Damsel in distress and more rp ideas (PM or Thread)

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Dec 15, 2016
In my Own Little World
SETTINGS: The setting for most if not all of my story ideas will be in our present day. Mainly because that is what I am most familiar with. That doesn't mean I am unwilling to write in other settings. However, the least setting I can 'picture' is science-fiction/futuristic. So if you have an idea that is best suited for that setting, if I like the idea I'd be willing to write in that setting BUT you'll be the one mainly describing this sci-fi or futuristic world (at least in the beginning).

ALL OF MY CHARACTERS ARE STRAIGHT FEMALES, NO EXCEPTIONS. Also I prefer my character to be younger than your male or at least the same age. (Sorry, but do not want to role play an aunt, mother, or step-mother. Nor do I want to RP playing a female character old enough to be your male character's mom or aunt. And before you ask, no I won't change my mind about that.)

Most of my story/rp ideas my female character will be a young adult in her twenties or at the youngest 18 or 19. I do have a few ideas where she will be a teenager age 15 or 16 (lean more towards 16 because I usually like her to have her drivers license, etc otherwise she'd be 15 but with her 16th birthday not far away).

At the moment the majority of my ideas involve heartbreak, secret admirer, crushes, and of course romance. But also currently have a basic idea that would involve my female character being rescued. Oh oh, before I forget I LOVE THE PARANORMAL! Just thought I'd throw that in in case you think any of my suggested, present day, rp/story ideas sound boring. Meaning, I would be willing to change them, so long as the suggested change doesn't turn it into a smut story with little to no romance.

KINKS: I don't really have any, probably because I think more about the story than the sex scenes. I'm pretty 'vanilla', have no interest in BDSM, sex toys, gross stuff, also a no to my character being a sex slave or pet. No to gross stuff, tentacles, etc .. No to my female character being old enough to be your character's mom, or aunt. No to mother/son and aunt/nephew. No to bestiality. No to my female dominating your male. I'm not into play a slave, pet, or submissive either. Though it really depends on the kind of story we decide to write.

Basically, except for what I had listed as a 'no' I'm fine with, but I'll be editing this post so might add more 'no's' later. I promise I'll tell you immediately if I discover through our role-play that I was wrong, and something I either wasn't sure would make me uncomfortable or something I assumed I would be comfortable with had made me uncomfortable. You will be the first to know, or rather the second, 'cause obviously I'd be the first :s

BROTHER & SISTER: Of course I'd be RPing the younger sister. Or they could be the same age (which would obviously mean they are twins). When it comes to brother and sister incest role play, I would prefer if my character could either be your HALF-Sister, Step-sister, Foster-Sister or Adopted-Sister. My character could also just be so close to you and your family that she'd always just 'felt' like a sister to you (until something happened or you noticed something about her that you think of her differently). Obviously 'half-sister' would mean that only one of your parents are also hers. Example we both have the same father, but not the same mother. If we decide to be the same age (meaning we're twins), I'd prefer if they didn't grow up together. Their parents divorced while they were toddlers and you lived and were raised by Dad, and my character lived and was raised by their Mom.

COUSINS: Our characters are related, but it's not like they're brother and sister :p Regardless of whether or not we are cousins by blood, adoption, or by marriage I was thinking that because our characters are cousins and not brother and sister that most wouldn't think their being together is such a big deal. In fact, maybe they know at least one married couple who are cousins. Maybe their parents or another relative or friend could have put the idea into their heads that they are 'perfect for each other' etc..

BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND: Obviously you would be playing my brother's best friend. Lots of ideas could go under this pairing. Basically, my character is your best friend's younger sister. Ages: she could be no more than 6 years younger than you both or only a few years younger, but basically I was thinking that -if you met her when she was a teenager- that she hadn't been your type at all. Maybe she was a shy book-worm type with glasses and dark hair, and your type had always been busty blond cheer leaders, for example. OR your character deliberately became friends with her older brother because he had a thing for her, BUT her older brother wasn't as clueless as you'd thought and you discovered he'd guessed the real reason you'd been coming around. The two of you really had become best friends and reluctantly you didn't make a move on his younger sister because of your friendship .. until .. the day your best friend looked at you for a long moment and in an obviously serious voice said, "You're running out of time, buddy, if you want my sister you're going to have to do something, and soon, because I think her idiot boyfriend is going to propose to her on her birthday." Maybe you thought he'd suggested you do something because of how much he hated his sister's boyfriend, until he added, "Besides, if I have to have a brother-in-law, I'd rather it be you."

