific sight. She particularly noticed the missing flesh of the female’s left breast. What kind of killer would remove her breast? Maybe a cannibal? If they were picking which pieces to eat. It was all speculation, she wouldn’t be able to assume much until she’d checked the whole place out, found other bodies if there were any. It was only when she drew her attention away from the body that she noticed who her new partner was. A curse echoed in her mind, Gabriel. She’d finally landed a high profile case and here he was.

              Amelia wasn’t fond of her new partner in the least. He was fairly good in the sheets but that was about it, she wouldn’t choose to work for him. “Funny bumping into you here.” She murmured, placing her hands on her hips. “I suppose you’re my new partner then.” What were the odds of a random casual night partner being an FBI agent working in the same area as you, minimal at the most; “Agents, you’re going to want to see this,” A voice called from outside the barn. Amelia didn’t wait for his reply as she made her way out, carefully stepping away from the crime scene to ensure she didn’t contaminate evidence.

              One of the officers led Amelia outside into the barren field that covered at least four acres. He nodded toward a figure on a cross. “Right there,” He murmured, making his way back. The brunette carefully made her way over the harsh stones and mud to find a body that had been tied up on a cross, much like a scarecrow would be. The wounds were similar to the other two, various slashes and flesh missing from the corpse. Both eyes were removed, the skin was incredibly pale, almost a blue-ish tint. In this weather, she wasn’t surprised. She placed her hands on her hips as she scoped out the scene. Why were there three bodies in contrasting situations? Maybe the killer was attempting to improve their skills or find their method. Whatever it was, Amelia couldn’t deny it was disturbing. In each situation the victim was displayed in a vulnerable and humiliating position. There was one thing she knew about the killer, they wanted to be in charge.

              As she was about to leave to head back toward the barn she caught a flash of a vision. The young woman on the cross was dragged out, all the way through the dirt and stones which cut and dirtied her feet. She was held up by ropes, they cut into her skin as she fought. A hand took a knife and sliced her, calmly, carefully; in control. They watched the blood trickle from her wounds down her abdomen before cutting further. At the last moment they cut a piece from her chest, revealing the woman’s lungs, the bones became a center piece as the killer began to remove certain organs. Amelia gagged softly as she phased back to normality. It was only then that she noticed the ribs, they were dirtied in blood.

              Amelia made her way back toward the barn, shaking off the vision. She’d been having them since she had taken up the job, she couldn’t explain what they truly were or if it was even real; it could be an over active imagination. Amelia wasn’t the kind of person to give into abnormality, there needed to be a logical explanation for everything. That’s why her occasional nights of passion worked so well. She had a tough job, she needed a night of fun and she arranged it, no strings, no commitments.

              Once she reached the barn she shifted her weight, hands crossed across her chest. “We’ve got a real sick fuck here,” She murmured to Gabriel, “It’s like the killer was trying to perfect his style, usually this happens over more time than what these bodies appear as. Maybe he doesn’t have much time left…” She trailed off, what else would cause a killer to rush his progress?
            • Sample Two[/u]]

              Amelia glanced up, watching Gabriel. She was all too keen to see the hunger over his features, she wanted him to feel the desperation just as much as she did. She had no doubt he would attempt to punish her, in some way or form. Yet it only encouraged her further, the mere thought of him breaking through her tight sheath, ravaging her until she was raw; it was all intoxicating. There had never been a man that she had craved as much as him, that much was clear. Here she lay, in the middle of dirt, sharp rocks and damp leaves all because she needed him. Amelia didn’t just want him inside her, she craved for it, needed it above all things. When she was with him, she felt safe. Despite their rough antics, she knew they were safe to do such things to one another. He gave her the chance to unleash that dark side she’d always fought down.

              It didn’t seem Gabriel was willing to wait long. Amelia glanced up as she felt a reasonable amount of pressure on her shoulders, the heat of Gabriel’s body soon warming her own as he forced her down into the dirt. “There’s my beast,” Her voice was a low growl, her hunger for him seeped from every word. Her head rolled back slightly as his hand came forward, she angled it so he had more room over her throat. Just the feeling of his strong grip against her throat caused her body to demand more. It was never enough until he was inside of her. “I want that fucking hard cock of yours,” Amelia snapped in return, all too desperate to have him, right then.

              As if her prayers were answered, she felt a sharp pain sting throughout her core. A loud moan escaped from her as she felt him within her, his words only encouraging her hips to buck against him. “You want me to scream your name?” The blonde demanding bucked her hips up, forcing him further within her, the feeling of pain soon subsided as her slick liquid coated him. “I don’t want you to ever pull out,” Her tone was determined, she meant every word. “I want you to fuck me every day, all day,” her words came out in small gasps as she clenched her sheath around him. “God, you’re so fucking handsome,” It was only then that she snapped her fingers around his arm, digging her nails into the flesh as she shoved his grip from her throat. In one movement, she rose herself up and pushed her palms against his chest. They disconnected for a moment before she straddled his lap, forcing him down into her as she began to thrust.

              Coarse moans escaped from her as she pressed her body to his, her tight peaks pressing against his chest as she thrust, god he felt incredible. Every inch of him, every fucking delightful, mind-blowing inch of him. Now that she had some control, Amelia slipped her arms around his neck, one slipping up into his hair to grip into the strands to tug his head to the side. Her lips immediately found his neck, kissing hastily against his skin before her teeth clamped down roughly on the unmarked skin. Oh she was going to make sure he was hers, she would mark him as he did her.

