Believe In Me. (Ursa & Angel-Chan) (Naruto)


Dec 14, 2016
For Kiba

Name: Tempest Hachiko
Age: 16
Height: 4'9

FOr Itachi

Name: Chisa
Age: 17
Height: 5'1


Name: Asami Hoitsugo
Age: 20
Height: 5'2


Name: Yomi Kurosawa
Age: 18
Height: 5'0
(Im going to do the Childhood one for Kiba Ok?)


The morning light seeped into the room and on top of her eyelids making her face contort in discomfort of the brightness and the fact that she was woken up from her slumber. She groaned softly turning her head and placed her arm over her eyes and breathed out deeply. Usually Tempest would easily get up in the morning but today she didn't feel like getting up at all and the main reason is...She has to train with team seven. Now don't get her wrong, she loves the sweet yet shy Hinata and the mysterious Shino. It was that damned Inuzuka boy Kiba. He has been annoying since the day she met him with his 'wolves are lame! dogs are much cooler' and it just continued to get worse and worse to the point where she can't even be in the same room with him before they would start arguing.

Enough of that, she moved her arm off her face and lifted up her body which felt like lead and it wanted to refuse but it is a ninja's job to get stronger and train to protect their village. Plus then Kiba would call her a lazy quitter. She huffed at the thought as she furrowed her brows. "I would kick his butt if he ever said that" She mumbled to herself jumping off her bed with a bit more motivation now. She decided to push those thoughts out of her brain and began to get dressed into her outfit for training which was simply a jacket vest that was cream colored and fuzzy with fake white fur around the hood of it along with her skirt that was white and was just above her knees with a pair of black shorts under it. Hey a girl can still be cute when training right? She then leaned down to put on her ninja boots like sandles and slowly zipped them up and afterward she wiggled her toes and giggled a little and honestly she had no clue why that amused her so. She leaned up and worked on her hair.

She put it up in a nice ponytail before heading out her door and soon reaching the training field. Her eyes scanned the area and tilted her head a little. "Huh? Did i come to early?" She muttered out loud to herself.


This was in fact the most dangerous mission this young ninja has ever experienced and at such a age. Chisa let out a soft breath and she hid on a tree against the trunk which slightly scratched her back. They were to retrieve a special document which is important to a client which begged the hokage to send for it. Who would of thought it was all a trap? Pink strands of of clung to her forehead from the sweat that formed upon her skin. Her heart pounded against her chest wondering where her teammates were and if they were ok and if the enemy was near still.

She slowly looked around unsure if it was a good idea to move along and try to get to a safer area. She moved slightly causing the tree branch to creak ever so slightly and the next thing she knew, the branch gave up on her,snapping off the trunk and with a squeal her body hit the cold hard ground with a thump and a sharp pain that ran up the length of her leg making her face scrunch up in pain from landing on it wrong and the fact that her head had also made contact to the ground making her see black spots in her vision. "Over there!" She heard a voice. Her vision was blurry and she was slowly losing consciousness unable to stay awake. This must be the end huh? Her last thoughts before she passed out was hoping that in some miracle she would get out of this alive.


Yellow, predator like eyes fluttered open as the man awoke from his deep sleep within the warmth of his blankets and bed, but it was different somehow now. Another's warmth accompanies his own inside those blankets and it was new for him of course. He never thought that he was going to marry someone. His back was turned to her but he slowly turned in bed a bit worried to wake her. This certainly was unnatural for the snake like Sannin. He was unsure on what he should do at this point though since he was not really experienced in this marriage stuff and he wondered if now they had to change how they acted with each other or if anything changed.

He stared at her peaceful sleeping face which strands of silky black hair covered some of her face which made a thought come to him but he didn't know if he even should try to move them out of her face...He was so confused with himself and he did not understand this awkwardness all the sudden! it was so easy before so why does he now have the nervous jitters? He mentally argued with himself as he stared at her face which he did not realize he was doing.

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