Have Google Hangouts and a few hours to spare? Then why not make me cum! (FxM)

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Mar 20, 2016
Hi-hi!! I'm Molly! It's nice to meet you!

I'll make this quick? If possible, I'd love to get started as soon as possible! I'm very horny and I'm looking for some action! Also thank you very much for checking out this thread, even if you decide it isn't for you!

Hard limits are the usual - vore, bathroom, degradation etc etc, although sadly, I'm also not into anal, and, indeed, find it kind of a turn off.

Still here? No, probably not, but if you are still here, you have google hangouts, ad you've got a couple of hours to give me, then please do read on!

What I'm looking for is a very specific corruption plot with light fantasy elements, wherein you play a dark king of some sort (a tyrant, sorcerer, devil king etc), who finds himself in need (or desire) of a wife. However, he is already in love with a noble daughter from a neighboring kingdom. Who is engaged to someone else, happily. Also, she's on the side of good and hates you.
But since you're evil, you don't care, so you have her kidnapped and brought to you. You love her. You love her so much that it doesn't matter if she doesn't love you back. You can change that.
And this is where the RP starts - you, the lord of darkness, have a girl here whom you love more than life itself (as in, actually love), and who you also find so attractive that you want to have your way with her body morning, noon, and night. You know that, despite being on the side of good, she has occasionally been tempted by darker urges. You that she loves this other man - a good man - and that he loves her.
But you are the lord of darkness, so the RP is a ceremony, a dark ritual, where you use your magic to corrupt her. You take away her morals (other than loyalty and love. She needs to love you and be loyal to you) and you corrupt them; you warp her and taint her, you feed her darkness, rebuild whole sections of her, and rewrite her memories to your whim. You take this girl you love, a noble from the house of light, and you literally take apart her mind and rebuild her, throwing out what you don't like and adding what you do, until she is your perfect queen of darkness.
You do this using words at first, spells, enchantments, but never touching her. You wait. You have to corrupt her fully. Your semen entering her womb will make the curses permanent, but only if she willingly lets you inside her. Once you've corrupted her to about 75%, then you can start touching her. Then you can claim her body as you corrupt her mind that last 25%. Never stopping until she says she loves you.

... I might have masturbated writing that. I also might have cum.


...For details on my character, see here...

Her name is Silence, and she's usually seventeen years old (but will be eighteen here). She's about 5"7, with chalk-pale skin and an elegant, doll-like face. She has long, dark lashes and bright violet irises, and her hair is a dark purple-black that reaches her shoulders in a vaguely hime-cut bob. She has a waifish-hourglass build for the most part, with delicate-looking limbs and flowing sequence of slightly-larger-than-average breasts, a slightly-thinner-than-average waist, and slightly-larger-than-average hips. Her fingernails and toenails are usually painted black.
She's quite a meek, quiet girl by nature. She doesn't really speak to people much, and spends almost all her time indoors, either reading, playing the violin, or painting. She doesn't make friends very easily however, due to a difficulty in understanding the way in which other people emote, but she is, at her core, a very sweet girl, who is nothing but selfless and giving to the few friends that she does have. She is also immensely loyal, and fiercely protective, and will do anything to protect those she cares about. Thusly, she can be quite callous at times, especially to those who have hurt people she cares for in the past, and she can also be quite clingy and jealous, although she never voices these feelings, and considers herself immoral for even having them.
Her sexuality is harder to pin down, and to most, she is flatly asexual. However, once she has fallen in love, it's like a switch has been flipped, and not only is she pretty much exclusively sexually attracted to that one person, she is also very easily turned on by them, and is a frequent masturbator, as a result. It doesn't matter on the gender though, and she would be just as sexually interested in a female lover as a male one. One the one hand, she'd enjoy playing with the breasts of a female lover - especially if they're big, like she is (Silence is a D-cup) - and having the favor returned to her, but on the other hand, she's also a bit of a size queen, and so a particularly well-endowed male lover hitting, or even gently penetrating, her cervix would be divine.

The plan is, however, to warp and change most of that second paragraph. The plan is to take this shy, meek girl and turn her completely evil. Make her the queen of darkness. Rewrite her memories, turn her virtues (other than love and devotion) into vices, amplify and draw out her lust, etc etc. For your character to completely destroy who she was and rebuild - remold her - reforge her into their perfect queen. To not just make her lust after them, but love them. Basically make her a new woman, but with the same killer body and whatever traits your character fell in love with and elected to carry over.


See? This really turns me on. Will anyone do it with me? Please? I plan it to be short (I plan to one-shot it, with your help), but I'd be open to extending it after? Maybe after he's married her, he wishes to show her off at the next inter-kingdom treaty ball?


Thank you for reading this, and I sincerely hope you can help me <3
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