              “I want you to always be mine, always.” She hissed coldly against his ear, despite her harsh tone it was clear there was something more beneath. “I want to ride this cock whenever I please,” Her lips locked onto his earlobe, her teeth grazing against the skin. Amelia made sure she was close, her moans and soft gasps no doubt filling his mind.
            • Sample Three[/u]]

              The very moment she heard that word escape him, wife, Isobel couldn’t help but gaze toward Anthony. The title was an odd one for her, not only because they weren’t married but simply because she’d never even considered being married. Being a wife had never really entered her mind. And here a handsome, wealthy man sat, asking her to be his wife. And of course, he wished more than pretending. Isobel hoped he didn’t mean legally, even if the money was amazing, she would never take that step lightly. However, she was more than certain she could make him believe she was his wife. If this was any other situation, Isobel would outright refuse the job. Since he was incredibly alluring, and for an unknown period, it made some sense to be a slightly more intimate job. Living together would most likely just be a start.

              The blonde eased in the space next to her husband, rather content with knowing that so far, she was earning some brownie points. “You’re welcome,” Her tone was rather soft and tender. As he explained a few other of his desires, Isobel couldn’t help but swallow hard. Her body already heating with every passing moment. It had been a long, long time since she had been hired by someone with similar interests. The blonde couldn’t remember the last time she’d been involved with anyone that made her body tingle with anticipation. Every single thing he listed caused her abdomen to clench in a stir of heat. Her gaze swiftly caught on to the movement in his arms, noticing the way his muscles bulged against his suit with a simple crossing of his arms. No doubt he had power in that clearly, well looked after body of his. Isobel was curious to see exactly what he was hiding under the expensive fabric.

              Isobel paused, seeing a glimmer of warmth behind his gaze. The female mirrored his warmth, feeling rather appreciated. Isobel allowed herself to laugh, a true, warm and bubbly sound ebbed from her as soon as she saw his face change. Oh it was rather amusing to say the least, she had to have some fun with him, right? If they were going to be pretend to be married, he’d need to learn she had a more playful side. The female soon turned her body toward his, her chin resting in her palm as she listened intently to what he was saying. A slight blush rose to her cheeks, warming her flawless, fairly pale features. “I did have a rather big crush on you.” A slow smirk rippled at her lips, “I remember during lunch, I’d watch you over at your lunch table. I guess I wasn’t as skillful at admiring men as I thought I was.” She glanced down for a moment, as if wishing to break the thought. This was a business deal, not a high school reunion and certainly not a fantasy.

              It seemed that what he was saying made sense, rather than the devil you know. Or knew. There was definitely some comfort in knowing that this handsome man was her high school crush. Isobel wouldn’t dare admit that her crush lasted longer than most, it was actually there for the majority of her time in school. The instant his hand touched her thigh the female took a slow, deep breath. The heat from his hand sent a warmth pooling within her, slowly, her long dark lashes began to drift down, soon snapping up as she heard his voice bring her back to focus. Upon his request, Isobel rose. In a rather taunting manner she brushed her legs past his as she made her way over toward the cabinet. Once she returned, she settled on the couch with the contract in hand. As the female crossed her legs, her calf brushed lightly against his shin. Isobel was all too aware of what she was doing.

              The blonde rummaged through her purse, grabbing a small hard case and popped it open. The female slid on a pair of thick black rimmed glasses as she began to look over the contract. “That’s a lot of money,” She breathed softly as she began to scan through the wording of the contract. Isobel may not be well educated academically, but she knew a few things. As he asked for her answer, the female couldn’t help but allow a warm, flirtatious smirk to cross her lips. “Tell me, Anthony, does this contract come with the rings?” How could she deny the deal? Sure, he was asking a lot, but this kind of offer didn’t come along. Not only was he handsome, familiar and clearly paying more than any client would ever usually pay; Isobel found herself being incredibly aroused by him. The suit, the way he spoke, the desires he had. So what if it wasn’t something she’d done before, when did she ever get the chance to be with someone she desired in such a way as well as earning more money than she could dream of?

              As Isobel took a pen from her purse she debated over the choice for a moment before signing her name in a long, cursive line. “I should also mention that I don’t have sex without protection. I always use condoms.” She glanced toward him, “I assume you’re not the kind to want to use them. I’ll make an appointment with the doctor.” Her gaze locked with his for a moment before a slight smirk rippled across her lips as she handed the papers over to him. “So, sweetheart, what would you like me to begin with?” Her tone was tender and compliant, her gaze already sweeping over him. A thought did cross her mind, what would happen if she disobeyed him? The blonde removed the glasses, slipping them into the case and into her purse before she turned her full attention back to her… Well, husband. It felt surreal to be sitting there with one of the first and biggest crushes she’d had, only to be hired as his wife among other things.

              Isobel couldn’t help but bite gently at her lower lip as she watched over her boss, various ideas of how they could spend their time filled her mind. It was needless to say her body began to react in an expected manner, arousal peaking as she watched him. “Shall I run you a hot bath?” The idea of seeing him among the steaming suds was incredibly alluring, so much so that she had to ask. Usually, Isobel would be dreading the moment she had to give the client extra, yet here she was hinting at it.
            Current Thread Role Plays (Examples of my current writing & style changes. You get what you give, quality wise).[/u]][/color]

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RE: Survival of the Fittest. {Bite Me} MxF

Bump. Only one or two more, some plans have fallen through!
RE: Craving detailed, dramatic, sensual, and vicious stories. {mxf}

Taking a few more, selectively.
RE: Craving detailed, dramatic, sensual, and vicious stories. {mxf}

Still looking for a few.
RE: Craving detailed, dramatic, sensual, and vicious stories. {mxf}

Selectively taking on one or two more.
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