I'm sure you can probably think of more 'best friend's sister' ideas.


BLIND DATE: Friends or relatives have set us up on a blind date. You know the usual blind date RP which I've always liked. We could decide in pm where we'd want it to go, like after they meet do they remember that they had already met some years back? Or are they really strangers meeting for the first time? etc..

I was also thinking that 'Blind Date' could also be the name of a dating program, that was meant to be more for fun and laughs than serious hookups. BUT the rules are that you go out with whoever the computer randomly chooses for you. And the computer chose my female character as your date -which you are not happy about. You know of her crush on you and the last thing you wanted was to encourage it. But rules are rules, and if you don't go through with the date everyone will want to know why, especially her, and you don't want to embarrass her in front of everyone. Though it's obvious to you that she has a crush on you, you don't let on that you know because she's pretending that she doesn't. That is you thought she was acting. By the end of the date you're glad that the computer had set you two up and the next day decide that you want to ask her out again. However, your sister, who is friends with the girl lets it slip that that girl the computer chose for you didn't have a crush on you at all, and she hadn't been pretending that she didn't have a crush on you. You are use to women being crazy about you and this is new. So of course you want to ask her out again and really use your charm to win her over, make her fall for you hard, but in the process you end up falling for her.

STRANGERS MEETING: We just happen to meet in a public place. Maybe we literally bump into each other at the mall, grocery store or even better at an amusement park. Both of us are are not alone when we meet. You are already on a date, the girl you're with isn't your girlfriend, she's nothing serious just a date, but my character is there with her boyfriend. But the moment we literally, accidentally bump into each other there is a physical 'spark'. Well, can't really describe what it felt like for you (because he's your character, I'll leave that up to you :) ), but for my character it felt as if she'd been struck by lightning, the 'spark' was that overwhelming, but was nothing compared to how she felt when she made eye contact with you. For her, in that moment the world had stopped, everyone else disappeared and she'd suddenly lost the ability to breathe. But the world and everyone else in it immediately returned as her boyfriend, who had a firm grip on her hand, pulled her through the crowd and further and further away from you. Are you really going to let your soul mate get away? (I have an idea that this could be 'paranormal' if you like. Maybe he is a vampire or werewolf and he's been looking for his soul-mate for a very long time. Or we could leave the paranormal out of it and keep it a sweet old-fashioned love-at-first-sight story. Either is fine with me.)

NEIGHBORS: I'm sure we could think of plenty for 'neighbors'. But here's one idea: She's 21 and you're older say 29? (old enough that you could still see her as 'a naive girl' but not nearly old enough that you could be her parent.) BOTH of you know each other pretty well when we start. You were hired by her wealthy parents to 'keep an eye' on her, because unknown to the girl she's adopted. Her real parents being royalty. (Or famous celebrities.) Her real parents have been receiving death threats, not to themselves. It's their daughter that they had adopted out that is in danger. That means that someone had discovered that the baby girl the media had reported as having died 22 years ago, they know is alive.
The apartment is a run down one, the couple that raised her and loved her as their own of course hadn't had as much money as her birth parents but they hadn't been poor either. However, the girl gave new meaning to the word 'do-gooder'. Volunteering at homeless shelter and soup kitchen. You and your closest friends, co-workers, have done their research and it seems the girl is too trusting for her own good. Your job is not just to protect her, it's bring her home to her real birth parents. Unfortunately, she doesn't believe you when you tell her who she really is and who her birth parents really are and refuses to leave with you.




DAMSEL IN DISTRESS: In a public place. Maybe we literally bump into each other at the mall, grocery store or even better at an amusement park. You are there with a friend whom you also work with. Just casually walking through the crowd when we literally bump into each other. There is an instant physical attraction, an electricity like nothing you've experienced before and we both just 'know'. She recognizes you, and the look on her face is one of surprise, that quickly turns to fear as a man you first assume is her husband or boyfriend roughly grabs her arm and pulls her through the crowd and further and further away from where you are standing. You and your friend realize that she's in trouble and you both go after them. Because my character has lost sight of you, she doesn't know that you're following and she screams your name all the while trying to get away from her ex-boyfriend who is dragging her towards a red pickup truck. As soon as you hear her voice you suddenly realize who she is. You know her through her brother, you've gone on many dangerous missions with her older brother and you use to listen to her voice when he'd play the tapes she'd send. The girl had sent her brother just as many tape recordings as she had sent cards and letters with photos. Apparently, in order for her to recognize you and know your name, her brother must have told her about you shortly before he died on the job the previous year.
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